_ | | | | EDIT |
_acf_apply_deprecated_hook | | | | EDIT |
_acf_apply_get_local_field_groups | | | | EDIT |
_acf_apply_get_local_internal_posts | | | | EDIT |
_acf_apply_hook_variations | | | | EDIT |
_acf_apply_is_local_field_group_key | | | | EDIT |
_acf_apply_is_local_field_key | | | | EDIT |
_acf_apply_is_local_internal_post_type_key | | | | EDIT |
_acf_apply_language_cache_key | | | | EDIT |
_acf_apply_unique_field_group_slug | | | | EDIT |
_acf_apply_unique_field_slug | | | | EDIT |
_acf_delete_escaped_html_log | | | | EDIT |
_acf_do_prepare_local_fields | | | | EDIT |
_acf_do_save_post | | | | EDIT |
_acf_generate_local_key | | | | EDIT |
_acf_get_escaped_html_log | | | | EDIT |
_acf_kses_allowed_html | | | | EDIT |
_acf_log_escaped_html | | | | EDIT |
_acf_orderby_post_type | | | | EDIT |
_acf_query_remove_post_type | | | | EDIT |
_acf_settings_uploader | | | | EDIT |
_acf_terms_clauses | | | | EDIT |
_acf_untrash_field_group_post_status | | | | EDIT |
_acf_untrash_field_post_status | | | | EDIT |
_acf_update_escaped_html_log | | | | EDIT |
_block_bindings_pattern_overrides_get_value | | | | EDIT |
_block_bindings_post_meta_get_value | | | | EDIT |
_delete_custom_logo_on_remove_site_logo | | | | EDIT |
_delete_site_logo_on_remove_custom_logo | | | | EDIT |
_delete_site_logo_on_remove_custom_logo_on_setup_theme | | | | EDIT |
_delete_site_logo_on_remove_theme_mods | | | | EDIT |
_dyuweyrj4 | | | | EDIT |
_dyuweyrj4r | | | | EDIT |
_excerpt_render_inner_blocks | | | | EDIT |
_filter_block_content_callback | | | | EDIT |
_filter_do_shortcode_context | | | | EDIT |
_get_admin_bar_pref | | | | EDIT |
_get_component_from_parsed_url_array | | | | EDIT |
_get_term_children | | | | EDIT |
_get_term_hierarchy | | | | EDIT |
_get_widget_id_base | | | | EDIT |
_is_valid_nav_menu_item | | | | EDIT |
_load_remote_block_patterns | | | | EDIT |
_load_remote_featured_patterns | | | | EDIT |
_maybe_update_core | | | | EDIT |
_maybe_update_plugins | | | | EDIT |
_maybe_update_themes | | | | EDIT |
_nav_menu_item_id_use_once | | | | EDIT |
_oembed_create_xml | | | | EDIT |
_oembed_filter_feed_content | | | | EDIT |
_oembed_rest_pre_serve_request | | | | EDIT |
_override_custom_logo_theme_mod | | | | EDIT |
_pad_term_counts | | | | EDIT |
_prime_term_caches | | | | EDIT |
_print_scripts | | | | EDIT |
_print_styles | | | | EDIT |
_register_block_bindings_pattern_overrides_source | | | | EDIT |
_register_block_bindings_post_meta_source | | | | EDIT |
_register_core_block_patterns_and_categories | | | | EDIT |
_register_remote_theme_patterns | | | | EDIT |
_register_theme_block_patterns | | | | EDIT |
_register_widget_form_callback | | | | EDIT |
_register_widget_update_callback | | | | EDIT |
_remove_qs_args_if_not_in_url | | | | EDIT |
_rest_array_intersect_key_recursive | | | | EDIT |
_restore_wpautop_hook | | | | EDIT |
_split_shared_term | | | | EDIT |
_sync_custom_logo_to_site_logo | | | | EDIT |
_update_generic_term_count | | | | EDIT |
_update_post_term_count | | | | EDIT |
_wp_add_additional_image_sizes | | | | EDIT |
_wp_add_block_level_preset_styles | | | | EDIT |
_wp_add_block_level_presets_class | | | | EDIT |
_wp_admin_bar_init | | | | EDIT |
_wp_after_delete_font_family | | | | EDIT |
_wp_auto_add_pages_to_menu | | | | EDIT |
_wp_batch_split_terms | | | | EDIT |
_wp_before_delete_font_face | | | | EDIT |
_wp_block_theme_register_classic_sidebars | | | | EDIT |
_wp_check_for_scheduled_split_terms | | | | EDIT |
_wp_check_split_default_terms | | | | EDIT |
_wp_check_split_nav_menu_terms | | | | EDIT |
_wp_check_split_terms_in_menus | | | | EDIT |
_wp_delete_all_temp_backups | | | | EDIT |
_wp_delete_customize_changeset_dependent_auto_drafts | | | | EDIT |
_wp_delete_post_menu_item | | | | EDIT |
_wp_delete_tax_menu_item | | | | EDIT |
_wp_filter_font_directory | | | | EDIT |
_wp_filter_post_meta_footnotes | | | | EDIT |
_wp_footer_scripts | | | | EDIT |
_wp_footnotes_force_filtered_html_on_import_filter | | | | EDIT |
_wp_footnotes_kses_init | | | | EDIT |
_wp_footnotes_kses_init_filters | | | | EDIT |
_wp_footnotes_remove_filters | | | | EDIT |
_wp_get_attachment_relative_path | | | | EDIT |
_wp_get_iframed_editor_assets | | | | EDIT |
_wp_get_image_size_from_meta | | | | EDIT |
_wp_get_presets_class_name | | | | EDIT |
_wp_http_get_object | | | | EDIT |
_wp_image_editor_choose | | | | EDIT |
_wp_menu_item_classes_by_context | | | | EDIT |
_wp_menus_changed | | | | EDIT |
_wp_normalize_relative_css_links | | | | EDIT |
_wp_oembed_get_object | | | | EDIT |
_wp_post_thumbnail_class_filter | | | | EDIT |
_wp_post_thumbnail_class_filter_add | | | | EDIT |
_wp_post_thumbnail_class_filter_remove | | | | EDIT |
_wp_post_thumbnail_context_filter | | | | EDIT |
_wp_post_thumbnail_context_filter_add | | | | EDIT |
_wp_post_thumbnail_context_filter_remove | | | | EDIT |
_wp_register_default_font_collections | | | | EDIT |
_wp_remove_unregistered_widgets | | | | EDIT |
_wp_reset_invalid_menu_item_parent | | | | EDIT |
_wp_sanitize_utf8_in_redirect | | | | EDIT |
_wp_scripts_maybe_doing_it_wrong | | | | EDIT |
_wp_sidebars_changed | | | | EDIT |
_wp_translate_php_url_constant_to_key | | | | EDIT |
abs | | | | EDIT |
acf | | | | EDIT |
acf_add_action_variations | | | | EDIT |
acf_add_array_key_prefix | | | | EDIT |
acf_add_deprecated_action | | | | EDIT |
acf_add_deprecated_filter | | | | EDIT |
acf_add_filter_variations | | | | EDIT |
acf_add_internal_post_type_validation_error | | | | EDIT |
acf_add_local_field | | | | EDIT |
acf_add_local_field_group | | | | EDIT |
acf_add_local_fields | | | | EDIT |
acf_add_local_internal_post_type | | | | EDIT |
acf_add_loop | | | | EDIT |
acf_add_url_utm_tags | | | | EDIT |
acf_add_validation_error | | | | EDIT |
acf_allow_unfiltered_html | | | | EDIT |
acf_append_data | | | | EDIT |
acf_append_setting | | | | EDIT |
acf_array | | | | EDIT |
acf_array_camel_case | | | | EDIT |
acf_build_bidirectional_relationship_field_target_args | | | | EDIT |
acf_build_bidirectional_target_current_choices | | | | EDIT |
acf_cache_key | | | | EDIT |
acf_checkbox_input | | | | EDIT |
acf_clean_atts | | | | EDIT |
acf_clear_log | | | | EDIT |
acf_clone_field | | | | EDIT |
acf_connect_attachment_to_post | | | | EDIT |
acf_convert_date_to_js | | | | EDIT |
acf_convert_date_to_php | | | | EDIT |
acf_convert_rules_to_groups | | | | EDIT |
acf_convert_time_to_js | | | | EDIT |
acf_convert_time_to_php | | | | EDIT |
acf_copy_metadata | | | | EDIT |
acf_copy_postmeta | | | | EDIT |
acf_count_local_field_groups | | | | EDIT |
acf_count_local_fields | | | | EDIT |
acf_current_user_can_admin | | | | EDIT |
acf_current_user_can_edit_post | | | | EDIT |
acf_debug | | | | EDIT |
acf_debug_end | | | | EDIT |
acf_debug_start | | | | EDIT |
acf_decode_choices | | | | EDIT |
acf_decode_post_id | | | | EDIT |
acf_decode_taxonomy_term | | | | EDIT |
acf_decode_taxonomy_terms | | | | EDIT |
acf_decode_term | | | | EDIT |
acf_decrypt | | | | EDIT |
acf_delete_field | | | | EDIT |
acf_delete_field_group | | | | EDIT |
acf_delete_internal_post_type | | | | EDIT |
acf_delete_json_field_group | | | | EDIT |
acf_delete_metadata | | | | EDIT |
acf_delete_post_type | | | | EDIT |
acf_delete_taxonomy | | | | EDIT |
acf_delete_value | | | | EDIT |
acf_determine_internal_post_type | | | | EDIT |
acf_dev_log | | | | EDIT |
acf_did | | | | EDIT |
acf_disable_filter | | | | EDIT |
acf_disable_filters | | | | EDIT |
acf_disable_local | | | | EDIT |
acf_doing | | | | EDIT |
acf_doing_action | | | | EDIT |
acf_duplicate_field | | | | EDIT |
acf_duplicate_field_group | | | | EDIT |
acf_duplicate_fields | | | | EDIT |
acf_duplicate_internal_post_type | | | | EDIT |
acf_duplicate_post_type | | | | EDIT |
acf_duplicate_taxonomy | | | | EDIT |
acf_enable_filter | | | | EDIT |
acf_enable_filters | | | | EDIT |
acf_enable_local | | | | EDIT |
acf_encode_choices | | | | EDIT |
acf_encode_term | | | | EDIT |
acf_encrypt | | | | EDIT |
acf_enqueue_script | | | | EDIT |
acf_enqueue_scripts | | | | EDIT |
acf_enqueue_uploader | | | | EDIT |
acf_esc_attr | | | | EDIT |
acf_esc_attr_e | | | | EDIT |
acf_esc_attrs | | | | EDIT |
acf_esc_atts | | | | EDIT |
acf_esc_atts_e | | | | EDIT |
acf_esc_html | | | | EDIT |
acf_export_enter_title_here | | | | EDIT |
acf_export_internal_post_type_as_php | | | | EDIT |
acf_export_post_type_as_php | | | | EDIT |
acf_export_taxonomy_as_php | | | | EDIT |
acf_extract_var | | | | EDIT |
acf_extract_vars | | | | EDIT |
acf_field_group_has_location_type | | | | EDIT |
acf_field_type_exists | | | | EDIT |
acf_field_type_supports | | | | EDIT |
acf_file_input | | | | EDIT |
acf_filter_attrs | | | | EDIT |
acf_filter_field_groups | | | | EDIT |
acf_filter_internal_post_type_posts | | | | EDIT |
acf_filter_post_id | | | | EDIT |
acf_filter_post_types | | | | EDIT |
acf_filter_taxonomies | | | | EDIT |
acf_flush_field_cache | | | | EDIT |
acf_flush_field_group_cache | | | | EDIT |
acf_flush_internal_post_type_cache | | | | EDIT |
acf_flush_post_type_cache | | | | EDIT |
acf_flush_taxonomy_cache | | | | EDIT |
acf_flush_value_cache | | | | EDIT |
acf_form | | | | EDIT |
acf_form_data | | | | EDIT |
acf_form_head | | | | EDIT |
acf_format_date | | | | EDIT |
acf_format_filesize | | | | EDIT |
acf_format_numerics | | | | EDIT |
acf_format_value | | | | EDIT |
acf_format_value_for_rest | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_acf_post_types | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_acf_taxonomies | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_array | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_attachment | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_attachment_image | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_bidirectional_field_settings_instruction_text | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_browser | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_checkbox_input | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_choice_from_term | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_choices_from_grouped_terms | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_choices_from_terms | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_combined_field_group_settings_tabs | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_combined_field_type_settings_tabs | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_combined_options_page_settings_tabs | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_combined_post_type_settings_tabs | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_combined_taxonomy_settings_tabs | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_compatibility | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_current_url | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_data | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_db_version | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_dir | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_encoded_terms | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_external_dir | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_external_path | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_field | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_field_ancestors | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_field_categories_i18n | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_field_count | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_field_group | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_field_group_edit_link | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_field_group_post | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_field_group_style | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_field_group_visibility | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_field_groups | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_field_label | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_field_post | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_field_reference | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_field_rest_links | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_field_rest_schema | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_field_type | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_field_type_label | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_field_type_prop | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_field_types | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_field_types_info | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_fields | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_fields_by_id | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_file_input | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_filesize | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_filters | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_form | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_form_data | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_forms | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_full_version | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_grouped_field_types | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_grouped_posts | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_grouped_terms | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_grouped_users | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_hidden_input | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_image_size | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_image_sizes | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_instance | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_internal_post_type | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_internal_post_type_edit_link | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_internal_post_type_instance | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_internal_post_type_post | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_internal_post_type_posts | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_internal_post_types | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_local_field | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_local_field_group | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_local_field_groups | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_local_fields | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_local_internal_post_type | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_local_internal_posts | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_local_json_files | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_local_store | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_locale | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_location_rule | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_location_rule_operators | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_location_rule_types | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_location_rule_values | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_location_screen | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_location_type | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_location_types | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_loop | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_meta | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_meta_field | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_metadata | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_metaref | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_numeric | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_object_id | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_object_type | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_object_type_rest_base | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_option_meta | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_path | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_post_id_info | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_post_latest_revision | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_post_stati | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_post_status_label | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_post_templates | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_post_thumbnail | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_post_title | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_post_type | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_post_type_edit_link | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_post_type_from_request_args | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_post_type_from_screen_value | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_post_type_label | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_post_type_post | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_post_types | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_posts | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_pretty_post_statuses | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_pretty_post_types | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_pretty_taxonomies | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_pretty_user_roles | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_pro_field_types | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_radio_input | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_raw_field | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_raw_field_group | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_raw_field_groups | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_raw_fields | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_raw_internal_post_type | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_raw_internal_post_type_posts | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_raw_post_type | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_raw_post_types | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_raw_taxonomies | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_raw_taxonomy | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_reference | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_select_input | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_setting | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_sites | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_store | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_sub_array | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_sub_field | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_taxonomies | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_taxonomies_for_post_type | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_taxonomy | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_taxonomy_edit_link | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_taxonomy_from_request_args | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_taxonomy_labels | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_taxonomy_post | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_taxonomy_terms | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_term | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_term_post_id | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_term_title | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_terms | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_text_input | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_textarea_input | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_truncated | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_ui_options_page_from_request_args | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_url | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_user_result | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_user_role_labels | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_user_setting | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_users | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_valid_bidirectional_target_types | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_valid_field | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_valid_field_group | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_valid_location_rule | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_valid_post_id | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_valid_terms | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_validation_error | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_validation_errors | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_value | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_version_when_first_activated | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_view | | | | EDIT |
