_get_dropins | | | | EDIT |
_get_plugin_data_markup_translate | | | | EDIT |
_sort_uname_callback | | | | EDIT |
activate_plugin | | | | EDIT |
activate_plugins | | | | EDIT |
add_allowed_options | | | | EDIT |
add_comments_page | | | | EDIT |
add_dashboard_page | | | | EDIT |
add_links_page | | | | EDIT |
add_management_page | | | | EDIT |
add_media_page | | | | EDIT |
add_menu_page | | | | EDIT |
add_options_page | | | | EDIT |
add_pages_page | | | | EDIT |
add_plugins_page | | | | EDIT |
add_posts_page | | | | EDIT |
add_submenu_page | | | | EDIT |
add_theme_page | | | | EDIT |
add_users_page | | | | EDIT |
arr2str | array | Convert array to string using = delimiter. | string | common |
attack_melee | hero_stats, target_stats | Simulates a melee attack between a hero and its target. | integer | combat |
attack_ranged | hero_stats, target_stats | Simulates a ranged attack between hero and its target. | integer | combat |
auto_combat | | | | EDIT |
book_vessel | | | | EDIT |
can_cast | | | | EDIT |
cast_abvenenum | | | | EDIT |
cast_analys | | | | EDIT |
cast_armatrutz | | | | EDIT |
cast_astral_theft | | | | EDIT |
cast_attributo | | | | EDIT |
cast_axxeleratus | | | | EDIT |
cast_balsam | | | | EDIT |
cast_banish_spirits | | | | EDIT |
cast_bannbaladin | | | | EDIT |
cast_blitz | | | | EDIT |
cast_calm_storm | | | | EDIT |
cast_camouflage | | | | EDIT |
cast_claudibus | | | | EDIT |
cast_conjure_spirit | | | | EDIT |
cast_darkness | | | | EDIT |
cast_destructibo | | | | EDIT |
cast_disruptivo | | | | EDIT |
cast_domination | | | | EDIT |
cast_duplicatus | | | | EDIT |
cast_eagle_wolf | | | | EDIT |
cast_eagles_eye | | | | EDIT |
cast_ecliptifactus | | | | EDIT |
cast_elementare | | | | EDIT |
cast_evil_eye | | | | EDIT |
cast_exposami | | | | EDIT |
cast_fires_bane | | | | EDIT |
cast_flim_flam | | | | EDIT |
cast_foramen | | | | EDIT |
cast_fortifex | | | | EDIT |
cast_freeze_soft | | | | EDIT |
cast_fulminictus | | | | EDIT |
cast_gardianum | | | | EDIT |
cast_heptagon | | | | EDIT |
cast_horriphobus | | | | EDIT |
cast_ignifaxius | | | | EDIT |
cast_invercano | | | | EDIT |
cast_iron_rust | | | | EDIT |
cast_karnifilo | | | | EDIT |
cast_klarum_purum | | | | EDIT |
cast_meekness | | | | EDIT |
cast_melt_solid | | | | EDIT |
cast_motoricus | | | | EDIT |
cast_nekropathia | | | | EDIT |
cast_nihilatio | | | | EDIT |
cast_ocean_floor | | | | EDIT |
cast_odem_arcanum | | | | EDIT |
cast_paralysis | | | | EDIT |
cast_penetrizzel | | | | EDIT |
cast_plumbumbarum | | | | EDIT |
cast_psychostabilis | | | | EDIT |
cast_radau | | | | EDIT |
cast_regeneratio | | | | EDIT |
cast_respondami | | | | EDIT |
cast_sensibar | | | | EDIT |
cast_silentium | | | | EDIT |
cast_skelettarius | | | | EDIT |
cast_solidrid | | | | EDIT |
cast_somnigravis | | | | EDIT |
cast_spell | | | | EDIT |
cast_summon_crows | | | | EDIT |
cast_transversalis | | | | EDIT |
cast_visibili | | | | EDIT |
cast_witchs_eye | | | | EDIT |
cast_witchs_knot | | | | EDIT |
change_qty | | | | EDIT |
check_combat_state | | | | EDIT |
check_encounter | | | | EDIT |
check_party_skill | | | | EDIT |
check_quest_status | | | | EDIT |
check_skill | | | | EDIT |
check_skills | | | | EDIT |
collect_item | | | | EDIT |
continue_combat | combat_id | (?) Decodes the JSON log and returns the data as object. | object | combat |
convert_money | | | | EDIT |
count_distance | hero_field, target_field | Calculates the number of cells between hero and its target. | integer | combat |