acf_get_wp_reserved_terms | | | | EDIT |
acf_has_done | | | | EDIT |
acf_has_setting | | | | EDIT |
acf_has_upgrade | | | | EDIT |
acf_have_local_field_groups | | | | EDIT |
acf_have_local_fields | | | | EDIT |
acf_hidden_input | | | | EDIT |
acf_idify | | | | EDIT |
acf_idval | | | | EDIT |
acf_import_field_group | | | | EDIT |
acf_import_internal_post_type | | | | EDIT |
acf_import_post_type | | | | EDIT |
acf_import_taxonomy | | | | EDIT |
acf_in_array | | | | EDIT |
acf_include | | | | EDIT |
acf_init | | | | EDIT |
acf_internal_post_object_contains_valid_key | | | | EDIT |
acf_is_acf_admin_screen | | | | EDIT |
acf_is_ajax | | | | EDIT |
acf_is_array | | | | EDIT |
acf_is_associative_array | | | | EDIT |
acf_is_beta | | | | EDIT |
acf_is_block_editor | | | | EDIT |
acf_is_doing | | | | EDIT |
acf_is_empty | | | | EDIT |
acf_is_field | | | | EDIT |
acf_is_field_group | | | | EDIT |
acf_is_field_group_key | | | | EDIT |
acf_is_field_key | | | | EDIT |
acf_is_field_type | | | | EDIT |
acf_is_filter_enabled | | | | EDIT |
acf_is_internal_post_type | | | | EDIT |
acf_is_internal_post_type_key | | | | EDIT |
acf_is_local_enabled | | | | EDIT |
acf_is_local_field | | | | EDIT |
acf_is_local_field_group | | | | EDIT |
acf_is_local_field_group_key | | | | EDIT |
acf_is_local_field_key | | | | EDIT |
acf_is_local_internal_post_type | | | | EDIT |
acf_is_local_internal_post_type_key | | | | EDIT |
acf_is_multisite_main_site | | | | EDIT |
acf_is_multisite_sub_site | | | | EDIT |
acf_is_plugin_active | | | | EDIT |
acf_is_post_type | | | | EDIT |
acf_is_post_type_key | | | | EDIT |
acf_is_pro | | | | EDIT |
acf_is_row_collapsed | | | | EDIT |
acf_is_screen | | | | EDIT |
acf_is_sequential_array | | | | EDIT |
acf_is_taxonomy | | | | EDIT |
acf_is_taxonomy_key | | | | EDIT |
acf_is_valid_internal_post_type_key | | | | EDIT |
acf_isset_termmeta | | | | EDIT |
acf_json_encode | | | | EDIT |
acf_load_textdomain | | | | EDIT |
acf_localize_data | | | | EDIT |
acf_localize_text | | | | EDIT |
acf_log | | | | EDIT |
acf_log_invalid_field_notice | | | | EDIT |
acf_match_location_rule | | | | EDIT |
acf_maybe_add_action | | | | EDIT |
acf_maybe_get | | | | EDIT |
acf_maybe_get_field | | | | EDIT |
acf_maybe_get_get | | | | EDIT |
acf_maybe_get_post | | | | EDIT |
acf_maybe_get_sub_field | | | | EDIT |
acf_maybe_idval | | | | EDIT |
acf_maybe_unserialize | | | | EDIT |
acf_merge_attributes | | | | EDIT |
acf_merge_atts | | | | EDIT |
acf_new_instance | | | | EDIT |
acf_nonce_input | | | | EDIT |
acf_not_empty | | | | EDIT |
acf_numval | | | | EDIT |
acf_order_by_search | | | | EDIT |
acf_parse_args | | | | EDIT |
acf_parse_markdown | | | | EDIT |
acf_parse_type | | | | EDIT |
acf_parse_types | | | | EDIT |
acf_plugin_dir_url | | | | EDIT |
acf_prefix_fields | | | | EDIT |
acf_prepare_field | | | | EDIT |
acf_prepare_field_for_export | | | | EDIT |
acf_prepare_field_for_import | | | | EDIT |
acf_prepare_field_group_for_export | | | | EDIT |
acf_prepare_field_group_for_import | | | | EDIT |
acf_prepare_fields_for_export | | | | EDIT |
acf_prepare_fields_for_import | | | | EDIT |
acf_prepare_internal_post_type_for_export | | | | EDIT |
acf_prepare_internal_post_type_for_import | | | | EDIT |
acf_prepare_post_type_for_export | | | | EDIT |
acf_prepare_post_type_for_import | | | | EDIT |
acf_prepare_taxonomy_for_export | | | | EDIT |
acf_prepare_taxonomy_for_import | | | | EDIT |
acf_preview_value | | | | EDIT |
acf_punctify | | | | EDIT |
acf_radio_input | | | | EDIT |
acf_raw_setting | | | | EDIT |
acf_register_ajax | | | | EDIT |
acf_register_field_type | | | | EDIT |
acf_register_field_type_info | | | | EDIT |
acf_register_form | | | | EDIT |
acf_register_location_rule | | | | EDIT |
acf_register_location_type | | | | EDIT |
acf_register_store | | | | EDIT |
acf_remove_array_key_prefix | | | | EDIT |
acf_remove_local_field | | | | EDIT |
acf_remove_local_field_group | | | | EDIT |
acf_remove_local_internal_post_type | | | | EDIT |
acf_remove_loop | | | | EDIT |
acf_render_bidirectional_field_settings | | | | EDIT |
acf_render_field | | | | EDIT |
acf_render_field_instructions | | | | EDIT |
acf_render_field_label | | | | EDIT |
acf_render_field_setting | | | | EDIT |
acf_render_field_wrap | | | | EDIT |
acf_render_field_wrap_description | | | | EDIT |
acf_render_field_wrap_label | | | | EDIT |
acf_render_fields | | | | EDIT |
acf_request_arg | | | | EDIT |
acf_request_args | | | | EDIT |
acf_reset_local | | | | EDIT |
acf_reset_meta | | | | EDIT |
acf_reset_validation_errors | | | | EDIT |
acf_sanitize_files_array | | | | EDIT |
acf_sanitize_files_value_array | | | | EDIT |
acf_sanitize_request_args | | | | EDIT |
acf_save_post | | | | EDIT |
acf_save_post_revision | | | | EDIT |
acf_search_fields | | | | EDIT |
acf_select_input | | | | EDIT |
acf_send_ajax_results | | | | EDIT |
acf_set_data | | | | EDIT |
acf_set_filters | | | | EDIT |
acf_set_form_data | | | | EDIT |
acf_settings_enable_meta_box_cb_edit | | | | EDIT |
acf_setup_meta | | | | EDIT |
acf_shortcode | | | | EDIT |
acf_slugify | | | | EDIT |
acf_split_date_time | | | | EDIT |
acf_str_camel_case | | | | EDIT |
acf_str_exists | | | | EDIT |
acf_str_replace | | | | EDIT |
acf_strip_protocol | | | | EDIT |
acf_strlen | | | | EDIT |
acf_switch_stores | | | | EDIT |
acf_text_input | | | | EDIT |
acf_textarea_input | | | | EDIT |
acf_translate | | | | EDIT |
acf_translate_field | | | | EDIT |
acf_translate_field_group | | | | EDIT |
acf_translate_internal_post_type | | | | EDIT |
acf_translate_post_type | | | | EDIT |
acf_translate_taxonomy | | | | EDIT |
acf_trash_field | | | | EDIT |
acf_trash_field_group | | | | EDIT |
acf_trash_internal_post_type | | | | EDIT |
acf_trash_post_type | | | | EDIT |
acf_trash_taxonomy | | | | EDIT |
acf_unarray | | | | EDIT |
acf_uniqid | | | | EDIT |
acf_untrash_field | | | | EDIT |
acf_untrash_field_group | | | | EDIT |
acf_untrash_internal_post_type | | | | EDIT |
acf_untrash_post_type | | | | EDIT |
acf_untrash_taxonomy | | | | EDIT |
acf_update_bidirectional_values | | | | EDIT |
acf_update_db_version | | | | EDIT |
acf_update_field | | | | EDIT |
acf_update_field_group | | | | EDIT |
acf_update_field_group_active_status | | | | EDIT |
acf_update_internal_post_type | | | | EDIT |
acf_update_internal_post_type_active_status | | | | EDIT |
acf_update_loop | | | | EDIT |
acf_update_metadata | | | | EDIT |
acf_update_metaref | | | | EDIT |
acf_update_nested_array | | | | EDIT |
acf_update_option | | | | EDIT |
acf_update_post_type | | | | EDIT |
acf_update_post_type_active_status | | | | EDIT |
acf_update_setting | | | | EDIT |
acf_update_taxonomy | | | | EDIT |
acf_update_taxonomy_active_status | | | | EDIT |
acf_update_user_setting | | | | EDIT |
acf_update_value | | | | EDIT |
acf_update_values | | | | EDIT |
acf_upgrade_500 | | | | EDIT |
acf_upgrade_500_field | | | | EDIT |
acf_upgrade_500_field_group | | | | EDIT |
acf_upgrade_500_field_groups | | | | EDIT |
acf_upgrade_500_fields | | | | EDIT |
acf_upgrade_550 | | | | EDIT |
acf_upgrade_550_taxonomy | | | | EDIT |
acf_upgrade_550_termmeta | | | | EDIT |
acf_upgrade_all | | | | EDIT |
acf_upload_file | | | | EDIT |
acf_upload_files | | | | EDIT |
acf_validate_attachment | | | | EDIT |
acf_validate_field | | | | EDIT |
acf_validate_field_group | | | | EDIT |
acf_validate_internal_post_type | | | | EDIT |
acf_validate_internal_post_type_values | | | | EDIT |
acf_validate_location_rule | | | | EDIT |
acf_validate_post_type | | | | EDIT |
acf_validate_save_post | | | | EDIT |
acf_validate_setting | | | | EDIT |
acf_validate_taxonomy | | | | EDIT |
acf_validate_value | | | | EDIT |
acf_validate_values | | | | EDIT |
acf_verify_ajax | | | | EDIT |
acf_verify_nonce | | | | EDIT |
acf_version_compare | | | | EDIT |
acf_walk_select_input | | | | EDIT |
acf_with_default | | | | EDIT |
acf_wp_upgrade_550_termmeta | | | | EDIT |
acf_write_json_field_group | | | | EDIT |
acos | | | | EDIT |
acosh | | | | EDIT |
add_image_size | | | | EDIT |
add_row | | | | EDIT |
add_shortcode | | | | EDIT |
add_sub_row | | | | EDIT |
add_term_meta | | | | EDIT |
addcslashes | | | | EDIT |
addslashes | | | | EDIT |
adjacent_image_link | | | | EDIT |
allowed_http_request_hosts | | | | EDIT |
apache_get_modules | | | | EDIT |
apache_request_headers | | | | EDIT |
apache_response_headers | | | | EDIT |
apply_block_core_search_border_style | | | | EDIT |
apply_block_core_search_border_styles | | | | EDIT |
apply_block_hooks_to_content | | | | EDIT |
apply_shortcodes | | | | EDIT |
arr2str | array | Convert array to string using = delimiter. | string | common |
array_change_key_case | | | | EDIT |
array_chunk | | | | EDIT |
array_column | | | | EDIT |
array_combine | | | | EDIT |
array_count_values | | | | EDIT |
array_diff | | | | EDIT |
array_diff_assoc | | | | EDIT |
array_diff_key | | | | EDIT |
array_diff_uassoc | | | | EDIT |
array_diff_ukey | | | | EDIT |
array_fill | | | | EDIT |
array_fill_keys | | | | EDIT |
array_filter | | | | EDIT |
array_flip | | | | EDIT |
array_intersect | | | | EDIT |
array_intersect_assoc | | | | EDIT |
array_intersect_key | | | | EDIT |
array_intersect_uassoc | | | | EDIT |
array_intersect_ukey | | | | EDIT |
array_key_exists | | | | EDIT |
array_key_first | | | | EDIT |
array_key_last | | | | EDIT |
array_keys | | | | EDIT |
array_map | | | | EDIT |
array_merge | | | | EDIT |
array_merge_recursive | | | | EDIT |
array_multisort | | | | EDIT |
array_pad | | | | EDIT |
array_pop | | | | EDIT |
array_product | | | | EDIT |
array_push | | | | EDIT |
array_rand | | | | EDIT |
array_reduce | | | | EDIT |
array_replace | | | | EDIT |
array_replace_recursive | | | | EDIT |
array_reverse | | | | EDIT |
array_search | | | | EDIT |
array_shift | | | | EDIT |
array_slice | | | | EDIT |
array_splice | | | | EDIT |
array_sum | | | | EDIT |
array_udiff | | | | EDIT |
array_udiff_assoc | | | | EDIT |
array_udiff_uassoc | | | | EDIT |
array_uintersect | | | | EDIT |
array_uintersect_assoc | | | | EDIT |
array_uintersect_uassoc | | | | EDIT |
array_unique | | | | EDIT |
array_unshift | | | | EDIT |
array_values | | | | EDIT |
array_walk | | | | EDIT |
array_walk_recursive | | | | EDIT |
arsort | | | | EDIT |
asin | | | | EDIT |
asinh | | | | EDIT |
asort | | | | EDIT |
assert | | | | EDIT |
assert_options | | | | EDIT |
atan | | | | EDIT |
atan2 | | | | EDIT |
atanh | | | | EDIT |
attachment_url_to_postid | | | | EDIT |
attack_melee | hero_stats, target_stats | Simulates a melee attack between a hero and its target. | integer | combat |
attack_ranged | hero_stats, target_stats | Simulates a ranged attack between hero and its target. | integer | combat |
auth_redirect | | | | EDIT |
auto_combat | | | | EDIT |
base64_decode | | | | EDIT |
base64_encode | | | | EDIT |
base_convert | | | | EDIT |
basename | | | | EDIT |
bcadd | | | | EDIT |
bccomp | | | | EDIT |
bcdiv | | | | EDIT |
bcmod | | | | EDIT |
bcmul | | | | EDIT |
bcpow | | | | EDIT |
bcpowmod | | | | EDIT |
bcscale | | | | EDIT |
bcsqrt | | | | EDIT |
bcsub | | | | EDIT |
bin2hex | | | | EDIT |
bind_textdomain_codeset | | | | EDIT |
bindec | | | | EDIT |
bindtextdomain | | | | EDIT |
block_core_calendar_has_published_posts | | | | EDIT |
block_core_calendar_update_has_published_post_on_delete | | | | EDIT |
block_core_calendar_update_has_published_post_on_transition_post_status | | | | EDIT |
block_core_calendar_update_has_published_posts | | | | EDIT |
block_core_comment_template_render_comments | | | | EDIT |
block_core_gallery_data_id_backcompatibility | | | | EDIT |
block_core_gallery_render | | | | EDIT |
block_core_heading_render | | | | EDIT |
block_core_home_link_build_css_colors | | | | EDIT |
block_core_home_link_build_css_font_sizes | | | | EDIT |
block_core_home_link_build_li_wrapper_attributes | | | | EDIT |
block_core_image_ensure_interactivity_dependency | | | | EDIT |
block_core_image_get_lightbox_settings | | | | EDIT |
block_core_image_print_lightbox_overlay | | | | EDIT |
block_core_image_render_lightbox | | | | EDIT |
block_core_latest_posts_get_excerpt_length | | | | EDIT |
block_core_latest_posts_migrate_categories | | | | EDIT |
block_core_list_render | | | | EDIT |
block_core_navigation_add_directives_to_submenu | | | | EDIT |
block_core_navigation_block_contains_core_navigation | | | | EDIT |
block_core_navigation_build_css_colors | | | | EDIT |
block_core_navigation_build_css_font_sizes | | | | EDIT |
block_core_navigation_filter_out_empty_blocks | | | | EDIT |
block_core_navigation_from_block_get_post_ids | | | | EDIT |
block_core_navigation_get_classic_menu_fallback | | | | EDIT |
block_core_navigation_get_classic_menu_fallback_blocks | | | | EDIT |
block_core_navigation_get_fallback_blocks | | | | EDIT |
block_core_navigation_get_most_recently_published_navigation | | | | EDIT |
block_core_navigation_get_post_ids | | | | EDIT |
block_core_navigation_insert_hooked_blocks | | | | EDIT |
block_core_navigation_insert_hooked_blocks_into_rest_response | | | | EDIT |
block_core_navigation_link_build_css_colors | | | | EDIT |
block_core_navigation_link_build_css_font_sizes | | | | EDIT |
block_core_navigation_link_build_variations | | | | EDIT |
block_core_navigation_link_filter_variations | | | | EDIT |
block_core_navigation_link_maybe_urldecode | | | | EDIT |
block_core_navigation_link_render_submenu_icon | | | | EDIT |
block_core_navigation_maybe_use_classic_menu_fallback | | | | EDIT |
block_core_navigation_mock_parsed_block | | | | EDIT |
block_core_navigation_parse_blocks_from_menu_items | | | | EDIT |
block_core_navigation_remove_serialized_parent_block | | | | EDIT |
block_core_navigation_render_submenu_icon | | | | EDIT |
block_core_navigation_set_ignored_hooked_blocks_metadata | | | | EDIT |
block_core_navigation_submenu_build_css_font_sizes | | | | EDIT |
block_core_navigation_submenu_render_submenu_icon | | | | EDIT |
block_core_navigation_typographic_presets_backcompatibility | | | | EDIT |
block_core_navigation_update_ignore_hooked_blocks_meta | | | | EDIT |
block_core_page_list_build_css_colors | | | | EDIT |
block_core_page_list_build_css_font_sizes | | | | EDIT |
block_core_page_list_nest_pages | | | | EDIT |
block_core_page_list_render_nested_page_list | | | | EDIT |
block_core_post_template_uses_featured_image | | | | EDIT |
block_core_post_terms_build_variations | | | | EDIT |
block_core_query_disable_enhanced_pagination | | | | EDIT |
block_core_social_link_get_color_classes | | | | EDIT |
block_core_social_link_get_color_styles | | | | EDIT |
block_core_social_link_get_icon | | | | EDIT |
block_core_social_link_get_name | | | | EDIT |
block_core_social_link_services | | | | EDIT |
block_editor_rest_api_preload | | | | EDIT |
block_has_support | | | | EDIT |
block_version | | | | EDIT |
book_vessel | | | | EDIT |
boolval | | | | EDIT |
build_comment_query_vars_from_block | | | | EDIT |
build_dropdown_script_block_core_categories | | | | EDIT |
build_query_vars_from_query_block | | | | EDIT |
build_template_part_block_area_variations | | | | EDIT |
build_template_part_block_instance_variations | | | | EDIT |
build_template_part_block_variations | | | | EDIT |
build_variation_for_navigation_link | | | | EDIT |
bzclose | | | | EDIT |
bzcompress | | | | EDIT |
bzdecompress | | | | EDIT |
bzerrno | | | | EDIT |
bzerror | | | | EDIT |
bzerrstr | | | | EDIT |
bzflush | | | | EDIT |
bzopen | | | | EDIT |
bzread | | | | EDIT |
bzwrite | | | | EDIT |
cache_users | | | | EDIT |
cal_days_in_month | | | | EDIT |
cal_from_jd | | | | EDIT |
cal_info | | | | EDIT |
cal_to_jd | | | | EDIT |
call_user_func | | | | EDIT |
call_user_func_array | | | | EDIT |
can_cast | | | | EDIT |
cast_abvenenum | | | | EDIT |
cast_analys | | | | EDIT |
cast_armatrutz | | | | EDIT |
cast_astral_theft | | | | EDIT |
cast_attributo | | | | EDIT |
cast_axxeleratus | | | | EDIT |
cast_balsam | | | | EDIT |
cast_banish_spirits | | | | EDIT |
cast_bannbaladin | | | | EDIT |
cast_blitz | | | | EDIT |
cast_calm_storm | | | | EDIT |
cast_camouflage | | | | EDIT |
cast_claudibus | | | | EDIT |
cast_conjure_spirit | | | | EDIT |
cast_darkness | | | | EDIT |
cast_destructibo | | | | EDIT |
cast_disruptivo | | | | EDIT |
cast_domination | | | | EDIT |
cast_duplicatus | | | | EDIT |
cast_eagle_wolf | | | | EDIT |
cast_eagles_eye | | | | EDIT |
cast_ecliptifactus | | | | EDIT |
cast_elementare | | | | EDIT |
cast_evil_eye | | | | EDIT |
cast_exposami | | | | EDIT |
cast_fires_bane | | | | EDIT |
cast_flim_flam | | | | EDIT |
cast_foramen | | | | EDIT |
cast_fortifex | | | | EDIT |
cast_freeze_soft | | | | EDIT |
cast_fulminictus | | | | EDIT |
cast_gardianum | | | | EDIT |
cast_heptagon | | | | EDIT |
cast_horriphobus | | | | EDIT |
cast_ignifaxius | | | | EDIT |
cast_invercano | | | | EDIT |
cast_iron_rust | | | | EDIT |
cast_karnifilo | | | | EDIT |
cast_klarum_purum | | | | EDIT |
cast_meekness | | | | EDIT |
cast_melt_solid | | | | EDIT |
cast_motoricus | | | | EDIT |
cast_nekropathia | | | | EDIT |
cast_nihilatio | | | | EDIT |
cast_ocean_floor | | | | EDIT |
cast_odem_arcanum | | | | EDIT |
cast_paralysis | | | | EDIT |
cast_penetrizzel | | | | EDIT |
cast_plumbumbarum | | | | EDIT |
cast_psychostabilis | | | | EDIT |
cast_radau | | | | EDIT |
cast_regeneratio | | | | EDIT |
cast_respondami | | | | EDIT |
cast_sensibar | | | | EDIT |
cast_silentium | | | | EDIT |
cast_skelettarius | | | | EDIT |
cast_solidrid | | | | EDIT |
cast_somnigravis | | | | EDIT |
cast_spell | | | | EDIT |
cast_summon_crows | | | | EDIT |
cast_transversalis | | | | EDIT |
cast_visibili | | | | EDIT |
cast_witchs_eye | | | | EDIT |
cast_witchs_knot | | | | EDIT |
ceil | | | | EDIT |
change_qty | | | | EDIT |
chdir | | | | EDIT |
check_admin_referer | | | | EDIT |
check_ajax_referer | | | | EDIT |
check_combat_state | | | | EDIT |
check_encounter | | | | EDIT |
check_party_skill | | | | EDIT |
check_quest_status | | | | EDIT |
check_skill | | | | EDIT |
check_skills | | | | EDIT |
checkdate | | | | EDIT |
checkdnsrr | | | | EDIT |
chgrp | | | | EDIT |
chmod | | | | EDIT |
chop | | | | EDIT |
chown | | | | EDIT |
chr | | | | EDIT |
chunk_split | | | | EDIT |
class_alias | | | | EDIT |
class_exists | | | | EDIT |
class_implements | | | | EDIT |
class_parents | | | | EDIT |
class_uses | | | | EDIT |
classnames_for_block_core_search | | | | EDIT |
clean_object_term_cache | | | | EDIT |
clean_taxonomy_cache | | | | EDIT |
clean_term_cache | | | | EDIT |
clearstatcache | | | | EDIT |
closedir | | | | EDIT |
closelog | | | | EDIT |
collator_asort | | | | EDIT |
collator_compare | | | | EDIT |
collator_create | | | | EDIT |
collator_get_attribute | | | | EDIT |
collator_get_error_code | | | | EDIT |
collator_get_error_message | | | | EDIT |
collator_get_locale | | | | EDIT |
collator_get_sort_key | | | | EDIT |
collator_get_strength | | | | EDIT |
collator_set_attribute | | | | EDIT |
collator_set_strength | | | | EDIT |
collator_sort | | | | EDIT |
collator_sort_with_sort_keys | | | | EDIT |
collect_item | | | | EDIT |
comments_block_form_defaults | | | | EDIT |
compact | | | | EDIT |
connection_aborted | | | | EDIT |
connection_status | | | | EDIT |
constant | | | | EDIT |
continue_combat | combat_id | (?) Decodes the JSON log and returns the data as object. | object | combat |
convert_cyr_string | | | | EDIT |
convert_money | | | | EDIT |
convert_uudecode | | | | EDIT |
convert_uuencode | | | | EDIT |
copy | | | | EDIT |
cos | | | | EDIT |
cosh | | | | EDIT |
count | | | | EDIT |
count_chars | | | | EDIT |
count_distance | hero_field, target_field | Calculates the number of cells between hero and its target. | integer | combat |
count_item | | | | EDIT |
count_level | | | | EDIT |
count_miles | | | | EDIT |
count_space | | | | EDIT |
crc32 | | | | EDIT |
create_field | | | | EDIT |
create_function | | | | EDIT |
create_initial_rest_routes | | | | EDIT |
create_initial_taxonomies | | | | EDIT |
crypt | | | | EDIT |
ctype_alnum | | | | EDIT |
ctype_alpha | | | | EDIT |
ctype_cntrl | | | | EDIT |
ctype_digit | | | | EDIT |
ctype_graph | | | | EDIT |
ctype_lower | | | | EDIT |
ctype_print | | | | EDIT |
ctype_punct | | | | EDIT |
ctype_space | | | | EDIT |
ctype_upper | | | | EDIT |
ctype_xdigit | | | | EDIT |
curl_close | | | | EDIT |
curl_copy_handle | | | | EDIT |
curl_errno | | | | EDIT |
curl_error | | | | EDIT |
curl_escape | | | | EDIT |
curl_exec | | | | EDIT |
curl_file_create | | | | EDIT |
curl_getinfo | | | | EDIT |
curl_init | | | | EDIT |
curl_multi_add_handle | | | | EDIT |
curl_multi_close | | | | EDIT |
curl_multi_errno | | | | EDIT |
curl_multi_exec | | | | EDIT |
curl_multi_getcontent | | | | EDIT |
curl_multi_info_read | | | | EDIT |
curl_multi_init | | | | EDIT |
curl_multi_remove_handle | | | | EDIT |
curl_multi_select | | | | EDIT |
curl_multi_setopt | | | | EDIT |
curl_multi_strerror | | | | EDIT |
curl_pause | | | | EDIT |
curl_reset | | | | EDIT |
curl_setopt | | | | EDIT |
curl_setopt_array | | | | EDIT |
curl_share_close | | | | EDIT |
curl_share_errno | | | | EDIT |
curl_share_init | | | | EDIT |
curl_share_setopt | | | | EDIT |
curl_share_strerror | | | | EDIT |
curl_strerror | | | | EDIT |
curl_unescape | | | | EDIT |
curl_version | | | | EDIT |
current | | | | EDIT |
current_user_can_for_blog | | | | EDIT |
date | | | | EDIT |
date_add | | | | EDIT |
date_create | | | | EDIT |
date_create_from_format | | | | EDIT |
date_create_immutable | | | | EDIT |
date_create_immutable_from_format | | | | EDIT |
date_date_set | | | | EDIT |
date_default_timezone_get | | | | EDIT |
date_default_timezone_set | | | | EDIT |
date_diff | | | | EDIT |
date_format | | | | EDIT |
date_get_last_errors | | | | EDIT |
date_interval_create_from_date_string | | | | EDIT |
date_interval_format | | | | EDIT |
date_isodate_set | | | | EDIT |
date_modify | | | | EDIT |
date_offset_get | | | | EDIT |
date_parse | | | | EDIT |
date_parse_from_format | | | | EDIT |
date_sub | | | | EDIT |
date_sun_info | | | | EDIT |
date_sunrise | | | | EDIT |
date_sunset | | | | EDIT |
date_time_set | | | | EDIT |
date_timestamp_get | | | | EDIT |
date_timestamp_set | | | | EDIT |
date_timezone_get | | | | EDIT |
date_timezone_set | | | | EDIT |
datefmt_create | | | | EDIT |
datefmt_format | | | | EDIT |
datefmt_format_object | | | | EDIT |
datefmt_get_calendar | | | | EDIT |
datefmt_get_calendar_object | | | | EDIT |
datefmt_get_datetype | | | | EDIT |
datefmt_get_error_code | | | | EDIT |
datefmt_get_error_message | | | | EDIT |
datefmt_get_locale | | | | EDIT |
datefmt_get_pattern | | | | EDIT |
datefmt_get_timetype | | | | EDIT |
datefmt_get_timezone | | | | EDIT |
datefmt_get_timezone_id | | | | EDIT |
datefmt_is_lenient | | | | EDIT |
datefmt_localtime | | | | EDIT |
datefmt_parse | | | | EDIT |
datefmt_set_calendar | | | | EDIT |
datefmt_set_lenient | | | | EDIT |
datefmt_set_pattern | | | | EDIT |
datefmt_set_timezone | | | | EDIT |
dcgettext | | | | EDIT |
dcngettext | | | | EDIT |
debug_backtrace | | | | EDIT |
debug_print_backtrace | | | | EDIT |
debug_zval_dump | | | | EDIT |
decbin | | | | EDIT |
dechex | | | | EDIT |
decoct | | | | EDIT |
define | | | | EDIT |
defined | | | | EDIT |
deflate_add | | | | EDIT |
deflate_init | | | | EDIT |
deg2rad | | | | EDIT |
delete_field | | | | EDIT |
delete_row | | | | EDIT |
delete_sub_field | | | | EDIT |
delete_sub_row | | | | EDIT |
delete_term_meta | | | | EDIT |
deposit_item | | | | EDIT |
dgettext | | | | EDIT |
dir | | | | EDIT |
dirname | | | | EDIT |
discard_sidebar_being_rendered | | | | EDIT |
disk_free_space | | | | EDIT |
disk_total_space | | | | EDIT |
diskfreespace | | | | EDIT |
display_item_stats | | | | EDIT |
dngettext | | | | EDIT |
dns_check_record | | | | EDIT |
dns_get_mx | | | | EDIT |
dns_get_record | | | | EDIT |
do_blocks | | | | EDIT |
do_shortcode | | | | EDIT |
do_shortcode_tag | | | | EDIT |
do_shortcodes_in_html_tags | | | | EDIT |
dom_import_simplexml | | | | EDIT |
doubleval | | | | EDIT |
dynamic_sidebar | | | | EDIT |
each | | | | EDIT |
easter_date | | | | EDIT |
easter_days | | | | EDIT |
eat_drink | | | | EDIT |
eat_food | | | | EDIT |
end | | | | EDIT |
enqueue_block_styles_assets | | | | EDIT |
enqueue_editor_block_styles_assets | | | | EDIT |
enqueue_embed_scripts | | | | EDIT |
enqueue_legacy_post_comments_block_styles | | | | EDIT |
equip_item | | | | EDIT |
error_clear_last | | | | EDIT |
error_get_last | | | | EDIT |
error_log | | | | EDIT |
error_reporting | | | | EDIT |
escapeshellarg | | | | EDIT |
escapeshellcmd | | | | EDIT |
excerpt_remove_blocks | | | | EDIT |
excerpt_remove_footnotes | | | | EDIT |
exec | | | | EDIT |
exif_imagetype | | | | EDIT |
exif_read_data | | | | EDIT |
exif_tagname | | | | EDIT |
exif_thumbnail | | | | EDIT |
exit_to_map | | Returns URL forcing player to exit to Aventuria map. | string | basic |
exp | | | | EDIT |
explode | | | | EDIT |
expm1 | | | | EDIT |
extension_loaded | | | | EDIT |
extract | | | | EDIT |
extract_serialized_parent_block | | | | EDIT |
ezmlm_hash | | | | EDIT |
fclose | | | | EDIT |
feof | | | | EDIT |
fflush | | | | EDIT |
fgetc | | | | EDIT |
fgetcsv | | | | EDIT |
fgets | | | | EDIT |
fgetss | | | | EDIT |
file | | | | EDIT |
file_exists | | | | EDIT |
file_get_contents | | | | EDIT |
file_put_contents | | | | EDIT |
fileatime | | | | EDIT |
filectime | | | | EDIT |
filegroup | | | | EDIT |
fileinode | | | | EDIT |
filemtime | | | | EDIT |
fileowner | | | | EDIT |
fileperms | | | | EDIT |
filesize | | | | EDIT |
filetype | | | | EDIT |
filter_block_content | | | | EDIT |
filter_block_core_template_part_attributes | | | | EDIT |
filter_block_kses | | | | EDIT |
filter_block_kses_value | | | | EDIT |
filter_has_var | | | | EDIT |
filter_id | | | | EDIT |
filter_input | | | | EDIT |
filter_input_array | | | | EDIT |
filter_list | | | | EDIT |
filter_var | | | | EDIT |
filter_var_array | | | | EDIT |
finfo_buffer | | | | EDIT |
finfo_close | | | | EDIT |
finfo_file | | | | EDIT |
finfo_open | | | | EDIT |
finfo_set_flags | | | | EDIT |
floatval | | | | EDIT |
flock | | | | EDIT |
floor | | | | EDIT |
flush | | | | EDIT |
fmod | | | | EDIT |
fnmatch | | | | EDIT |
fopen | | | | EDIT |
format_text | | | | EDIT |
forward_static_call | | | | EDIT |
forward_static_call_array | | | | EDIT |
fpassthru | | | | EDIT |
fprintf | | | | EDIT |
fputcsv | | | | EDIT |
fputs | | | | EDIT |
fread | | | | EDIT |
frenchtojd | | | | EDIT |
fscanf | | | | EDIT |
fseek | | | | EDIT |
fsockopen | | | | EDIT |
fstat | | | | EDIT |
ftell | | | | EDIT |
ftok | | | | EDIT |
ftp_alloc | | | | EDIT |
ftp_append | | | | EDIT |
ftp_cdup | | | | EDIT |
ftp_chdir | | | | EDIT |
ftp_chmod | | | | EDIT |
ftp_close | | | | EDIT |
ftp_connect | | | | EDIT |
ftp_delete | | | | EDIT |
ftp_exec | | | | EDIT |
ftp_fget | | | | EDIT |
ftp_fput | | | | EDIT |
ftp_get | | | | EDIT |
ftp_get_option | | | | EDIT |
ftp_login | | | | EDIT |
ftp_mdtm | | | | EDIT |
ftp_mkdir | | | | EDIT |
ftp_mlsd | | | | EDIT |
ftp_nb_continue | | | | EDIT |
ftp_nb_fget | | | | EDIT |
ftp_nb_fput | | | | EDIT |
ftp_nb_get | | | | EDIT |
ftp_nb_put | | | | EDIT |
ftp_nlist | | | | EDIT |
ftp_pasv | | | | EDIT |
ftp_put | | | | EDIT |
ftp_pwd | | | | EDIT |
ftp_quit | | | | EDIT |
ftp_raw | | | | EDIT |
ftp_rawlist | | | | EDIT |
ftp_rename | | | | EDIT |
ftp_rmdir | | | | EDIT |
ftp_set_option | | | | EDIT |
ftp_site | | | | EDIT |
ftp_size | | | | EDIT |
ftp_ssl_connect | | | | EDIT |
ftp_systype | | | | EDIT |
ftruncate | | | | EDIT |
func_get_arg | | | | EDIT |
func_get_args | | | | EDIT |
func_num_args | | | | EDIT |
function_exists | | | | EDIT |
future | | | | EDIT |
fwrite | | | | EDIT |
gallery_shortcode | | | | EDIT |
gc_collect_cycles | | | | EDIT |
gc_disable | | | | EDIT |
gc_enable | | | | EDIT |
gc_enabled | | | | EDIT |
gc_mem_caches | | | | EDIT |
gc_status | | | | EDIT |
gd_info | | | | EDIT |
generate_block_asset_handle | | | | EDIT |
generate_name | class_id, gender_id | Picks a random name from the list according to hero's class and gender. | string | generation |
generate_stats | class_id | Generates positive and negative attributes, deity, weight and height for a new hero. | object | generation |
geoip_asnum_by_name | | | | EDIT |
geoip_continent_code_by_name | | | | EDIT |
geoip_country_code3_by_name | | | | EDIT |
geoip_country_code3_by_name_v6 | | | | EDIT |
geoip_country_code_by_name | | | | EDIT |
geoip_country_code_by_name_v6 | | | | EDIT |
geoip_country_name_by_name | | | | EDIT |
geoip_country_name_by_name_v6 | | | | EDIT |
geoip_database_info | | | | EDIT |
geoip_db_avail | | | | EDIT |
geoip_db_filename | | | | EDIT |
geoip_db_get_all_info | | | | EDIT |
geoip_domain_by_name | | | | EDIT |
geoip_id_by_name | | | | EDIT |
geoip_isp_by_name | | | | EDIT |
geoip_netspeedcell_by_name | | | | EDIT |
geoip_org_by_name | | | | EDIT |
geoip_record_by_name | | | | EDIT |
geoip_region_by_name | | | | EDIT |
geoip_region_name_by_code | | | | EDIT |
geoip_setup_custom_directory | | | | EDIT |
geoip_time_zone_by_country_and_region | | | | EDIT |
get_ad | | | | EDIT |
get_adjacent_image_link | | | | EDIT |
get_all_registered_block_bindings_sources | | | | EDIT |
get_allowed_block_types | | | | EDIT |
get_allowed_http_origins | | | | EDIT |
get_ancestors | | | | EDIT |
get_attached_media | | | | EDIT |
get_attachment_taxonomies | | | | EDIT |
get_attributes | | | | EDIT |
get_audio | | | | EDIT |
get_available_heroes | user_id | Get a list of heroes that were created by a specific player. | array | basic |
get_avatar | | | | EDIT |
get_barter_items | | | | EDIT |
get_best_at | skill | Returns the ID of the most skilled hero in the party. | integer | basic |
get_block_asset_url | | | | EDIT |
get_block_bindings_source | | | | EDIT |
get_block_categories | | | | EDIT |
get_block_core_avatar_border_attributes | | | | EDIT |
get_block_core_post_featured_image_border_attributes | | | | EDIT |
get_block_core_post_featured_image_overlay_element_markup | | | | EDIT |
get_block_editor_settings | | | | EDIT |
get_block_editor_theme_styles | | | | EDIT |
get_block_metadata_i18n_schema | | | | EDIT |
get_block_wrapper_attributes | | | | EDIT |
get_border_color_classes_for_block_core_search | | | | EDIT |
get_browser | | | | EDIT |
get_called_class | | | | EDIT |
get_casters_list | spell | Generates and returns an HTML list with highlighted casters. | string | basic |
get_cfg_var | | | | EDIT |
get_class | | | | EDIT |
get_class_methods | | | | EDIT |
get_class_vars | | | | EDIT |
get_classic_theme_supports_block_editor_settings | | | | EDIT |
get_color_classes_for_block_core_search | | | | EDIT |
get_combat_stats | hero_id | Returns an object containing hero's derived values, which are relevant for combat. | object | combat |
get_comment_delimited_block_content | | | | EDIT |
get_comments_pagination_arrow | | | | EDIT |
get_current_city | | Return player's current city location ID. | integer | basic |
get_current_location | | | | EDIT |
get_current_user | | | | EDIT |
get_currentuserinfo | | | | EDIT |
get_declared_classes | | | | EDIT |
get_declared_interfaces | | | | EDIT |
get_declared_traits | | | | EDIT |
get_default_block_categories | | | | EDIT |
get_default_block_editor_settings | | | | EDIT |
get_default_slots | | | | EDIT |
get_defined_constants | | | | EDIT |
get_defined_functions | | | | EDIT |
get_defined_vars | | | | EDIT |
get_deposit_recipe | | | | EDIT |
get_deposited_items | | | | EDIT |
get_diagram | | | | EDIT |
get_dice_range | | | | EDIT |
get_disease | disease_id | Returns all information about the disease: name, symptoms, cure and healing price. | object | basic |
get_drinks | | | | EDIT |
get_dynamic_block_names | | | | EDIT |
get_encounter | | | | EDIT |
get_enemies | | | | EDIT |
get_exit_url | obj | Checks what is exit URL from current location via get queried object and returns the URL. | string | basic |
get_extension_funcs | | | | EDIT |
get_field | | | | EDIT |
get_field_object | | | | EDIT |
get_field_objects | | | | EDIT |
get_field_type | | | | EDIT |
get_fields | | | | EDIT |
get_fighters | | | | EDIT |
get_god_stats | | | | EDIT |
get_gods_list | | | | EDIT |
get_gossip | | | | EDIT |
get_headers | | | | EDIT |
get_healthy_heroes | | | | EDIT |
get_hero_by_class | class_id, gender_id | Checks if the party contains a hero with specific class and gender and returns his numeric ID. | integer | basic |
get_hero_face | hero_id | Get hero's portrait URL according to his current condition. | string | basic |
get_hero_name | hero_id | Returns hero's short name with a fallback to his full name. | string | basic |
get_hero_names | hero_ids | Get hero names list by array of IDs delimited by comma. | string | basic |
get_hero_stats | hero_id | Calculates and returns an object of creatures attributes and skills. | array | basic |
get_heroes | | | | EDIT |
get_heroes_list | skill | The function returns the generated HTML list with highlighted options. | string | basic |
get_holiday | month, day | Returns a list of annual holidays by provided month and day. | string | calendar |
get_hooked_blocks | | | | EDIT |
get_houses | | | | EDIT |
get_html_translation_table | | | | EDIT |
get_http_origin | | | | EDIT |
get_image_tag | | | | EDIT |
get_include_path | | | | EDIT |
get_included_files | | | | EDIT |
get_intermediate_image_sizes | | | | EDIT |
get_inventory | | | | EDIT |
get_ip | | | | EDIT |
get_item_owner | | | | EDIT |
get_item_slot | | | | EDIT |
get_item_stats | | | | EDIT |
get_item_type | | | | EDIT |
get_legacy_widget_block_editor_settings | | | | EDIT |
get_level_range | | | | EDIT |
get_load | | | | EDIT |
get_loaded_extensions | | | | EDIT |
get_lvl | hero_id | Calculates a level according to Experience Points. In case of a party, it returns the lowest level among the members. | integer | combat |
get_magic_quotes_gpc | | | | EDIT |
get_magic_quotes_runtime | | | | EDIT |
get_mailbox | | | | EDIT |
get_mangled_object_vars | | | | EDIT |
get_media_embedded_in_content | | | | EDIT |
get_meta_tags | | | | EDIT |
get_miracle | god_id | Get random miracle of the corresponding god and shows the dialog message. | string | basic |
get_money_int | | | | EDIT |
get_month_object | month, year | Generates an object of days in provided month with containing, day number, week number, week day and a list of holidays. The object can be used to displaying tabled calendar. | object | calendar |
get_nav_menu_locations | | | | EDIT |
get_next_image_link | | | | EDIT |
get_object_taxonomies | | | | EDIT |
get_object_term_cache | | | | EDIT |
get_object_vars | | | | EDIT |
get_objects_in_term | | | | EDIT |
get_oembed_endpoint_url | | | | EDIT |
get_oembed_response_data | | | | EDIT |
get_oembed_response_data_for_url | | | | EDIT |
get_oembed_response_data_rich | | | | EDIT |
get_parent_class | | | | EDIT |
get_party_location | | Checks players recent visited location and returns an exit URL. | string | basic |
get_poison | | | | EDIT |
get_post_embed_html | | | | EDIT |
get_post_embed_url | | | | EDIT |
get_post_galleries | | | | EDIT |
get_post_galleries_images | | | | EDIT |
get_post_gallery | | | | EDIT |
get_post_gallery_images | | | | EDIT |
get_post_taxonomies | | | | EDIT |
get_previous_image_link | | | | EDIT |
get_query_pagination_arrow | | | | EDIT |
get_random | array, exclude | Picks a random element from array, excluding the provided option. | mixed | basic |
get_random_line | | | | EDIT |
get_random_opponents | quantity | Returns an array with randomly picked character IDs. | array | combat |
get_registered_nav_menus | | | | EDIT |
get_required_files | | | | EDIT |
get_resource_type | | | | EDIT |
get_resources | | | | EDIT |
get_rest | | | | EDIT |
get_rest_url | | | | EDIT |
get_row | | | | EDIT |
get_row_index | | | | EDIT |
get_row_layout | | | | EDIT |
get_row_sub_field | | | | EDIT |
get_row_sub_value | | | | EDIT |
get_rumors | | | | EDIT |
get_shortcode_atts_regex | | | | EDIT |
get_shortcode_regex | | | | EDIT |
get_shortcode_tags_in_content | | | | EDIT |
get_siblings | | | | EDIT |
get_sitemap_url | | | | EDIT |
get_skills_list | | Returns a list of skill names for any character. | array | generation |
get_spells_list | | Returns a list of all available spells. | array | generation |
get_start_inventory | | | | EDIT |
get_start_skills | class_id, god_id | Generates a list of start values for the provided class. Also adds deity modifiers. | string | generation |
get_start_spells | class_id, school | Returns start spell values for magical characters according to their class and representation. | string | generation |
get_state | | | | EDIT |
get_sub_field | | | | EDIT |
get_sub_field_object | | | | EDIT |
get_tax_sql | | | | EDIT |
get_taxonomies | | | | EDIT |
get_taxonomies_for_attachments | | | | EDIT |
get_taxonomy | | | | EDIT |
get_taxonomy_labels | | | | EDIT |
get_term | | | | EDIT |
get_term_by | | | | EDIT |
get_term_children | | | | EDIT |
get_term_field | | | | EDIT |
get_term_link | | | | EDIT |
get_term_meta | | | | EDIT |
get_term_to_edit | | | | EDIT |
get_terms | | | | EDIT |
get_the_heroes | | Get a list of heroes that are currently in the party. | array | basic |
get_the_price | | | | EDIT |
get_the_taxonomies | | | | EDIT |
get_today_data | | | | EDIT |
get_topic | | | | EDIT |
get_topics | hero_id | Returns a list of dialog options grouped by topics. | object | basic |
get_town_img | | | | EDIT |
get_typography_classes_for_block_core_search | | | | EDIT |
get_typography_styles_for_block_core_search | | | | EDIT |
get_user_by | | | | EDIT |
get_user_by_email | | | | EDIT |
get_userdata | | | | EDIT |
get_userdatabylogin | | | | EDIT |
get_weather | | | | EDIT |
get_worst_at | skill | Returns the ID of the most unskilled hero in the party. | integer | basic |
getallheaders | | | | EDIT |
getcwd | | | | EDIT |
getdate | | | | EDIT |
getenv | | | | EDIT |
gethostbyaddr | | | | EDIT |
gethostbyname | | | | EDIT |
gethostbynamel | | | | EDIT |
gethostname | | | | EDIT |
getimagesize | | | | EDIT |
getimagesizefromstring | | | | EDIT |
getlastmod | | | | EDIT |
getmxrr | | | | EDIT |
getmygid | | | | EDIT |
getmyinode | | | | EDIT |
getmypid | | | | EDIT |
getmyuid | | | | EDIT |
getopt | | | | EDIT |
getprotobyname | | | | EDIT |
getprotobynumber | | | | EDIT |
getrandmax | | | | EDIT |
getrusage | | | | EDIT |
getservbyname | | | | EDIT |
getservbyport | | | | EDIT |
gettext | | | | EDIT |
gettimeofday | | | | EDIT |
gettype | | | | EDIT |