count_item | | | | EDIT |
count_level | | | | EDIT |
count_miles | | | | EDIT |
count_space | | | | EDIT |
deactivate_plugins | | | | EDIT |
deactivated_plugins_notice | | | | EDIT |
delete_plugins | | | | EDIT |
deposit_item | | | | EDIT |
display_item_stats | | | | EDIT |
eat_drink | | | | EDIT |
eat_food | | | | EDIT |
equip_item | | | | EDIT |
exit_to_map | | Returns URL forcing player to exit to Aventuria map. | string | basic |
format_text | | | | EDIT |
future | | | | EDIT |
generate_name | class_id, gender_id | Picks a random name from the list according to hero's class and gender. | string | generation |
generate_stats | class_id | Generates positive and negative attributes, deity, weight and height for a new hero. | object | generation |
get_ad | | | | EDIT |
get_admin_page_parent | | | | EDIT |
get_admin_page_title | | | | EDIT |
get_attributes | | | | EDIT |
get_audio | | | | EDIT |
get_available_heroes | user_id | Get a list of heroes that were created by a specific player. | array | basic |
get_barter_items | | | | EDIT |
get_best_at | skill | Returns the ID of the most skilled hero in the party. | integer | basic |
get_casters_list | spell | Generates and returns an HTML list with highlighted casters. | string | basic |
get_combat_stats | hero_id | Returns an object containing hero's derived values, which are relevant for combat. | object | combat |
get_current_city | | Return player's current city location ID. | integer | basic |
get_current_location | | | | EDIT |
get_default_slots | | | | EDIT |
get_deposit_recipe | | | | EDIT |
get_deposited_items | | | | EDIT |
get_diagram | | | | EDIT |
get_dice_range | | | | EDIT |
get_disease | disease_id | Returns all information about the disease: name, symptoms, cure and healing price. | object | basic |
get_drinks | | | | EDIT |
get_dropins | | | | EDIT |
get_encounter | | | | EDIT |
get_enemies | | | | EDIT |
get_exit_url | obj | Checks what is exit URL from current location via get queried object and returns the URL. | string | basic |
get_field_type | | | | EDIT |
get_fighters | | | | EDIT |
get_god_stats | | | | EDIT |
get_gods_list | | | | EDIT |
get_gossip | | | | EDIT |
get_healthy_heroes | | | | EDIT |
get_hero_by_class | class_id, gender_id | Checks if the party contains a hero with specific class and gender and returns his numeric ID. | integer | basic |
get_hero_face | hero_id | Get hero's portrait URL according to his current condition. | string | basic |
get_hero_name | hero_id | Returns hero's short name with a fallback to his full name. | string | basic |
get_hero_names | hero_ids | Get hero names list by array of IDs delimited by comma. | string | basic |
get_hero_stats | hero_id | Calculates and returns an object of creatures attributes and skills. | array | basic |
get_heroes | | | | EDIT |
get_heroes_list | skill | The function returns the generated HTML list with highlighted options. | string | basic |
get_holiday | month, day | Returns a list of annual holidays by provided month and day. | string | calendar |
get_houses | | | | EDIT |
get_inventory | | | | EDIT |
get_ip | | | | EDIT |
get_item_owner | | | | EDIT |
get_item_slot | | | | EDIT |
get_item_stats | | | | EDIT |
get_item_type | | | | EDIT |
get_level_range | | | | EDIT |
get_load | | | | EDIT |
get_lvl | hero_id | Calculates a level according to Experience Points. In case of a party, it returns the lowest level among the members. | integer | combat |