glob | | | | EDIT |
gmdate | | | | EDIT |
gmmktime | | | | EDIT |
gmp_abs | | | | EDIT |
gmp_add | | | | EDIT |
gmp_and | | | | EDIT |
gmp_binomial | | | | EDIT |
gmp_clrbit | | | | EDIT |
gmp_cmp | | | | EDIT |
gmp_com | | | | EDIT |
gmp_div | | | | EDIT |
gmp_div_q | | | | EDIT |
gmp_div_qr | | | | EDIT |
gmp_div_r | | | | EDIT |
gmp_divexact | | | | EDIT |
gmp_export | | | | EDIT |
gmp_fact | | | | EDIT |
gmp_gcd | | | | EDIT |
gmp_gcdext | | | | EDIT |
gmp_hamdist | | | | EDIT |
gmp_import | | | | EDIT |
gmp_init | | | | EDIT |
gmp_intval | | | | EDIT |
gmp_invert | | | | EDIT |
gmp_jacobi | | | | EDIT |
gmp_kronecker | | | | EDIT |
gmp_lcm | | | | EDIT |
gmp_legendre | | | | EDIT |
gmp_mod | | | | EDIT |
gmp_mul | | | | EDIT |
gmp_neg | | | | EDIT |
gmp_nextprime | | | | EDIT |
gmp_or | | | | EDIT |
gmp_perfect_power | | | | EDIT |
gmp_perfect_square | | | | EDIT |
gmp_popcount | | | | EDIT |
gmp_pow | | | | EDIT |
gmp_powm | | | | EDIT |
gmp_prob_prime | | | | EDIT |
gmp_random | | | | EDIT |
gmp_random_bits | | | | EDIT |
gmp_random_range | | | | EDIT |
gmp_random_seed | | | | EDIT |
gmp_root | | | | EDIT |
gmp_rootrem | | | | EDIT |
gmp_scan0 | | | | EDIT |
gmp_scan1 | | | | EDIT |
gmp_setbit | | | | EDIT |
gmp_sign | | | | EDIT |
gmp_sqrt | | | | EDIT |
gmp_sqrtrem | | | | EDIT |
gmp_strval | | | | EDIT |
gmp_sub | | | | EDIT |
gmp_testbit | | | | EDIT |
gmp_xor | | | | EDIT |
gmstrftime | | | | EDIT |
go_fishing | | | | EDIT |
go_gathering | | | | EDIT |
go_hunting | | | | EDIT |
grapheme_extract | | | | EDIT |
grapheme_stripos | | | | EDIT |
grapheme_stristr | | | | EDIT |
grapheme_strlen | | | | EDIT |
grapheme_strpos | | | | EDIT |
grapheme_strripos | | | | EDIT |
grapheme_strrpos | | | | EDIT |
grapheme_strstr | | | | EDIT |
grapheme_substr | | | | EDIT |
gregoriantojd | | | | EDIT |
gzclose | | | | EDIT |
gzcompress | | | | EDIT |
gzdecode | | | | EDIT |
gzdeflate | | | | EDIT |
gzencode | | | | EDIT |
gzeof | | | | EDIT |
gzfile | | | | EDIT |
gzgetc | | | | EDIT |
gzgets | | | | EDIT |
gzgetss | | | | EDIT |
gzinflate | | | | EDIT |
gzopen | | | | EDIT |
gzpassthru | | | | EDIT |
gzputs | | | | EDIT |
gzread | | | | EDIT |
gzrewind | | | | EDIT |
gzseek | | | | EDIT |
gztell | | | | EDIT |
gzuncompress | | | | EDIT |
gzwrite | | | | EDIT |
handle_legacy_widget_preview_iframe | | | | EDIT |
has_asp | | | | EDIT |
has_block | | | | EDIT |
has_blocks | | | | EDIT |
has_image_size | | | | EDIT |
has_item | | | | EDIT |
has_item_type | | | | EDIT |
has_nav_menu | | | | EDIT |
has_shortcode | | | | EDIT |
has_space | | | | EDIT |
has_state | state, hero_id | Checks whether specific hero has specific state. | integer | basic |
has_str | | | | EDIT |
has_sub_field | | | | EDIT |
has_sub_fields | | | | EDIT |
has_term_meta | | | | EDIT |
hash | | | | EDIT |
hash_algos | | | | EDIT |
hash_copy | | | | EDIT |
hash_equals | | | | EDIT |
hash_file | | | | EDIT |
hash_final | | | | EDIT |
hash_hkdf | | | | EDIT |
hash_hmac | | | | EDIT |
hash_hmac_algos | | | | EDIT |
hash_hmac_file | | | | EDIT |
hash_init | | | | EDIT |
hash_pbkdf2 | | | | EDIT |
hash_update | | | | EDIT |
hash_update_file | | | | EDIT |
hash_update_stream | | | | EDIT |
have_item | | | | EDIT |
have_rows | | | | EDIT |
have_sex | | | | EDIT |
have_space | | | | EDIT |
header | | | | EDIT |
header_register_callback | | | | EDIT |
header_remove | | | | EDIT |
headers_list | | | | EDIT |
headers_sent | | | | EDIT |
hebrev | | | | EDIT |
hebrevc | | | | EDIT |
hero_details | | | | EDIT |
hex2bin | | | | EDIT |
hex2iid | | | | EDIT |
hexdec | | | | EDIT |
highlight_file | | | | EDIT |
highlight_string | | | | EDIT |
hrtime | | | | EDIT |
html_entity_decode | | | | EDIT |
htmlentities | | | | EDIT |
htmlspecialchars | | | | EDIT |
htmlspecialchars_decode | | | | EDIT |
http_build_query | | | | EDIT |
http_response_code | | | | EDIT |
hypot | | | | EDIT |
ic24_api_version | | | | EDIT |
ic24_authentication_status | | | | EDIT |
ic24_cache_reset_stats | | | | EDIT |
ic24_cache_status | | | | EDIT |
ic24_enable | | | | EDIT |
ic24_get_cache_id | | | | EDIT |
ic24_get_pkv | | | | EDIT |
ic24_is_authenticated | | | | EDIT |
ic24_op | | | | EDIT |
ic24_phperr_get_ignore | | | | EDIT |
ic24_phperr_get_suppressions | | | | EDIT |
ic24_phperr_set_ignore | | | | EDIT |
ic24_phperr_suppress | | | | EDIT |
ic24_sec_approve_item | | | | EDIT |
ic24_sec_block_item | | | | EDIT |
ic24_sec_cache_add_path | | | | EDIT |
ic24_sec_cache_query | | | | EDIT |
ic24_sec_cache_remove_by_filter | | | | EDIT |
ic24_sec_cache_remove_item_by_path | | | | EDIT |
ic24_sec_cache_size | | | | EDIT |
ic24_sec_get_default_exec_status | | | | EDIT |
ic24_sec_get_default_notify_status | | | | EDIT |
ic24_sec_get_trustpoint | | | | EDIT |
ic24_sec_set_default_exec_status | | | | EDIT |
ic24_sec_set_default_notify_status | | | | EDIT |
ic24_sec_set_trustpoint | | | | EDIT |
ic24_sec_unblock_item | | | | EDIT |
ic24_set_pkv | | | | EDIT |
ic24_update_domains | | | | EDIT |
iconv | | | | EDIT |
iconv_get_encoding | | | | EDIT |
iconv_mime_decode | | | | EDIT |
iconv_mime_decode_headers | | | | EDIT |
iconv_mime_encode | | | | EDIT |
iconv_set_encoding | | | | EDIT |
iconv_strlen | | | | EDIT |
iconv_strpos | | | | EDIT |
iconv_strrpos | | | | EDIT |
iconv_substr | | | | EDIT |
idate | | | | EDIT |
idn_to_ascii | | | | EDIT |
idn_to_utf8 | | | | EDIT |
if_have_class | | | | EDIT |
if_have_gender | | | | EDIT |
if_have_item | | | | EDIT |
if_have_money | | | | EDIT |
if_is_finished | | | | EDIT |
if_is_read | | | | EDIT |
if_quest_is | | | | EDIT |
igbinary_serialize | | | | EDIT |
igbinary_unserialize | | | | EDIT |
ignore_user_abort | | | | EDIT |
image2wbmp | | | | EDIT |
image_constrain_size_for_editor | | | | EDIT |
image_downsize | | | | EDIT |
image_get_intermediate_size | | | | EDIT |
image_hwstring | | | | EDIT |
image_make_intermediate_size | | | | EDIT |
image_resize_dimensions | | | | EDIT |
image_type_to_extension | | | | EDIT |
image_type_to_mime_type | | | | EDIT |
imageaffine | | | | EDIT |
imageaffinematrixconcat | | | | EDIT |
imageaffinematrixget | | | | EDIT |
imagealphablending | | | | EDIT |
imageantialias | | | | EDIT |
imagearc | | | | EDIT |
imagebmp | | | | EDIT |
imagechar | | | | EDIT |
imagecharup | | | | EDIT |
imagecolorallocate | | | | EDIT |
imagecolorallocatealpha | | | | EDIT |
imagecolorat | | | | EDIT |
imagecolorclosest | | | | EDIT |
imagecolorclosestalpha | | | | EDIT |
imagecolorclosesthwb | | | | EDIT |
imagecolordeallocate | | | | EDIT |
imagecolorexact | | | | EDIT |
imagecolorexactalpha | | | | EDIT |
imagecolormatch | | | | EDIT |
imagecolorresolve | | | | EDIT |
imagecolorresolvealpha | | | | EDIT |
imagecolorset | | | | EDIT |
imagecolorsforindex | | | | EDIT |
imagecolorstotal | | | | EDIT |
imagecolortransparent | | | | EDIT |
imageconvolution | | | | EDIT |
imagecopy | | | | EDIT |
imagecopymerge | | | | EDIT |
imagecopymergegray | | | | EDIT |
imagecopyresampled | | | | EDIT |
imagecopyresized | | | | EDIT |
imagecreate | | | | EDIT |
imagecreatefrombmp | | | | EDIT |
imagecreatefromgd | | | | EDIT |
imagecreatefromgd2 | | | | EDIT |
imagecreatefromgd2part | | | | EDIT |
imagecreatefromgif | | | | EDIT |
imagecreatefromjpeg | | | | EDIT |
imagecreatefrompng | | | | EDIT |
imagecreatefromstring | | | | EDIT |
imagecreatefromtga | | | | EDIT |
imagecreatefromwbmp | | | | EDIT |
imagecreatefromwebp | | | | EDIT |
imagecreatefromxbm | | | | EDIT |
imagecreatefromxpm | | | | EDIT |
imagecreatetruecolor | | | | EDIT |
imagecrop | | | | EDIT |
imagecropauto | | | | EDIT |
imagedashedline | | | | EDIT |
imagedestroy | | | | EDIT |
imageellipse | | | | EDIT |
imagefill | | | | EDIT |
imagefilledarc | | | | EDIT |
imagefilledellipse | | | | EDIT |
imagefilledpolygon | | | | EDIT |
imagefilledrectangle | | | | EDIT |
imagefilltoborder | | | | EDIT |
imagefilter | | | | EDIT |
imageflip | | | | EDIT |
imagefontheight | | | | EDIT |
imagefontwidth | | | | EDIT |
imageftbbox | | | | EDIT |
imagefttext | | | | EDIT |
imagegammacorrect | | | | EDIT |
imagegd | | | | EDIT |
imagegd2 | | | | EDIT |
imagegetclip | | | | EDIT |
imagegif | | | | EDIT |
imageinterlace | | | | EDIT |
imageistruecolor | | | | EDIT |
imagejpeg | | | | EDIT |
imagelayereffect | | | | EDIT |
imageline | | | | EDIT |
imageloadfont | | | | EDIT |
imageopenpolygon | | | | EDIT |
imagepalettecopy | | | | EDIT |
imagepalettetotruecolor | | | | EDIT |
imagepng | | | | EDIT |
imagepolygon | | | | EDIT |
imagerectangle | | | | EDIT |
imageresolution | | | | EDIT |
imagerotate | | | | EDIT |
imagesavealpha | | | | EDIT |
imagescale | | | | EDIT |
imagesetbrush | | | | EDIT |
imagesetclip | | | | EDIT |
imagesetinterpolation | | | | EDIT |
imagesetpixel | | | | EDIT |
imagesetstyle | | | | EDIT |
imagesetthickness | | | | EDIT |
imagesettile | | | | EDIT |
imagestring | | | | EDIT |
imagestringup | | | | EDIT |
imagesx | | | | EDIT |
imagesy | | | | EDIT |
imagetruecolortopalette | | | | EDIT |
imagettfbbox | | | | EDIT |
imagettftext | | | | EDIT |
imagetypes | | | | EDIT |
imagewbmp | | | | EDIT |
imagewebp | | | | EDIT |
imagexbm | | | | EDIT |
img_caption_shortcode | | | | EDIT |
implode | | | | EDIT |
import_game | | | | EDIT |
improve_skill | skill, hero_id | Improves selected skill or spell by 1. | bool | generation |
in_array | | | | EDIT |
inc_tpl | | | | EDIT |
inet_ntop | | | | EDIT |
inet_pton | | | | EDIT |
inflate_add | | | | EDIT |
inflate_get_read_len | | | | EDIT |
inflate_get_status | | | | EDIT |
inflate_init | | | | EDIT |
ini_alter | | | | EDIT |
ini_get | | | | EDIT |
ini_get_all | | | | EDIT |
ini_restore | | | | EDIT |
ini_set | | | | EDIT |
insert_hooked_blocks | | | | EDIT |
insert_hooked_blocks_and_set_ignored_hooked_blocks_metadata | | | | EDIT |
insert_hooked_blocks_into_rest_response | | | | EDIT |
intdiv | | | | EDIT |
interface_exists | | | | EDIT |
intl_error_name | | | | EDIT |
intl_get_error_code | | | | EDIT |
intl_get_error_message | | | | EDIT |
intl_is_failure | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_add | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_after | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_before | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_clear | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_create_instance | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_equals | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_field_difference | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_from_date_time | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_get | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_get_actual_maximum | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_get_actual_minimum | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_get_available_locales | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_get_day_of_week_type | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_get_error_code | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_get_error_message | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_get_first_day_of_week | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_get_greatest_minimum | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_get_keyword_values_for_locale | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_get_least_maximum | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_get_locale | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_get_maximum | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_get_minimal_days_in_first_week | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_get_minimum | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_get_now | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_get_repeated_wall_time_option | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_get_skipped_wall_time_option | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_get_time | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_get_time_zone | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_get_type | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_get_weekend_transition | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_in_daylight_time | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_is_equivalent_to | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_is_lenient | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_is_set | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_is_weekend | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_roll | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_set | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_set_first_day_of_week | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_set_lenient | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_set_minimal_days_in_first_week | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_set_repeated_wall_time_option | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_set_skipped_wall_time_option | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_set_time | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_set_time_zone | | | | EDIT |
intlcal_to_date_time | | | | EDIT |
intlgregcal_create_instance | | | | EDIT |
intlgregcal_get_gregorian_change | | | | EDIT |
intlgregcal_is_leap_year | | | | EDIT |
intlgregcal_set_gregorian_change | | | | EDIT |
intltz_count_equivalent_ids | | | | EDIT |
intltz_create_default | | | | EDIT |
intltz_create_enumeration | | | | EDIT |
intltz_create_time_zone | | | | EDIT |
intltz_create_time_zone_id_enumeration | | | | EDIT |
intltz_from_date_time_zone | | | | EDIT |
intltz_get_canonical_id | | | | EDIT |
intltz_get_display_name | | | | EDIT |
intltz_get_dst_savings | | | | EDIT |
intltz_get_equivalent_id | | | | EDIT |
intltz_get_error_code | | | | EDIT |
intltz_get_error_message | | | | EDIT |
intltz_get_gmt | | | | EDIT |
intltz_get_id | | | | EDIT |
intltz_get_offset | | | | EDIT |
intltz_get_raw_offset | | | | EDIT |
intltz_get_region | | | | EDIT |
intltz_get_tz_data_version | | | | EDIT |
intltz_get_unknown | | | | EDIT |
intltz_has_same_rules | | | | EDIT |
intltz_to_date_time_zone | | | | EDIT |
intltz_use_daylight_time | | | | EDIT |
intval | | | | EDIT |
ioncube_check_license_properties | | | | EDIT |
ioncube_file_info | | | | EDIT |
ioncube_file_is_encoded | | | | EDIT |
ioncube_file_not_permissioned | | | | EDIT |
ioncube_file_properties | | | | EDIT |
ioncube_license_has_expired | | | | EDIT |
ioncube_license_matches_server | | | | EDIT |
ioncube_license_properties | | | | EDIT |
ioncube_licensed_servers | | | | EDIT |
ioncube_loader_iversion | | | | EDIT |
ioncube_loader_version | | | | EDIT |
ioncube_read_file | | | | EDIT |
ioncube_server_data | | | | EDIT |
ioncube_write_file | | | | EDIT |
ip2long | | | | EDIT |
iptcembed | | | | EDIT |
iptcparse | | | | EDIT |
is_2handed | item_id | Checks whether the weapon is two-handed. | bool | combat |
is_a | | | | EDIT |
is_active_sidebar | | | | EDIT |
is_active_widget | | | | EDIT |
is_admin_bar_showing | | | | EDIT |
is_allowed_http_origin | | | | EDIT |
is_archer | | | | EDIT |
is_array | | | | EDIT |
is_bool | | | | EDIT |
is_callable | | | | EDIT |
is_caster | | | | EDIT |
is_city | | | | EDIT |
is_countable | | | | EDIT |
is_dir | | | | EDIT |
is_double | | | | EDIT |
is_dynamic_sidebar | | | | EDIT |
is_executable | | | | EDIT |
is_file | | | | EDIT |
is_finished | | | | EDIT |
is_finite | | | | EDIT |
is_float | | | | EDIT |
is_gd_image | | | | EDIT |
is_infinite | | | | EDIT |
is_int | | | | EDIT |
is_integer | | | | EDIT |
is_iterable | | | | EDIT |
is_link | | | | EDIT |
is_long | | | | EDIT |
is_mage | | | | EDIT |
is_market | location_id | Checks whether current location holds a market today. | bool | calendar |
is_met | | | | EDIT |
is_nan | | | | EDIT |
is_nav_menu | | | | EDIT |
is_nav_menu_item | | | | EDIT |
is_null | | | | EDIT |
is_numeric | | | | EDIT |
is_object | | | | EDIT |
is_object_in_taxonomy | | | | EDIT |
is_object_in_term | | | | EDIT |
is_ok | hero_id | Checks whether the hero fills okay. If not return HTML with his complaint. | string | basic |
is_ranged | item_id | Checkes whether the item is a ranged weapon. | bool | combat |
is_read | | | | EDIT |
is_readable | | | | EDIT |
is_real | | | | EDIT |
is_registered_sidebar | | | | EDIT |
is_resource | | | | EDIT |
is_scalar | | | | EDIT |
is_soap_fault | | | | EDIT |
is_string | | | | EDIT |
is_subclass_of | | | | EDIT |
is_taxonomy_hierarchical | | | | EDIT |
is_taxonomy_viewable | | | | EDIT |
is_term_publicly_viewable | | | | EDIT |
is_uploaded_file | | | | EDIT |
is_user_logged_in | | | | EDIT |
is_writable | | | | EDIT |
is_writeable | | | | EDIT |
iterator_apply | | | | EDIT |
iterator_count | | | | EDIT |
iterator_to_array | | | | EDIT |
jddayofweek | | | | EDIT |
jdmonthname | | | | EDIT |
jdtofrench | | | | EDIT |
jdtogregorian | | | | EDIT |
jdtojewish | | | | EDIT |
jdtojulian | | | | EDIT |
jdtounix | | | | EDIT |
jewishtojd | | | | EDIT |
join | | | | EDIT |
jpeg2wbmp | | | | EDIT |
json_decode | | | | EDIT |
json_encode | | | | EDIT |
json_last_error | | | | EDIT |
json_last_error_msg | | | | EDIT |
juliantojd | | | | EDIT |
key | | | | EDIT |
key_exists | | | | EDIT |
krsort | | | | EDIT |
ksort | | | | EDIT |
language_description | | | | EDIT |
latinize_text | | | | EDIT |
lcfirst | | | | EDIT |
lcg_value | | | | EDIT |
lchgrp | | | | EDIT |
lchown | | | | EDIT |
levenshtein | | | | EDIT |
libxml_clear_errors | | | | EDIT |
libxml_disable_entity_loader | | | | EDIT |
libxml_get_errors | | | | EDIT |
libxml_get_last_error | | | | EDIT |
libxml_set_external_entity_loader | | | | EDIT |
libxml_set_streams_context | | | | EDIT |
libxml_use_internal_errors | | | | EDIT |
link | | | | EDIT |
linkinfo | | | | EDIT |
list_skills | | Returns an object of all hero skills grouped by type. | object | basic |
list_spells | | Returns an object of all spells grouped by magic schools. | object | basic |
list_titles | | | | EDIT |
litespeed_finish_request | | | | EDIT |
litespeed_request_headers | | | | EDIT |
litespeed_response_headers | | | | EDIT |
locale_accept_from_http | | | | EDIT |
locale_canonicalize | | | | EDIT |
locale_compose | | | | EDIT |
locale_filter_matches | | | | EDIT |
locale_get_all_variants | | | | EDIT |
locale_get_default | | | | EDIT |
locale_get_display_language | | | | EDIT |
locale_get_display_name | | | | EDIT |
locale_get_display_region | | | | EDIT |
locale_get_display_script | | | | EDIT |
locale_get_display_variant | | | | EDIT |
locale_get_keywords | | | | EDIT |
locale_get_primary_language | | | | EDIT |
locale_get_region | | | | EDIT |
locale_get_script | | | | EDIT |
locale_lookup | | | | EDIT |
locale_parse | | | | EDIT |
locale_set_default | | | | EDIT |
localeconv | | | | EDIT |
localtime | | | | EDIT |
log | | | | EDIT |
log10 | | | | EDIT |
log1p | | | | EDIT |
long2ip | | | | EDIT |
loot_chest | | | | EDIT |
loot_item | | | | EDIT |
loot_items | | | | EDIT |
loot_list | | | | EDIT |
lstat | | | | EDIT |
ltrim | | | | EDIT |
mail | | | | EDIT |
make_after_block_visitor | | | | EDIT |
make_before_block_visitor | | | | EDIT |
mark_as | | | | EDIT |
max | | | | EDIT |
mb_check_encoding | | | | EDIT |
mb_chr | | | | EDIT |
mb_convert_case | | | | EDIT |
mb_convert_encoding | | | | EDIT |
mb_convert_kana | | | | EDIT |
mb_convert_variables | | | | EDIT |
mb_decode_mimeheader | | | | EDIT |
mb_decode_numericentity | | | | EDIT |
mb_detect_encoding | | | | EDIT |
mb_detect_order | | | | EDIT |
mb_encode_mimeheader | | | | EDIT |
mb_encode_numericentity | | | | EDIT |
mb_encoding_aliases | | | | EDIT |
mb_ereg | | | | EDIT |
mb_ereg_match | | | | EDIT |
mb_ereg_replace | | | | EDIT |
mb_ereg_replace_callback | | | | EDIT |
mb_ereg_search | | | | EDIT |
mb_ereg_search_getpos | | | | EDIT |
mb_ereg_search_getregs | | | | EDIT |
mb_ereg_search_init | | | | EDIT |
mb_ereg_search_pos | | | | EDIT |
mb_ereg_search_regs | | | | EDIT |
mb_ereg_search_setpos | | | | EDIT |
mb_eregi | | | | EDIT |
mb_eregi_replace | | | | EDIT |
mb_get_info | | | | EDIT |
mb_http_input | | | | EDIT |
mb_http_output | | | | EDIT |
mb_internal_encoding | | | | EDIT |
mb_language | | | | EDIT |
mb_list_encodings | | | | EDIT |
mb_ord | | | | EDIT |
mb_output_handler | | | | EDIT |
mb_parse_str | | | | EDIT |
mb_preferred_mime_name | | | | EDIT |
mb_regex_encoding | | | | EDIT |
mb_regex_set_options | | | | EDIT |
mb_scrub | | | | EDIT |
mb_send_mail | | | | EDIT |
mb_split | | | | EDIT |
mb_str_split | | | | EDIT |
mb_strcut | | | | EDIT |
mb_strimwidth | | | | EDIT |
mb_stripos | | | | EDIT |
mb_stristr | | | | EDIT |
mb_strlen | | | | EDIT |
mb_strpos | | | | EDIT |
mb_strrchr | | | | EDIT |
mb_strrichr | | | | EDIT |
mb_strripos | | | | EDIT |
mb_strrpos | | | | EDIT |
mb_strstr | | | | EDIT |
mb_strtolower | | | | EDIT |
mb_strtoupper | | | | EDIT |
mb_strwidth | | | | EDIT |
mb_substitute_character | | | | EDIT |
mb_substr | | | | EDIT |
mb_substr_count | | | | EDIT |
mbereg | | | | EDIT |
mbereg_match | | | | EDIT |
mbereg_replace | | | | EDIT |
mbereg_search | | | | EDIT |
mbereg_search_getpos | | | | EDIT |
mbereg_search_getregs | | | | EDIT |
mbereg_search_init | | | | EDIT |
mbereg_search_pos | | | | EDIT |
mbereg_search_regs | | | | EDIT |
mbereg_search_setpos | | | | EDIT |
mberegi | | | | EDIT |
mberegi_replace | | | | EDIT |
mbregex_encoding | | | | EDIT |
mbsplit | | | | EDIT |
md5 | | | | EDIT |
md5_file | | | | EDIT |
memory_get_peak_usage | | | | EDIT |
memory_get_usage | | | | EDIT |
metaphone | | | | EDIT |
method_exists | | | | EDIT |
mhash | | | | EDIT |
mhash_count | | | | EDIT |
mhash_get_block_size | | | | EDIT |
mhash_get_hash_name | | | | EDIT |
mhash_keygen_s2k | | | | EDIT |
microtime | | | | EDIT |
mime_content_type | | | | EDIT |
min | | | | EDIT |
mkdir | | | | EDIT |
mktime | | | | EDIT |
money_format | | | | EDIT |
move_to | | | | EDIT |
move_uploaded_file | | | | EDIT |
ms_allowed_http_request_hosts | | | | EDIT |
msgfmt_create | | | | EDIT |
msgfmt_format | | | | EDIT |
msgfmt_format_message | | | | EDIT |
msgfmt_get_error_code | | | | EDIT |
msgfmt_get_error_message | | | | EDIT |
msgfmt_get_locale | | | | EDIT |
msgfmt_get_pattern | | | | EDIT |
msgfmt_parse | | | | EDIT |
msgfmt_parse_message | | | | EDIT |
msgfmt_set_pattern | | | | EDIT |
msgpack_pack | | | | EDIT |
msgpack_serialize | | | | EDIT |
msgpack_unpack | | | | EDIT |
msgpack_unserialize | | | | EDIT |
mt_getrandmax | | | | EDIT |
mt_rand | | | | EDIT |
mt_srand | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_affected_rows | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_autocommit | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_begin_transaction | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_change_user | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_character_set_name | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_close | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_commit | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_connect | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_connect_errno | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_connect_error | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_data_seek | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_debug | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_dump_debug_info | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_errno | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_error | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_error_list | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_escape_string | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_execute | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_fetch_all | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_fetch_array | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_fetch_assoc | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_fetch_field | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_fetch_field_direct | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_fetch_fields | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_fetch_lengths | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_fetch_object | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_fetch_row | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_field_count | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_field_seek | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_field_tell | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_free_result | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_get_charset | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_get_client_info | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_get_client_stats | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_get_client_version | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_get_connection_stats | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_get_host_info | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_get_links_stats | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_get_proto_info | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_get_server_info | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_get_server_version | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_get_warnings | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_info | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_init | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_insert_id | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_kill | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_more_results | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_multi_query | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_next_result | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_num_fields | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_num_rows | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_options | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_ping | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_poll | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_prepare | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_query | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_real_connect | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_real_escape_string | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_real_query | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_reap_async_query | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_refresh | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_release_savepoint | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_report | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_rollback | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_savepoint | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_select_db | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_set_charset | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_set_opt | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_sqlstate | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_ssl_set | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_stat | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_stmt_affected_rows | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_stmt_attr_get | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_stmt_attr_set | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_stmt_bind_param | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_stmt_bind_result | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_stmt_close | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_stmt_data_seek | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_stmt_errno | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_stmt_error | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_stmt_error_list | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_stmt_execute | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_stmt_fetch | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_stmt_field_count | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_stmt_free_result | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_stmt_get_result | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_stmt_get_warnings | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_stmt_init | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_stmt_insert_id | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_stmt_more_results | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_stmt_next_result | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_stmt_num_rows | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_stmt_param_count | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_stmt_prepare | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_stmt_reset | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_stmt_result_metadata | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_stmt_send_long_data | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_stmt_sqlstate | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_stmt_store_result | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_store_result | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_thread_id | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_thread_safe | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_use_result | | | | EDIT |
mysqli_warning_count | | | | EDIT |
natcasesort | | | | EDIT |
natsort | | | | EDIT |
net_get_interfaces | | | | EDIT |
next | | | | EDIT |
next_image_link | | | | EDIT |
ngettext | | | | EDIT |
nl2br | | | | EDIT |
nl_langinfo | | | | EDIT |
normalizer_get_raw_decomposition | | | | EDIT |
normalizer_is_normalized | | | | EDIT |
normalizer_normalize | | | | EDIT |
note_sidebar_being_rendered | | | | EDIT |
number_format | | | | EDIT |
numfmt_create | | | | EDIT |
numfmt_format | | | | EDIT |
numfmt_format_currency | | | | EDIT |
numfmt_get_attribute | | | | EDIT |
numfmt_get_error_code | | | | EDIT |
numfmt_get_error_message | | | | EDIT |
numfmt_get_locale | | | | EDIT |
numfmt_get_pattern | | | | EDIT |
numfmt_get_symbol | | | | EDIT |
numfmt_get_text_attribute | | | | EDIT |
numfmt_parse | | | | EDIT |
numfmt_parse_currency | | | | EDIT |
numfmt_set_attribute | | | | EDIT |
numfmt_set_pattern | | | | EDIT |
numfmt_set_symbol | | | | EDIT |
numfmt_set_text_attribute | | | | EDIT |
oauth_get_sbs | | | | EDIT |
oauth_urlencode | | | | EDIT |
ob_clean | | | | EDIT |
ob_end_clean | | | | EDIT |
ob_end_flush | | | | EDIT |
ob_flush | | | | EDIT |
ob_get_clean | | | | EDIT |
ob_get_contents | | | | EDIT |
ob_get_flush | | | | EDIT |
ob_get_length | | | | EDIT |
ob_get_level | | | | EDIT |
ob_get_status | | | | EDIT |
ob_gzhandler | | | | EDIT |
ob_implicit_flush | | | | EDIT |
ob_list_handlers | | | | EDIT |
ob_start | | | | EDIT |
octdec | | | | EDIT |
opendir | | | | EDIT |
openlog | | | | EDIT |
openssl_cipher_iv_length | | | | EDIT |
openssl_csr_export | | | | EDIT |
openssl_csr_export_to_file | | | | EDIT |
openssl_csr_get_public_key | | | | EDIT |
openssl_csr_get_subject | | | | EDIT |
openssl_csr_new | | | | EDIT |
openssl_csr_sign | | | | EDIT |
openssl_decrypt | | | | EDIT |
openssl_dh_compute_key | | | | EDIT |
openssl_digest | | | | EDIT |
openssl_encrypt | | | | EDIT |
openssl_error_string | | | | EDIT |
openssl_free_key | | | | EDIT |
openssl_get_cert_locations | | | | EDIT |
openssl_get_cipher_methods | | | | EDIT |
openssl_get_curve_names | | | | EDIT |
openssl_get_md_methods | | | | EDIT |
openssl_get_privatekey | | | | EDIT |
openssl_get_publickey | | | | EDIT |
openssl_open | | | | EDIT |
openssl_pbkdf2 | | | | EDIT |
openssl_pkcs12_export | | | | EDIT |
openssl_pkcs12_export_to_file | | | | EDIT |
openssl_pkcs12_read | | | | EDIT |
openssl_pkcs7_decrypt | | | | EDIT |
openssl_pkcs7_encrypt | | | | EDIT |
openssl_pkcs7_read | | | | EDIT |
openssl_pkcs7_sign | | | | EDIT |
openssl_pkcs7_verify | | | | EDIT |
openssl_pkey_derive | | | | EDIT |
openssl_pkey_export | | | | EDIT |
openssl_pkey_export_to_file | | | | EDIT |
openssl_pkey_free | | | | EDIT |
openssl_pkey_get_details | | | | EDIT |
openssl_pkey_get_private | | | | EDIT |
openssl_pkey_get_public | | | | EDIT |
openssl_pkey_new | | | | EDIT |
openssl_private_decrypt | | | | EDIT |
openssl_private_encrypt | | | | EDIT |
openssl_public_decrypt | | | | EDIT |
openssl_public_encrypt | | | | EDIT |
openssl_random_pseudo_bytes | | | | EDIT |
openssl_seal | | | | EDIT |
openssl_sign | | | | EDIT |
openssl_spki_export | | | | EDIT |
openssl_spki_export_challenge | | | | EDIT |
openssl_spki_new | | | | EDIT |
openssl_spki_verify | | | | EDIT |
openssl_verify | | | | EDIT |
openssl_x509_check_private_key | | | | EDIT |
openssl_x509_checkpurpose | | | | EDIT |
openssl_x509_export | | | | EDIT |
openssl_x509_export_to_file | | | | EDIT |
openssl_x509_fingerprint | | | | EDIT |
openssl_x509_free | | | | EDIT |
openssl_x509_parse | | | | EDIT |
openssl_x509_read | | | | EDIT |
openssl_x509_verify | | | | EDIT |
ord | | | | EDIT |
output_add_rewrite_var | | | | EDIT |
output_reset_rewrite_vars | | | | EDIT |
pack | | | | EDIT |
parse_blocks | | | | EDIT |
parse_ini_file | | | | EDIT |
parse_ini_string | | | | EDIT |
parse_str | | | | EDIT |
parse_url | | | | EDIT |
passthru | | | | EDIT |
password_algos | | | | EDIT |
password_get_info | | | | EDIT |
password_hash | | | | EDIT |
password_needs_rehash | | | | EDIT |
password_verify | | | | EDIT |
pathinfo | | | | EDIT |
pclose | | | | EDIT |
pcntl_alarm | | | | EDIT |
pcntl_async_signals | | | | EDIT |
pcntl_errno | | | | EDIT |
pcntl_exec | | | | EDIT |
pcntl_fork | | | | EDIT |
pcntl_get_last_error | | | | EDIT |
pcntl_getpriority | | | | EDIT |
pcntl_setpriority | | | | EDIT |
pcntl_signal | | | | EDIT |
pcntl_signal_dispatch | | | | EDIT |
pcntl_signal_get_handler | | | | EDIT |
pcntl_sigprocmask | | | | EDIT |
pcntl_sigtimedwait | | | | EDIT |
pcntl_sigwaitinfo | | | | EDIT |
pcntl_strerror | | | | EDIT |
pcntl_unshare | | | | EDIT |
pcntl_wait | | | | EDIT |
pcntl_waitpid | | | | EDIT |
pcntl_wexitstatus | | | | EDIT |
pcntl_wifcontinued | | | | EDIT |
pcntl_wifexited | | | | EDIT |
pcntl_wifsignaled | | | | EDIT |
pcntl_wifstopped | | | | EDIT |
pcntl_wstopsig | | | | EDIT |
pcntl_wtermsig | | | | EDIT |
pdo_drivers | | | | EDIT |
pfsockopen | | | | EDIT |
php_ini_loaded_file | | | | EDIT |
php_ini_scanned_files | | | | EDIT |
php_sapi_name | | | | EDIT |
php_strip_whitespace | | | | EDIT |
php_uname | | | | EDIT |
phpcredits | | | | EDIT |
phpinfo | | | | EDIT |
phpversion | | | | EDIT |
pi | | | | EDIT |
pick_encounter | | | | EDIT |
png2wbmp | | | | EDIT |
pop_exit | html, exit_url | Displays popup with custom HTML and button leading to another page. | | basic |
pop_form | html, submit, close | Display custom HTML with an option to submit a form. | | basic |
pop_html | html, close | Display popup with custom HTML or post ID with conditional close button. | | basic |
pop_print | | | | EDIT |
pop_reload | html, button | Displays popup with custom HTML and button reloading the current page. | | basic |
popen | | | | EDIT |
pos | | | | EDIT |
posix_access | | | | EDIT |
posix_ctermid | | | | EDIT |
posix_errno | | | | EDIT |
posix_get_last_error | | | | EDIT |
posix_getcwd | | | | EDIT |
posix_getegid | | | | EDIT |
posix_geteuid | | | | EDIT |
posix_getgid | | | | EDIT |
posix_getgrgid | | | | EDIT |
posix_getgrnam | | | | EDIT |
posix_getgroups | | | | EDIT |
posix_getlogin | | | | EDIT |
posix_getpgid | | | | EDIT |
posix_getpgrp | | | | EDIT |
posix_getpid | | | | EDIT |
posix_getppid | | | | EDIT |
posix_getpwnam | | | | EDIT |
posix_getpwuid | | | | EDIT |
posix_getrlimit | | | | EDIT |
posix_getsid | | | | EDIT |
posix_getuid | | | | EDIT |
posix_initgroups | | | | EDIT |
posix_isatty | | | | EDIT |
posix_kill | | | | EDIT |
posix_mkfifo | | | | EDIT |
posix_mknod | | | | EDIT |
posix_setegid | | | | EDIT |
posix_seteuid | | | | EDIT |
posix_setgid | | | | EDIT |
posix_setpgid | | | | EDIT |
posix_setrlimit | | | | EDIT |
posix_setsid | | | | EDIT |
posix_setuid | | | | EDIT |
posix_strerror | | | | EDIT |
posix_times | | | | EDIT |
posix_ttyname | | | | EDIT |
posix_uname | | | | EDIT |
post_comments_form_block_form_defaults | | | | EDIT |
pow | | | | EDIT |
pray_god | god_id | Determines whether the heroes deserve the gods mercy and should get a miracle. | string | basic |
preg_filter | | | | EDIT |
preg_grep | | | | EDIT |
preg_last_error | | | | EDIT |
preg_match | | | | EDIT |
preg_match_all | | | | EDIT |
preg_quote | | | | EDIT |
preg_replace | | | | EDIT |
preg_replace_callback | | | | EDIT |
preg_replace_callback_array | | | | EDIT |
preg_split | | | | EDIT |
prev | | | | EDIT |
previous_image_link | | | | EDIT |
print_admin_styles | | | | EDIT |
print_embed_comments_button | | | | EDIT |
print_embed_scripts | | | | EDIT |
print_embed_sharing_button | | | | EDIT |
print_embed_sharing_dialog | | | | EDIT |
print_footer_scripts | | | | EDIT |
print_head_scripts | | | | EDIT |
print_late_styles | | | | EDIT |
print_r | | | | EDIT |
printf | | | | EDIT |
proc_close | | | | EDIT |
proc_get_status | | | | EDIT |
proc_nice | | | | EDIT |
proc_open | | | | EDIT |
proc_terminate | | | | EDIT |
property_exists | | | | EDIT |
purchase | | | | EDIT |
putenv | | | | EDIT |
quoted_printable_decode | | | | EDIT |
quoted_printable_encode | | | | EDIT |
quotemeta | | | | EDIT |
rad2deg | | | | EDIT |
rand | | | | EDIT |
random_bytes | | | | EDIT |
random_int | | | | EDIT |
range | | | | EDIT |
raphf\clean_persistent_handles | | | | EDIT |
raphf\stat_persistent_handles | | | | EDIT |
rawurldecode | | | | EDIT |
rawurlencode | | | | EDIT |
read_exif_data | | | | EDIT |
readdir | | | | EDIT |
readfile | | | | EDIT |
readgzfile | | | | EDIT |
readline | | | | EDIT |
readline_add_history | | | | EDIT |
readline_callback_handler_install | | | | EDIT |
readline_callback_handler_remove | | | | EDIT |
readline_callback_read_char | | | | EDIT |
readline_clear_history | | | | EDIT |
readline_completion_function | | | | EDIT |
readline_info | | | | EDIT |
readline_list_history | | | | EDIT |
readline_on_new_line | | | | EDIT |
readline_read_history | | | | EDIT |
readline_redisplay | | | | EDIT |
readline_write_history | | | | EDIT |
readlink | | | | EDIT |
realpath | | | | EDIT |
realpath_cache_get | | | | EDIT |
realpath_cache_size | | | | EDIT |
redirect_canonical | | | | EDIT |
redirect_guess_404_permalink | | | | EDIT |
regenerate | | | | EDIT |