get_mailbox | | | | EDIT |
get_miracle | god_id | Get random miracle of the corresponding god and shows the dialog message. | string | basic |
get_money_int | | | | EDIT |
get_month_object | month, year | Generates an object of days in provided month with containing, day number, week number, week day and a list of holidays. The object can be used to displaying tabled calendar. | object | calendar |
get_mu_plugins | | | | EDIT |
get_party_location | | Checks players recent visited location and returns an exit URL. | string | basic |
get_plugin_data | | | | EDIT |
get_plugin_files | | | | EDIT |
get_plugin_page_hook | | | | EDIT |
get_plugin_page_hookname | | | | EDIT |
get_plugins | | | | EDIT |
get_poison | | | | EDIT |
get_random | array, exclude | Picks a random element from array, excluding the provided option. | mixed | basic |
get_random_line | | | | EDIT |
get_random_opponents | quantity | Returns an array with randomly picked character IDs. | array | combat |
get_rest | | | | EDIT |
get_rumors | | | | EDIT |
get_siblings | | | | EDIT |
get_skills_list | | Returns a list of skill names for any character. | array | generation |
get_spells_list | | Returns a list of all available spells. | array | generation |
get_start_inventory | | | | EDIT |
get_start_skills | class_id, god_id | Generates a list of start values for the provided class. Also adds deity modifiers. | string | generation |
get_start_spells | class_id, school | Returns start spell values for magical characters according to their class and representation. | string | generation |
get_state | | | | EDIT |
get_the_heroes | | Get a list of heroes that are currently in the party. | array | basic |
get_the_price | | | | EDIT |
get_today_data | | | | EDIT |
get_topic | | | | EDIT |
get_topics | hero_id | Returns a list of dialog options grouped by topics. | object | basic |
get_town_img | | | | EDIT |
get_weather | | | | EDIT |
get_worst_at | skill | Returns the ID of the most unskilled hero in the party. | integer | basic |
go_fishing | | | | EDIT |
go_gathering | | | | EDIT |
go_hunting | | | | EDIT |
has_asp | | | | EDIT |
has_item | | | | EDIT |
has_item_type | | | | EDIT |
has_space | | | | EDIT |
has_state | state, hero_id | Checks whether specific hero has specific state. | integer | basic |
has_str | | | | EDIT |
have_item | | | | EDIT |
have_sex | | | | EDIT |
have_space | | | | EDIT |
hero_details | | | | EDIT |
hex2iid | | | | EDIT |
if_have_class | | | | EDIT |
if_have_gender | | | | EDIT |
if_have_item | | | | EDIT |
if_have_money | | | | EDIT |
if_is_finished | | | | EDIT |
if_is_read | | | | EDIT |
if_quest_is | | | | EDIT |
import_game | | | | EDIT |
improve_skill | skill, hero_id | Improves selected skill or spell by 1. | bool | generation |
inc_tpl | | | | EDIT |
is_2handed | item_id | Checks whether the weapon is two-handed. | bool | combat |
is_archer | | | | EDIT |
is_caster | | | | EDIT |
is_city | | | | EDIT |
is_finished | | | | EDIT |
is_mage | | | | EDIT |
is_market | location_id | Checks whether current location holds a market today. | bool | calendar |
is_met | | | | EDIT |
is_network_only_plugin | | | | EDIT |
is_ok | hero_id | Checks whether the hero fills okay. If not return HTML with his complaint. | string | basic |
is_plugin_active | | | | EDIT |
is_plugin_active_for_network | | | | EDIT |
is_plugin_inactive | | | | EDIT |
is_plugin_paused | | | | EDIT |
is_ranged | item_id | Checkes whether the item is a ranged weapon. | bool | combat |