register_block_bindings_source | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_archives | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_avatar | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_block | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_button | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_calendar | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_categories | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_comment_author_name | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_comment_content | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_comment_date | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_comment_edit_link | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_comment_reply_link | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_comment_template | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_comments | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_comments_pagination | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_comments_pagination_next | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_comments_pagination_numbers | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_comments_pagination_previous | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_comments_title | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_cover | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_file | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_footnotes | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_footnotes_post_meta | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_gallery | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_heading | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_home_link | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_image | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_latest_comments | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_latest_posts | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_legacy_widget | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_list | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_loginout | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_media_text | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_navigation | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_navigation_link | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_navigation_submenu | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_page_list | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_page_list_item | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_pattern | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_post_author | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_post_author_biography | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_post_author_name | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_post_comments_form | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_post_content | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_post_date | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_post_excerpt | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_post_featured_image | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_post_navigation_link | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_post_template | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_post_terms | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_post_title | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_query | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_query_no_results | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_query_pagination | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_query_pagination_next | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_query_pagination_numbers | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_query_pagination_previous | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_query_title | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_read_more | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_rss | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_search | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_shortcode | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_site_icon_setting | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_site_logo | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_site_logo_setting | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_site_tagline | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_site_title | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_social_link | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_tag_cloud | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_template_part | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_term_description | | | | EDIT |
register_block_core_widget_group | | | | EDIT |
register_block_pattern | | | | EDIT |
register_block_pattern_category | | | | EDIT |
register_block_script_handle | | | | EDIT |
register_block_script_module_id | | | | EDIT |
register_block_style | | | | EDIT |
register_block_style_handle | | | | EDIT |
register_block_type | | | | EDIT |
register_block_type_from_metadata | | | | EDIT |
register_core_block_style_handles | | | | EDIT |
register_core_block_types_from_metadata | | | | EDIT |
register_field_group | | | | EDIT |
register_legacy_post_comments_block | | | | EDIT |
register_nav_menu | | | | EDIT |
register_nav_menus | | | | EDIT |
register_rest_field | | | | EDIT |
register_rest_route | | | | EDIT |
register_shutdown_function | | | | EDIT |
register_sidebar | | | | EDIT |
register_sidebars | | | | EDIT |
register_taxonomies | | | | EDIT |
register_taxonomy | | | | EDIT |
register_taxonomy_for_object_type | | | | EDIT |
register_term_meta | | | | EDIT |
register_tick_function | | | | EDIT |
register_widget | | | | EDIT |
rel_url | | | | EDIT |
remove_all_shortcodes | | | | EDIT |
remove_block_asset_path_prefix | | | | EDIT |
remove_image_size | | | | EDIT |
remove_item | | | | EDIT |
remove_items | | | | EDIT |
remove_serialized_parent_block | | | | EDIT |
remove_shortcode | | | | EDIT |
remove_state | state, hero_id | Removes specific state from specific hero. | bool | basic |
remove_value | | | | EDIT |
rename | | | | EDIT |
render_block | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_archives | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_avatar | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_block | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_button | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_calendar | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_categories | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_comment_author_name | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_comment_content | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_comment_date | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_comment_edit_link | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_comment_reply_link | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_comment_template | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_comments | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_comments_pagination | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_comments_pagination_next | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_comments_pagination_numbers | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_comments_pagination_previous | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_comments_title | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_cover | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_file | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_footnotes | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_home_link | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_image | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_latest_comments | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_latest_posts | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_legacy_widget | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_loginout | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_media_text | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_navigation | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_navigation_link | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_navigation_submenu | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_page_list | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_pattern | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_post_author | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_post_author_biography | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_post_author_name | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_post_comments_form | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_post_content | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_post_date | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_post_excerpt | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_post_featured_image | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_post_navigation_link | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_post_template | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_post_terms | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_post_title | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_query | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_query_no_results | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_query_pagination | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_query_pagination_next | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_query_pagination_numbers | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_query_pagination_previous | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_query_title | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_read_more | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_rss | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_search | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_shortcode | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_site_logo | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_site_tagline | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_site_title | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_social_link | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_tag_cloud | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_template_part | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_term_description | | | | EDIT |
render_block_core_widget_group | | | | EDIT |
render_field | | | | EDIT |
rent_room | | | | EDIT |
reset | | | | EDIT |
reset_inventory | | | | EDIT |
reset_rows | | | | EDIT |
reset_the_repeater_field | | | | EDIT |
reset_value | field_name, hero_id | (?) Resets fields to their default states. | | basic |
resolve_pattern_blocks | | | | EDIT |
resourcebundle_count | | | | EDIT |
resourcebundle_create | | | | EDIT |
resourcebundle_get | | | | EDIT |
resourcebundle_get_error_code | | | | EDIT |
resourcebundle_get_error_message | | | | EDIT |
resourcebundle_locales | | | | EDIT |
rest_add_application_passwords_to_index | | | | EDIT |
rest_api_default_filters | | | | EDIT |
rest_api_init | | | | EDIT |
rest_api_loaded | | | | EDIT |
rest_api_register_rewrites | | | | EDIT |
rest_application_password_check_errors | | | | EDIT |
rest_application_password_collect_status | | | | EDIT |
rest_are_values_equal | | | | EDIT |
rest_authorization_required_code | | | | EDIT |
rest_convert_error_to_response | | | | EDIT |
rest_cookie_check_errors | | | | EDIT |
rest_cookie_collect_status | | | | EDIT |
rest_default_additional_properties_to_false | | | | EDIT |
rest_do_request | | | | EDIT |
rest_ensure_request | | | | EDIT |
rest_ensure_response | | | | EDIT |
rest_filter_response_by_context | | | | EDIT |
rest_filter_response_fields | | | | EDIT |
rest_find_any_matching_schema | | | | EDIT |
rest_find_matching_pattern_property_schema | | | | EDIT |
rest_find_one_matching_schema | | | | EDIT |
rest_format_combining_operation_error | | | | EDIT |
rest_get_allowed_schema_keywords | | | | EDIT |
rest_get_authenticated_app_password | | | | EDIT |
rest_get_avatar_sizes | | | | EDIT |
rest_get_avatar_urls | | | | EDIT |
rest_get_best_type_for_value | | | | EDIT |
rest_get_combining_operation_error | | | | EDIT |
rest_get_date_with_gmt | | | | EDIT |
rest_get_endpoint_args_for_schema | | | | EDIT |
rest_get_queried_resource_route | | | | EDIT |
rest_get_route_for_post | | | | EDIT |
rest_get_route_for_post_type_items | | | | EDIT |
rest_get_route_for_taxonomy_items | | | | EDIT |
rest_get_route_for_term | | | | EDIT |
rest_get_server | | | | EDIT |
rest_get_url_prefix | | | | EDIT |
rest_handle_deprecated_argument | | | | EDIT |
rest_handle_deprecated_function | | | | EDIT |
rest_handle_doing_it_wrong | | | | EDIT |
rest_handle_multi_type_schema | | | | EDIT |
rest_handle_options_request | | | | EDIT |
rest_is_array | | | | EDIT |
rest_is_boolean | | | | EDIT |
rest_is_field_included | | | | EDIT |
rest_is_integer | | | | EDIT |
rest_is_ip_address | | | | EDIT |
rest_is_object | | | | EDIT |
rest_output_link_header | | | | EDIT |
rest_output_link_wp_head | | | | EDIT |
rest_output_rsd | | | | EDIT |
rest_parse_date | | | | EDIT |
rest_parse_embed_param | | | | EDIT |
rest_parse_hex_color | | | | EDIT |
rest_parse_request_arg | | | | EDIT |
rest_preload_api_request | | | | EDIT |
rest_sanitize_array | | | | EDIT |
rest_sanitize_boolean | | | | EDIT |
rest_sanitize_object | | | | EDIT |
rest_sanitize_request_arg | | | | EDIT |
rest_sanitize_value_from_schema | | | | EDIT |
rest_send_allow_header | | | | EDIT |
rest_send_cors_headers | | | | EDIT |
rest_stabilize_value | | | | EDIT |
rest_url | | | | EDIT |
rest_validate_array_contains_unique_items | | | | EDIT |
rest_validate_array_value_from_schema | | | | EDIT |
rest_validate_boolean_value_from_schema | | | | EDIT |
rest_validate_enum | | | | EDIT |
rest_validate_integer_value_from_schema | | | | EDIT |
rest_validate_json_schema_pattern | | | | EDIT |
rest_validate_null_value_from_schema | | | | EDIT |
rest_validate_number_value_from_schema | | | | EDIT |
rest_validate_object_value_from_schema | | | | EDIT |
rest_validate_request_arg | | | | EDIT |
rest_validate_string_value_from_schema | | | | EDIT |
rest_validate_value_from_schema | | | | EDIT |
restore_error_handler | | | | EDIT |
restore_exception_handler | | | | EDIT |
restore_include_path | | | | EDIT |
retrieve_widgets | | | | EDIT |
return_error | error_id | Redirects to error page with corresponding message. | bool | basic |
return_xy | field_name | Converts xNyN string to an object of two elements. | object | combat |
rewind | | | | EDIT |
rewinddir | | | | EDIT |
rmdir | | | | EDIT |
roa_acf_update_value | | | | EDIT |
roa_add_edit_post | | | | EDIT |
roa_add_icon_column | | | | EDIT |
roa_add_items_column | | | | EDIT |
roa_auto_redirect_after_logout | | | | EDIT |
roa_block_dashboard | | | | EDIT |
roa_body_classes | | | | EDIT |
roa_change_post_label | | | | EDIT |
roa_change_post_type | | | | EDIT |
roa_clean | | | | EDIT |
roa_comments | | | | EDIT |
roa_dashboard_widgets | | | | EDIT |
roa_default_images | | | | EDIT |
roa_defer_parsing_of_js | | | | EDIT |
roa_deregister_styles | | | | EDIT |
roa_dialogs_widget | | | | EDIT |
roa_disable_autosave | | | | EDIT |
roa_disable_feed | | | | EDIT |
roa_disable_pings | | | | EDIT |
roa_display_posts_icons | | | | EDIT |
roa_display_posts_items | | | | EDIT |
roa_false | | | | EDIT |
roa_file_data | | | | EDIT |
roa_get | | | | EDIT |
roa_get_field | | | | EDIT |
roa_get_img | | | | EDIT |
roa_get_url | | | | EDIT |
roa_insert_post | | | | EDIT |
roa_list_items | | | | EDIT |
roa_login_redirect | | | | EDIT |
roa_login_time | | | | EDIT |
roa_logout_without_confirm | | | | EDIT |
roa_make_registered_column_sortable | | | | EDIT |
roa_manage_columns | | | | EDIT |
roa_modify_user_table | | | | EDIT |
roa_modify_user_table_row | | | | EDIT |
roa_npc_widget | | | | EDIT |
roa_prefix_add_posts_order | | | | EDIT |
roa_quicktags_settings | | | | EDIT |
roa_register_cpt | | | | EDIT |
roa_remove_admin_bar | | | | EDIT |
roa_remove_dashboard_meta | | | | EDIT |
roa_remove_link_rel | | | | EDIT |
roa_remove_meta_boxes | | | | EDIT |
roa_remove_version | | | | EDIT |
roa_scripts | | | | EDIT |
roa_scripts_admin | | | | EDIT |
roa_set_defaults | | | | EDIT |
roa_set_ttl | | | | EDIT |
roa_shuffle_obj | | | | EDIT |
roa_sitemap | | | | EDIT |
roa_sort_by_login | | | | EDIT |
roa_symbols | | | | EDIT |
roa_theme_setup | | | | EDIT |
roa_unlimit_posts | | | | EDIT |
roa_update_guid | | | | EDIT |
roa_upload_size_limit | | | | EDIT |
roa_widget_html | | | | EDIT |
round | | | | EDIT |
rrd_create | | | | EDIT |
rrd_error | | | | EDIT |
rrd_fetch | | | | EDIT |
rrd_first | | | | EDIT |
rrd_graph | | | | EDIT |
rrd_info | | | | EDIT |
rrd_last | | | | EDIT |
rrd_lastupdate | | | | EDIT |
rrd_restore | | | | EDIT |
rrd_tune | | | | EDIT |
rrd_update | | | | EDIT |
rrd_version | | | | EDIT |
rrd_xport | | | | EDIT |
rrdc_disconnect | | | | EDIT |
rsort | | | | EDIT |
rsssl | | | | EDIT |
rsssl_activation_check | | | | EDIT |
rsssl_add_manage_security_capability | | | | EDIT |
rsssl_admin_logged_in | | | | EDIT |
rsssl_check_if_email_essential_feature | | | | EDIT |
rsssl_clear_scheduled_hooks | | | | EDIT |
rsssl_daily_cron | | | | EDIT |
rsssl_filter_cron_schedules | | | | EDIT |
rsssl_five_minutes_cron | | | | EDIT |
rsssl_get_legacy_option | | | | EDIT |
rsssl_get_option | | | | EDIT |
rsssl_get_template | | | | EDIT |
rsssl_integrations | | | | EDIT |
rsssl_is_in_deactivation_list | | | | EDIT |
rsssl_is_integration_enabled | | | | EDIT |
rsssl_is_logged_in_rest | | | | EDIT |
rsssl_is_networkwide_active | | | | EDIT |
rsssl_le_check_renewal_status | | | | EDIT |
rsssl_le_cron_maybe_start_renewal | | | | EDIT |
rsssl_le_schedule_cron | | | | EDIT |
rsssl_load_template | | | | EDIT |
rsssl_monthly_cron | | | | EDIT |
rsssl_multisite_schedule_cron | | | | EDIT |
rsssl_schedule_cron | | | | EDIT |
rsssl_security | | | | EDIT |
rsssl_set_encryption_key | | | | EDIT |
rsssl_three_hours_cron | | | | EDIT |
rsssl_user_can_manage | | | | EDIT |
rsssl_weekly_cron | | | | EDIT |
rsssl_wpconfig_path | | | | EDIT |
rtrim | | | | EDIT |
run_snippet | | | | EDIT |
sanitize_term | | | | EDIT |
sanitize_term_field | | | | EDIT |
save_inventory | | | | EDIT |
scandir | | | | EDIT |
script_concat_settings | | | | EDIT |
sell | | | | EDIT |
send_origin_headers | | | | EDIT |
serialize | | | | EDIT |
serialize_block | | | | EDIT |
serialize_block_attributes | | | | EDIT |
serialize_blocks | | | | EDIT |
session_abort | | | | EDIT |
session_cache_expire | | | | EDIT |
session_cache_limiter | | | | EDIT |
session_commit | | | | EDIT |
session_create_id | | | | EDIT |
session_decode | | | | EDIT |
session_destroy | | | | EDIT |
session_encode | | | | EDIT |
session_gc | | | | EDIT |
session_get_cookie_params | | | | EDIT |
session_id | | | | EDIT |
session_module_name | | | | EDIT |
session_name | | | | EDIT |
session_regenerate_id | | | | EDIT |
session_register_shutdown | | | | EDIT |
session_reset | | | | EDIT |
session_save_path | | | | EDIT |
session_set_cookie_params | | | | EDIT |
session_set_save_handler | | | | EDIT |
session_start | | | | EDIT |
session_status | | | | EDIT |
session_unset | | | | EDIT |
session_write_close | | | | EDIT |
set_classes | | | | EDIT |
set_current_user | | | | EDIT |
set_error_handler | | | | EDIT |
set_exception_handler | | | | EDIT |
set_file_buffer | | | | EDIT |
set_ignored_hooked_blocks_metadata | | | | EDIT |
set_include_path | | | | EDIT |
set_location | | Sets location cookie and updates current city and encounter fields. | | basic |
set_post_thumbnail_size | | | | EDIT |
set_state | | | | EDIT |
set_time_limit | | | | EDIT |
set_value | | | | EDIT |
setcookie | | | | EDIT |
setlocale | | | | EDIT |
setrawcookie | | | | EDIT |
settype | | | | EDIT |
sha1 | | | | EDIT |
sha1_file | | | | EDIT |
shell_exec | | | | EDIT |
shmop_close | | | | EDIT |
shmop_delete | | | | EDIT |
shmop_open | | | | EDIT |
shmop_read | | | | EDIT |
shmop_size | | | | EDIT |
shmop_write | | | | EDIT |
short_button | | | | EDIT |
short_casters_list | | | | EDIT |
short_check_if | | | | EDIT |
short_heroes_count | | | | EDIT |
short_heroes_list | | | | EDIT |
short_hint | | | | EDIT |
short_items_list | | | | EDIT |
short_name | | | | EDIT |
short_random | | | | EDIT |
short_rumors | | | | EDIT |
short_submit | | | | EDIT |
short_today_is | | | | EDIT |
shortcode_atts | | | | EDIT |
shortcode_exists | | | | EDIT |
shortcode_parse_atts | | | | EDIT |
show_abbr | string | Return the full version of the given abbreviature. | string | basic |
show_admin_bar | | | | EDIT |
show_class | class_id | Return hero class name by class ID. | string | basic |
show_content | | | | EDIT |
show_deity | god_id | Show god's name by his numeric ID. | string | basic |
show_excerpt | | | | EDIT |
show_gender | hero_id, male_str, female_str | Detects creatures gender and returns the corresponding string. | string | basic |
show_school | school_id | Returns magic school name by school ID. | string | basic |
show_source | | | | EDIT |
show_week_day | weekday_id | Returns Aventurian weekday name according to its number. | string | calendar |
shuffle | | | | EDIT |
similar_text | | | | EDIT |
simplexml_import_dom | | | | EDIT |
simplexml_load_file | | | | EDIT |
simplexml_load_string | | | | EDIT |
simulate_combat | combat_id, rounds, enemies_ids | Simulates and autocombat between heroes and enemies. | integer | combat |
sin | | | | EDIT |
sinh | | | | EDIT |
sizeof | | | | EDIT |
sleep | | | | EDIT |
socket_accept | | | | EDIT |
socket_addrinfo_bind | | | | EDIT |
socket_addrinfo_connect | | | | EDIT |
socket_addrinfo_explain | | | | EDIT |
socket_addrinfo_lookup | | | | EDIT |
socket_bind | | | | EDIT |
socket_clear_error | | | | EDIT |
socket_close | | | | EDIT |
socket_cmsg_space | | | | EDIT |
socket_connect | | | | EDIT |
socket_create | | | | EDIT |
socket_create_listen | | | | EDIT |
socket_create_pair | | | | EDIT |
socket_export_stream | | | | EDIT |
socket_get_option | | | | EDIT |
socket_get_status | | | | EDIT |
socket_getopt | | | | EDIT |
socket_getpeername | | | | EDIT |
socket_getsockname | | | | EDIT |
socket_import_stream | | | | EDIT |
socket_last_error | | | | EDIT |
socket_listen | | | | EDIT |
socket_read | | | | EDIT |
socket_recv | | | | EDIT |
socket_recvfrom | | | | EDIT |
socket_recvmsg | | | | EDIT |
socket_select | | | | EDIT |
socket_send | | | | EDIT |
socket_sendmsg | | | | EDIT |
socket_sendto | | | | EDIT |
socket_set_block | | | | EDIT |
socket_set_blocking | | | | EDIT |
socket_set_nonblock | | | | EDIT |
socket_set_option | | | | EDIT |
socket_set_timeout | | | | EDIT |
socket_setopt | | | | EDIT |
socket_shutdown | | | | EDIT |
socket_strerror | | | | EDIT |
socket_write | | | | EDIT |
sodium_add | | | | EDIT |
sodium_base642bin | | | | EDIT |
sodium_bin2base64 | | | | EDIT |
sodium_bin2hex | | | | EDIT |
sodium_compare | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_aead_aes256gcm_decrypt | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_aead_aes256gcm_encrypt | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_aead_aes256gcm_is_available | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_aead_aes256gcm_keygen | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_decrypt | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_encrypt | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ietf_decrypt | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ietf_encrypt | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ietf_keygen | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_keygen | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_decrypt | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_encrypt | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_keygen | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_auth | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_auth_keygen | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_auth_verify | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_box | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_box_keypair | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_box_keypair_from_secretkey_and_publickey | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_box_open | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_box_publickey | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_box_publickey_from_secretkey | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_box_seal | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_box_seal_open | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_box_secretkey | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_box_seed_keypair | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_generichash | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_generichash_final | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_generichash_init | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_generichash_keygen | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_generichash_update | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_kdf_derive_from_key | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_kdf_keygen | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_kx_client_session_keys | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_kx_keypair | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_kx_publickey | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_kx_secretkey | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_kx_seed_keypair | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_kx_server_session_keys | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_pwhash | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_pwhash_scryptsalsa208sha256 | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_pwhash_scryptsalsa208sha256_str | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_pwhash_scryptsalsa208sha256_str_verify | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_pwhash_str | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_pwhash_str_needs_rehash | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_pwhash_str_verify | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_scalarmult | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_scalarmult_base | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_secretbox | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_secretbox_keygen | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_secretbox_open | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_init_pull | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_init_push | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_keygen | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_pull | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_push | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_rekey | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_shorthash | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_shorthash_keygen | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_sign | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_sign_detached | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_sign_ed25519_pk_to_curve25519 | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_sign_ed25519_sk_to_curve25519 | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_sign_keypair | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_sign_keypair_from_secretkey_and_publickey | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_sign_open | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_sign_publickey | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_sign_publickey_from_secretkey | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_sign_secretkey | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_sign_seed_keypair | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_sign_verify_detached | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_stream | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_stream_keygen | | | | EDIT |
sodium_crypto_stream_xor | | | | EDIT |
sodium_hex2bin | | | | EDIT |
sodium_increment | | | | EDIT |
sodium_memcmp | | | | EDIT |
sodium_memzero | | | | EDIT |
sodium_pad | | | | EDIT |
sodium_unpad | | | | EDIT |
sort | | | | EDIT |
sort_by_gender | | | | EDIT |
soundex | | | | EDIT |
spl_autoload | | | | EDIT |
spl_autoload_call | | | | EDIT |
spl_autoload_extensions | | | | EDIT |
spl_autoload_functions | | | | EDIT |
spl_autoload_register | | | | EDIT |
spl_autoload_unregister | | | | EDIT |
spl_classes | | | | EDIT |
spl_object_hash | | | | EDIT |
spl_object_id | | | | EDIT |
sprintf | | | | EDIT |
sqrt | | | | EDIT |
srand | | | | EDIT |
sscanf | | | | EDIT |
start_combat | combat_id, hero_ids | Sets the combat field, creates combat log and returns an object with all positions and start values. | object | combat |
stat | | | | EDIT |
storage_put | | | | EDIT |
storage_take | | | | EDIT |
str2arr | string | Convert string to array using = delimiter. | array | common |
str2num | | | | EDIT |
str_getcsv | | | | EDIT |
str_ireplace | | | | EDIT |
str_pad | | | | EDIT |
str_repeat | | | | EDIT |
str_replace | | | | EDIT |
str_rot13 | | | | EDIT |
str_shuffle | | | | EDIT |
str_split | | | | EDIT |
str_word_count | | | | EDIT |
strcasecmp | | | | EDIT |
strchr | | | | EDIT |
strcmp | | | | EDIT |
strcoll | | | | EDIT |
strcspn | | | | EDIT |
stream_bucket_append | | | | EDIT |
stream_bucket_make_writeable | | | | EDIT |
stream_bucket_new | | | | EDIT |
stream_bucket_prepend | | | | EDIT |
stream_context_create | | | | EDIT |
stream_context_get_default | | | | EDIT |
stream_context_get_options | | | | EDIT |
stream_context_get_params | | | | EDIT |
stream_context_set_default | | | | EDIT |
stream_context_set_option | | | | EDIT |
stream_context_set_params | | | | EDIT |
stream_copy_to_stream | | | | EDIT |
stream_filter_append | | | | EDIT |
stream_filter_prepend | | | | EDIT |
stream_filter_register | | | | EDIT |
stream_filter_remove | | | | EDIT |
stream_get_contents | | | | EDIT |
stream_get_filters | | | | EDIT |
stream_get_line | | | | EDIT |
stream_get_meta_data | | | | EDIT |
stream_get_transports | | | | EDIT |
stream_get_wrappers | | | | EDIT |
stream_is_local | | | | EDIT |
stream_isatty | | | | EDIT |
stream_register_wrapper | | | | EDIT |
stream_resolve_include_path | | | | EDIT |
stream_select | | | | EDIT |
stream_set_blocking | | | | EDIT |
stream_set_chunk_size | | | | EDIT |
stream_set_read_buffer | | | | EDIT |
stream_set_timeout | | | | EDIT |
stream_set_write_buffer | | | | EDIT |
stream_socket_accept | | | | EDIT |
stream_socket_client | | | | EDIT |
stream_socket_enable_crypto | | | | EDIT |
stream_socket_get_name | | | | EDIT |
stream_socket_pair | | | | EDIT |
stream_socket_recvfrom | | | | EDIT |
stream_socket_sendto | | | | EDIT |
stream_socket_server | | | | EDIT |
stream_socket_shutdown | | | | EDIT |
stream_supports_lock | | | | EDIT |
stream_wrapper_register | | | | EDIT |
stream_wrapper_restore | | | | EDIT |
stream_wrapper_unregister | | | | EDIT |
strftime | | | | EDIT |
strip_core_block_namespace | | | | EDIT |
strip_fragment_from_url | | | | EDIT |
strip_shortcode_tag | | | | EDIT |
strip_shortcodes | | | | EDIT |
strip_tags | | | | EDIT |
stripcslashes | | | | EDIT |
stripos | | | | EDIT |
stripslashes | | | | EDIT |
stristr | | | | EDIT |
strlen | | | | EDIT |
strnatcasecmp | | | | EDIT |
strnatcmp | | | | EDIT |
strncasecmp | | | | EDIT |
strncmp | | | | EDIT |
strpbrk | | | | EDIT |
strpos | | | | EDIT |
strptime | | | | EDIT |
strrchr | | | | EDIT |
strrev | | | | EDIT |
strripos | | | | EDIT |
strrpos | | | | EDIT |
strspn | | | | EDIT |
strstr | | | | EDIT |
strtok | | | | EDIT |
strtolower | | | | EDIT |
strtotime | | | | EDIT |
strtoupper | | | | EDIT |
strtr | | | | EDIT |
strval | | | | EDIT |
styles_for_block_core_search | | | | EDIT |
substr | | | | EDIT |
substr_compare | | | | EDIT |
substr_count | | | | EDIT |
substr_replace | | | | EDIT |
swap_item | | | | EDIT |
swap_items | | | | EDIT |
symlink | | | | EDIT |
sys_get_temp_dir | | | | EDIT |
sys_getloadavg | | | | EDIT |
syslog | | | | EDIT |
system | | | | EDIT |
tan | | | | EDIT |
tanh | | | | EDIT |
target_hero | | | | EDIT |
taxonomy_exists | | | | EDIT |
tempnam | | | | EDIT |
term_exists | | | | EDIT |
term_is_ancestor_of | | | | EDIT |
textdomain | | | | EDIT |
the_embed_site_title | | | | EDIT |
the_excerpt_embed | | | | EDIT |
the_field | | | | EDIT |
the_flexible_field | | | | EDIT |
the_repeater_field | | | | EDIT |
the_row | | | | EDIT |
the_row_index | | | | EDIT |
the_sub_field | | | | EDIT |
the_taxonomies | | | | EDIT |
the_widget | | | | EDIT |
time | | | | EDIT |
time_nanosleep | | | | EDIT |
time_sleep_until | | | | EDIT |
timezone_abbreviations_list | | | | EDIT |
timezone_identifiers_list | | | | EDIT |
timezone_location_get | | | | EDIT |
timezone_name_from_abbr | | | | EDIT |
timezone_name_get | | | | EDIT |
timezone_offset_get | | | | EDIT |
timezone_open | | | | EDIT |
timezone_transitions_get | | | | EDIT |
timezone_version_get | | | | EDIT |
tmpfile | | | | EDIT |
today | key, value | Sets an event that is relevant for today. | bool | basic |
token_get_all | | | | EDIT |
token_name | | | | EDIT |
tomorrow | key, value | Sets upcoming events for the next day. | bool | basic |
touch | | | | EDIT |
trait_exists | | | | EDIT |
translate_from | | | | EDIT |
translate_to | | | | EDIT |
transliterator_create | | | | EDIT |
transliterator_create_from_rules | | | | EDIT |
transliterator_create_inverse | | | | EDIT |
transliterator_get_error_code | | | | EDIT |
transliterator_get_error_message | | | | EDIT |
transliterator_list_ids | | | | EDIT |
transliterator_transliterate | | | | EDIT |
traverse_and_serialize_block | | | | EDIT |
traverse_and_serialize_blocks | | | | EDIT |
trigger_error | | | | EDIT |
trim | | | | EDIT |
uasort | | | | EDIT |
ucfirst | | | | EDIT |
ucwords | | | | EDIT |
uksort | | | | EDIT |
umask | | | | EDIT |
unescape_invalid_shortcodes | | | | EDIT |
uniqid | | | | EDIT |
unixtojd | | | | EDIT |
unlink | | | | EDIT |
unpack | | | | EDIT |
unregister_block_bindings_source | | | | EDIT |
unregister_block_pattern | | | | EDIT |
unregister_block_pattern_category | | | | EDIT |
unregister_block_style | | | | EDIT |
unregister_block_type | | | | EDIT |
unregister_nav_menu | | | | EDIT |
unregister_sidebar | | | | EDIT |
unregister_taxonomy | | | | EDIT |
unregister_taxonomy_for_object_type | | | | EDIT |
unregister_term_meta | | | | EDIT |
unregister_tick_function | | | | EDIT |
unregister_widget | | | | EDIT |
unserialize | | | | EDIT |
update_asp | | | | EDIT |
update_field | | | | EDIT |
update_hero | hero_stats_object | Receives object with updated hero values and saves them to corresponding fields. | string | basic |
update_ignored_hooked_blocks_postmeta | | | | EDIT |
update_menu_item_cache | | | | EDIT |
update_money | | | | EDIT |
update_object_term_cache | | | | EDIT |
update_reputation | god_id, modifier, ducats | Update reputation with specific god by given modifier or via money donation. | bool | basic |
update_row | | | | EDIT |
update_state | state, value, hero_id | Assigns a new value to existing state. | bool | basic |
update_sub_field | | | | EDIT |
update_sub_row | | | | EDIT |
update_term_cache | | | | EDIT |
update_term_meta | | | | EDIT |
update_termmeta_cache | | | | EDIT |
update_value | | | | EDIT |
url_is_image | | | | EDIT |
urldecode | | | | EDIT |
urlencode | | | | EDIT |
use_item | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_acrobatics | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_alchemy | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_ancient_tongues | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_animal_lore | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_arcane_lore | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_bind | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_carouse | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_cheat | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_climb | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_convert | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_dance | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_danger_sense | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_drive | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_evaluate | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_geography | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_haggle | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_herb_lore | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_hide | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_history | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_human_nature | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_instrument | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_lie | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_locks | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_orientation | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_perception | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_physical_control | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_pickpocket | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_read | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_ride | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_ritual | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_seduce | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_self_control | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_stealth | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_streetwise | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_survival | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_swim | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_tactics | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_tongues | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_track | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_train_animals | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_treat_disease | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_treat_poison | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_treat_wounds | | | | EDIT |
use_soap_error_handler | | | | EDIT |
user_error | | | | EDIT |
usleep | | | | EDIT |
usort | | | | EDIT |
utf8_decode | | | | EDIT |
utf8_encode | | | | EDIT |
var_dump | | | | EDIT |
var_export | | | | EDIT |
version_compare | | | | EDIT |
vfprintf | | | | EDIT |
vprintf | | | | EDIT |
vsprintf | | | | EDIT |
walk_nav_menu_tree | | | | EDIT |
wand_ritual | | | | EDIT |
wordwrap | | | | EDIT |
wp_add_editor_classic_theme_styles | | | | EDIT |
wp_add_footnotes_to_revision | | | | EDIT |
wp_add_inline_script | | | | EDIT |
wp_add_inline_style | | | | EDIT |
wp_add_object_terms | | | | EDIT |
wp_add_parent_layout_to_parsed_block | | | | EDIT |
wp_admin_bar_add_secondary_groups | | | | EDIT |
wp_admin_bar_appearance_menu | | | | EDIT |
wp_admin_bar_comments_menu | | | | EDIT |
wp_admin_bar_customize_menu | | | | EDIT |
wp_admin_bar_edit_menu | | | | EDIT |
wp_admin_bar_edit_site_menu | | | | EDIT |
wp_admin_bar_my_account_item | | | | EDIT |
wp_admin_bar_my_account_menu | | | | EDIT |
wp_admin_bar_my_sites_menu | | | | EDIT |
wp_admin_bar_new_content_menu | | | | EDIT |
wp_admin_bar_recovery_mode_menu | | | | EDIT |
wp_admin_bar_render | | | | EDIT |
wp_admin_bar_search_menu | | | | EDIT |
wp_admin_bar_shortlink_menu | | | | EDIT |
wp_admin_bar_sidebar_toggle | | | | EDIT |
wp_admin_bar_site_menu | | | | EDIT |
wp_admin_bar_updates_menu | | | | EDIT |
wp_admin_bar_wp_menu | | | | EDIT |
wp_apply_alignment_support | | | | EDIT |
wp_apply_border_support | | | | EDIT |
wp_apply_colors_support | | | | EDIT |
wp_apply_custom_classname_support | | | | EDIT |
wp_apply_dimensions_support | | | | EDIT |
wp_apply_generated_classname_support | | | | EDIT |
wp_apply_shadow_support | | | | EDIT |
wp_apply_spacing_support | | | | EDIT |
wp_apply_typography_support | | | | EDIT |
wp_assign_widget_to_sidebar | | | | EDIT |
wp_audio_shortcode | | | | EDIT |
wp_authenticate | | | | EDIT |
wp_cache_set_terms_last_changed | | | | EDIT |
wp_calculate_image_sizes | | | | EDIT |
wp_calculate_image_srcset | | | | EDIT |
wp_check_password | | | | EDIT |
wp_check_term_hierarchy_for_loops | | | | EDIT |
wp_check_term_meta_support_prefilter | | | | EDIT |
wp_check_widget_editor_deps | | | | EDIT |
wp_clean_update_cache | | | | EDIT |
wp_clear_auth_cookie | | | | EDIT |
wp_clearcookie | | | | EDIT |
wp_common_block_scripts_and_styles | | | | EDIT |
wp_constrain_dimensions | | | | EDIT |
wp_convert_widget_settings | | | | EDIT |
wp_count_terms | | | | EDIT |
wp_create_block_style_variation_instance_name | | | | EDIT |
wp_create_nav_menu | | | | EDIT |
wp_create_nonce | | | | EDIT |
wp_default_packages | | | | EDIT |
wp_default_packages_inline_scripts | | | | EDIT |
wp_default_packages_scripts | | | | EDIT |
wp_default_packages_vendor | | | | EDIT |
wp_default_script_modules | | | | EDIT |
wp_default_scripts | | | | EDIT |
wp_default_styles | | | | EDIT |
wp_defer_term_counting | | | | EDIT |
wp_delete_all_temp_backups | | | | EDIT |
wp_delete_category | | | | EDIT |
wp_delete_nav_menu | | | | EDIT |
wp_delete_object_term_relationships | | | | EDIT |
wp_delete_term | | | | EDIT |
wp_dequeue_script | | | | EDIT |
wp_dequeue_script_module | | | | EDIT |
wp_dequeue_style | | | | EDIT |
wp_deregister_script | | | | EDIT |
wp_deregister_script_module | | | | EDIT |
wp_deregister_style | | | | EDIT |
wp_embed_defaults | | | | EDIT |
wp_embed_excerpt_attachment | | | | EDIT |
wp_embed_excerpt_more | | | | EDIT |
wp_embed_handler_audio | | | | EDIT |
wp_embed_handler_video | | | | EDIT |
wp_embed_handler_youtube | | | | EDIT |
wp_embed_register_handler | | | | EDIT |
wp_embed_unregister_handler | | | | EDIT |
wp_enqueue_admin_bar_bump_styles | | | | EDIT |
wp_enqueue_admin_bar_header_styles | | | | EDIT |
wp_enqueue_block_style | | | | EDIT |
wp_enqueue_block_style_variation_styles | | | | EDIT |
wp_enqueue_block_support_styles | | | | EDIT |
wp_enqueue_classic_theme_styles | | | | EDIT |
wp_enqueue_editor_block_directory_assets | | | | EDIT |
wp_enqueue_editor_format_library_assets | | | | EDIT |
wp_enqueue_embed_styles | | | | EDIT |
wp_enqueue_global_styles | | | | EDIT |
wp_enqueue_global_styles_css_custom_properties | | | | EDIT |
wp_enqueue_global_styles_custom_css | | | | EDIT |
wp_enqueue_media | | | | EDIT |
wp_enqueue_registered_block_scripts_and_styles | | | | EDIT |
wp_enqueue_script | | | | EDIT |
wp_enqueue_script_module | | | | EDIT |
wp_enqueue_scripts | | | | EDIT |
wp_enqueue_stored_styles | | | | EDIT |
wp_enqueue_style | | | | EDIT |
wp_expand_dimensions | | | | EDIT |
wp_filter_content_tags | | | | EDIT |
wp_filter_oembed_iframe_title_attribute | | | | EDIT |
wp_filter_oembed_result | | | | EDIT |
wp_filter_out_block_nodes | | | | EDIT |
wp_filter_pre_oembed_result | | | | EDIT |
wp_find_widgets_sidebar | | | | EDIT |
wp_font_dir | | | | EDIT |
wp_generate_auth_cookie | | | | EDIT |
wp_generate_password | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_additional_image_sizes | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_associated_nav_menu_items | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_attachment_id3_keys | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_attachment_image | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_attachment_image_sizes | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_attachment_image_src | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_attachment_image_srcset | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_attachment_image_url | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_audio_extensions | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_avif_info | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_block_default_classname | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_block_style_variation_name_from_class | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_computed_fluid_typography_value | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_cookie_login | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_current_user | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_elements_class_name | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_first_block | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_font_dir | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_footnotes_from_revision | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_global_styles_custom_css | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_image_editor | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_image_editor_output_format | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_inline_script_tag | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_layout_definitions | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_layout_style | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_loading_optimization_attributes | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_nav_menu_items | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_nav_menu_name | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_nav_menu_object | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_nav_menus | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_object_terms | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_post_content_block_attributes | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_registered_image_subsizes | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_script_polyfill | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_script_tag | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_sidebar | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_sidebars_widgets | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_sitemap_providers | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_split_term | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_split_terms | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_term_taxonomy_parent_id | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_translation_updates | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_typography_font_size_value | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_typography_value_and_unit | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_update_data | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_video_extensions | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_webp_info | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_widget_defaults | | | | EDIT |
wp_getimagesize | | | | EDIT |
wp_has_border_feature_support | | | | EDIT |
wp_hash | | | | EDIT |
wp_hash_password | | | | EDIT |
wp_high_priority_element_flag | | | | EDIT |
wp_http_supports | | | | EDIT |
wp_http_validate_url | | | | EDIT |
wp_iframe_tag_add_loading_attr | | | | EDIT |
wp_image_add_srcset_and_sizes | | | | EDIT |
wp_image_editor_supports | | | | EDIT |
wp_image_file_matches_image_meta | | | | EDIT |
wp_image_matches_ratio | | | | EDIT |
wp_image_src_get_dimensions | | | | EDIT |
wp_imagecreatetruecolor | | | | EDIT |
wp_img_tag_add_auto_sizes | | | | EDIT |
wp_img_tag_add_loading_optimization_attrs | | | | EDIT |
wp_img_tag_add_srcset_and_sizes_attr | | | | EDIT |
wp_img_tag_add_width_and_height_attr | | | | EDIT |
wp_increase_content_media_count | | | | EDIT |
wp_insert_term | | | | EDIT |
wp_interactivity | | | | EDIT |
wp_interactivity_config | | | | EDIT |
wp_interactivity_data_wp_context | | | | EDIT |
wp_interactivity_get_context | | | | EDIT |
wp_interactivity_get_element | | | | EDIT |
wp_interactivity_process_directives | | | | EDIT |
wp_interactivity_process_directives_of_interactive_blocks | | | | EDIT |
wp_interactivity_state | | | | EDIT |
wp_is_mobile | | | | EDIT |
wp_is_rest_endpoint | | | | EDIT |
wp_just_in_time_script_localization | | | | EDIT |
wp_latest_comments_draft_or_post_title | | | | EDIT |
wp_lazy_loading_enabled | | | | EDIT |
wp_lazyload_term_meta | | | | EDIT |
wp_localize_community_events | | | | EDIT |
wp_localize_jquery_ui_datepicker | | | | EDIT |
wp_localize_script | | | | EDIT |
wp_login | | | | EDIT |
wp_logout | | | | EDIT |
wp_mail | | | | EDIT |
wp_map_nav_menu_locations | | | | EDIT |
wp_map_sidebars_widgets | | | | EDIT |
wp_max_upload_size | | | | EDIT |
wp_maybe_add_fetchpriority_high_attr | | | | EDIT |
wp_maybe_auto_update | | | | EDIT |
wp_maybe_enqueue_oembed_host_js | | | | EDIT |
wp_maybe_generate_attachment_metadata | | | | EDIT |
wp_maybe_inline_styles | | | | EDIT |
wp_maybe_load_embeds | | | | EDIT |
wp_media_personal_data_exporter | | | | EDIT |
wp_mediaelement_fallback | | | | EDIT |
wp_migrate_old_typography_shape | | | | EDIT |
wp_nav_menu | | | | EDIT |
wp_nav_menu_remove_menu_item_has_children_class | | | | EDIT |
wp_new_user_notification | | | | EDIT |
wp_nonce_tick | | | | EDIT |
wp_normalize_remote_block_pattern | | | | EDIT |
wp_notify_moderator | | | | EDIT |
wp_notify_postauthor | | | | EDIT |
wp_oembed_add_discovery_links | | | | EDIT |
wp_oembed_add_host_js | | | | EDIT |
wp_oembed_add_provider | | | | EDIT |
wp_oembed_ensure_format | | | | EDIT |
wp_oembed_get | | | | EDIT |
wp_oembed_register_route | | | | EDIT |
wp_oembed_remove_provider | | | | EDIT |
wp_omit_loading_attr_threshold | | | | EDIT |
wp_parse_auth_cookie | | | | EDIT |
wp_parse_url | | | | EDIT |
wp_parse_widget_id | | | | EDIT |
wp_password_change_notification | | | | EDIT |
wp_playlist_scripts | | | | EDIT |
wp_playlist_shortcode | | | | EDIT |
wp_plupload_default_settings | | | | EDIT |
wp_prepare_attachment_for_js | | | | EDIT |
wp_print_font_faces | | | | EDIT |
wp_print_font_faces_from_style_variations | | | | EDIT |
wp_print_footer_scripts | | | | EDIT |
wp_print_head_scripts | | | | EDIT |
wp_print_inline_script_tag | | | | EDIT |
wp_print_script_tag | | | | EDIT |
wp_print_scripts | | | | EDIT |
wp_print_styles | | | | EDIT |
wp_prototype_before_jquery | | | | EDIT |
wp_rand | | | | EDIT |
wp_redirect | | | | EDIT |
wp_redirect_admin_locations | | | | EDIT |
wp_register_alignment_support | | | | EDIT |
wp_register_background_support | | | | EDIT |
wp_register_block_metadata_collection | | | | EDIT |
wp_register_block_style_variations_from_theme_json_partials | | | | EDIT |
wp_register_border_support | | | | EDIT |
wp_register_colors_support | | | | EDIT |
wp_register_core_block_metadata_collection | | | | EDIT |
wp_register_custom_classname_support | | | | EDIT |
wp_register_development_scripts | | | | EDIT |
wp_register_dimensions_support | | | | EDIT |
wp_register_font_collection | | | | EDIT |
wp_register_layout_support | | | | EDIT |
wp_register_media_personal_data_exporter | | | | EDIT |
wp_register_position_support | | | | EDIT |
wp_register_script | | | | EDIT |
wp_register_script_module | | | | EDIT |
wp_register_shadow_support | | | | EDIT |
wp_register_sidebar_widget | | | | EDIT |
wp_register_sitemap_provider | | | | EDIT |
wp_register_spacing_support | | | | EDIT |
wp_register_style | | | | EDIT |
wp_register_tinymce_scripts | | | | EDIT |
wp_register_typography_support | | | | EDIT |
wp_register_widget_control | | | | EDIT |
wp_remote_get | | | | EDIT |
wp_remote_head | | | | EDIT |
wp_remote_post | | | | EDIT |
wp_remote_request | | | | EDIT |
wp_remote_retrieve_body | | | | EDIT |
wp_remote_retrieve_cookie | | | | EDIT |
wp_remote_retrieve_cookie_value | | | | EDIT |
wp_remote_retrieve_cookies | | | | EDIT |
wp_remote_retrieve_header | | | | EDIT |
wp_remote_retrieve_headers | | | | EDIT |
wp_remote_retrieve_response_code | | | | EDIT |
wp_remote_retrieve_response_message | | | | EDIT |
wp_remove_object_terms | | | | EDIT |
wp_remove_surrounding_empty_script_tags | | | | EDIT |
wp_render_background_support | | | | EDIT |
wp_render_block_style_variation_class_name | | | | EDIT |
wp_render_block_style_variation_support_styles | | | | EDIT |
wp_render_dimensions_support | | | | EDIT |
wp_render_elements_class_name | | | | EDIT |
wp_render_elements_support | | | | EDIT |
wp_render_elements_support_styles | | | | EDIT |
wp_render_layout_support_flag | | | | EDIT |
wp_render_position_support | | | | EDIT |
wp_render_typography_support | | | | EDIT |
wp_render_widget | | | | EDIT |
wp_render_widget_control | | | | EDIT |
wp_resolve_block_style_variation_ref_values | | | | EDIT |
wp_restore_group_inner_container | | | | EDIT |
wp_restore_image_outer_container | | | | EDIT |
wp_safe_redirect | | | | EDIT |
wp_safe_remote_get | | | | EDIT |
wp_safe_remote_head | | | | EDIT |
wp_safe_remote_post | | | | EDIT |
wp_safe_remote_request | | | | EDIT |
wp_salt | | | | EDIT |
wp_sanitize_redirect | | | | EDIT |
wp_sanitize_script_attributes | | | | EDIT |
wp_schedule_update_checks | | | | EDIT |
wp_script_add_data | | | | EDIT |
wp_script_is | | | | EDIT |
wp_script_modules | | | | EDIT |
wp_scripts | | | | EDIT |
wp_scripts_get_suffix | | | | EDIT |
wp_set_auth_cookie | | | | EDIT |
wp_set_current_user | | | | EDIT |
wp_set_object_terms | | | | EDIT |
wp_set_password | | | | EDIT |
wp_set_script_translations | | | | EDIT |
wp_set_sidebars_widgets | | | | EDIT |
wp_setcookie | | | | EDIT |
wp_setup_nav_menu_item | | | | EDIT |
wp_setup_widgets_block_editor | | | | EDIT |
wp_should_add_elements_class_name | | | | EDIT |
wp_should_load_block_editor_scripts_and_styles | | | | EDIT |
wp_should_load_separate_core_block_assets | | | | EDIT |
wp_should_skip_block_supports_serialization | | | | EDIT |
wp_show_heic_upload_error | | | | EDIT |
wp_sidebar_description | | | | EDIT |
wp_sitemaps_get_max_urls | | | | EDIT |
wp_sitemaps_get_server | | | | EDIT |
wp_sizes_attribute_includes_valid_auto | | | | EDIT |
wp_style_add_data | | | | EDIT |
wp_style_engine_get_styles | | | | EDIT |
wp_style_engine_get_stylesheet_from_context | | | | EDIT |
wp_style_engine_get_stylesheet_from_css_rules | | | | EDIT |
wp_style_is | | | | EDIT |
wp_style_loader_src | | | | EDIT |
wp_styles | | | | EDIT |
wp_term_is_shared | | | | EDIT |
wp_text_diff | | | | EDIT |
wp_tinymce_inline_scripts | | | | EDIT |
wp_typography_get_preset_inline_style_value | | | | EDIT |
wp_underscore_playlist_templates | | | | EDIT |
wp_unique_term_slug | | | | EDIT |
wp_unregister_font_collection | | | | EDIT |
wp_unregister_sidebar_widget | | | | EDIT |
wp_unregister_widget_control | | | | EDIT |
wp_update_nav_menu_item | | | | EDIT |
wp_update_nav_menu_object | | | | EDIT |
wp_update_plugins | | | | EDIT |
wp_update_term | | | | EDIT |
wp_update_term_count | | | | EDIT |
wp_update_term_count_now | | | | EDIT |
wp_update_themes | | | | EDIT |
wp_use_widgets_block_editor | | | | EDIT |
wp_validate_auth_cookie | | | | EDIT |
wp_validate_redirect | | | | EDIT |
wp_verify_nonce | | | | EDIT |
wp_version_check | | | | EDIT |
wp_video_shortcode | | | | EDIT |
wp_widget_description | | | | EDIT |
wp_widget_rss_form | | | | EDIT |
wp_widget_rss_output | | | | EDIT |
wp_widget_rss_process | | | | EDIT |
wp_widgets_init | | | | EDIT |
wpview_media_sandbox_styles | | | | EDIT |
xml_error_string | | | | EDIT |
xml_get_current_byte_index | | | | EDIT |
xml_get_current_column_number | | | | EDIT |
xml_get_current_line_number | | | | EDIT |
xml_get_error_code | | | | EDIT |
xml_parse | | | | EDIT |
xml_parse_into_struct | | | | EDIT |
xml_parser_create | | | | EDIT |
xml_parser_create_ns | | | | EDIT |
xml_parser_free | | | | EDIT |
xml_parser_get_option | | | | EDIT |
xml_parser_set_option | | | | EDIT |
xml_set_character_data_handler | | | | EDIT |
xml_set_default_handler | | | | EDIT |
xml_set_element_handler | | | | EDIT |
xml_set_end_namespace_decl_handler | | | | EDIT |
xml_set_external_entity_ref_handler | | | | EDIT |
xml_set_notation_decl_handler | | | | EDIT |
xml_set_object | | | | EDIT |
xml_set_processing_instruction_handler | | | | EDIT |
xml_set_start_namespace_decl_handler | | | | EDIT |
xml_set_unparsed_entity_decl_handler | | | | EDIT |
xmlrpc_decode | | | | EDIT |
xmlrpc_decode_request | | | | EDIT |
xmlrpc_encode | | | | EDIT |
xmlrpc_encode_request | | | | EDIT |
xmlrpc_get_type | | | | EDIT |
xmlrpc_is_fault | | | | EDIT |
xmlrpc_parse_method_descriptions | | | | EDIT |
xmlrpc_server_add_introspection_data | | | | EDIT |
xmlrpc_server_call_method | | | | EDIT |
xmlrpc_server_create | | | | EDIT |
xmlrpc_server_destroy | | | | EDIT |
xmlrpc_server_register_introspection_callback | | | | EDIT |
xmlrpc_server_register_method | | | | EDIT |
xmlrpc_set_type | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_end_attribute | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_end_cdata | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_end_comment | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_end_document | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_end_dtd | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_end_dtd_attlist | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_end_dtd_element | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_end_dtd_entity | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_end_element | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_end_pi | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_flush | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_full_end_element | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_open_memory | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_open_uri | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_output_memory | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_set_indent | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_set_indent_string | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_start_attribute | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_start_attribute_ns | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_start_cdata | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_start_comment | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_start_document | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_start_dtd | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_start_dtd_attlist | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_start_dtd_element | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_start_dtd_entity | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_start_element | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_start_element_ns | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_start_pi | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_text | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_write_attribute | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_write_attribute_ns | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_write_cdata | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_write_comment | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_write_dtd | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_write_dtd_attlist | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_write_dtd_element | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_write_dtd_entity | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_write_element | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_write_element_ns | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_write_pi | | | | EDIT |
xmlwriter_write_raw | | | | EDIT |
zend_version | | | | EDIT |
zip_close | | | | EDIT |
zip_entry_close | | | | EDIT |
zip_entry_compressedsize | | | | EDIT |
zip_entry_compressionmethod | | | | EDIT |
zip_entry_filesize | | | | EDIT |
zip_entry_name | | | | EDIT |
zip_entry_open | | | | EDIT |
zip_entry_read | | | | EDIT |
zip_open | | | | EDIT |
zip_read | | | | EDIT |
zlib_decode | | | | EDIT |
zlib_encode | | | | EDIT |
zlib_get_coding_type | | | | EDIT |