is_read | | | | EDIT |
is_uninstallable_plugin | | | | EDIT |
language_description | | | | EDIT |
latinize_text | | | | EDIT |
list_skills | | Returns an object of all hero skills grouped by type. | object | basic |
list_spells | | Returns an object of all spells grouped by magic schools. | object | basic |
list_titles | | | | EDIT |
loot_chest | | | | EDIT |
loot_item | | | | EDIT |
loot_items | | | | EDIT |
loot_list | | | | EDIT |
mark_as | | | | EDIT |
menu_page_url | | | | EDIT |
move_to | | | | EDIT |
option_update_filter | | | | EDIT |
paused_plugins_notice | | | | EDIT |
pick_encounter | | | | EDIT |
plugin_sandbox_scrape | | | | EDIT |
pop_exit | html, exit_url | Displays popup with custom HTML and button leading to another page. | | basic |
pop_form | html, submit, close | Display custom HTML with an option to submit a form. | | basic |
pop_html | html, close | Display popup with custom HTML or post ID with conditional close button. | | basic |
pop_print | | | | EDIT |
pop_reload | html, button | Displays popup with custom HTML and button reloading the current page. | | basic |
pray_god | god_id | Determines whether the heroes deserve the gods mercy and should get a miracle. | string | basic |
purchase | | | | EDIT |
regenerate | | | | EDIT |
register_taxonomies | | | | EDIT |
rel_url | | | | EDIT |
remove_allowed_options | | | | EDIT |
remove_item | | | | EDIT |
remove_items | | | | EDIT |
remove_menu_page | | | | EDIT |
remove_state | state, hero_id | Removes specific state from specific hero. | bool | basic |
remove_submenu_page | | | | EDIT |
remove_value | | | | EDIT |
rent_room | | | | EDIT |
reset_inventory | | | | EDIT |
reset_value | field_name, hero_id | (?) Resets fields to their default states. | | basic |
resume_plugin | | | | EDIT |
return_error | error_id | Redirects to error page with corresponding message. | bool | basic |
return_xy | field_name | Converts xNyN string to an object of two elements. | object | combat |
roa_acf_update_value | | | | EDIT |
roa_add_edit_post | | | | EDIT |
roa_add_icon_column | | | | EDIT |
roa_add_items_column | | | | EDIT |
roa_auto_redirect_after_logout | | | | EDIT |
roa_block_dashboard | | | | EDIT |
roa_body_classes | | | | EDIT |
roa_change_post_label | | | | EDIT |
roa_change_post_type | | | | EDIT |
roa_clean | | | | EDIT |
roa_comments | | | | EDIT |
roa_dashboard_widgets | | | | EDIT |
roa_default_images | | | | EDIT |
roa_defer_parsing_of_js | | | | EDIT |
roa_deregister_styles | | | | EDIT |
roa_dialogs_widget | | | | EDIT |
roa_disable_autosave | | | | EDIT |
roa_disable_feed | | | | EDIT |
roa_disable_pings | | | | EDIT |
roa_display_posts_icons | | | | EDIT |
roa_display_posts_items | | | | EDIT |
roa_false | | | | EDIT |
roa_file_data | | | | EDIT |
roa_get | | | | EDIT |
roa_get_field | | | | EDIT |
roa_get_img | | | | EDIT |
roa_get_url | | | | EDIT |
roa_insert_post | | | | EDIT |
roa_list_items | | | | EDIT |
roa_login_redirect | | | | EDIT |
roa_login_time | | | | EDIT |
roa_logout_without_confirm | | | | EDIT |
roa_make_registered_column_sortable | | | | EDIT |
roa_manage_columns | | | | EDIT |
roa_modify_user_table | | | | EDIT |
roa_modify_user_table_row | | | | EDIT |
roa_npc_widget | | | | EDIT |
roa_prefix_add_posts_order | | | | EDIT |
roa_quicktags_settings | | | | EDIT |
roa_register_cpt | | | | EDIT |
roa_remove_admin_bar | | | | EDIT |
roa_remove_dashboard_meta | | | | EDIT |
roa_remove_link_rel | | | | EDIT |
roa_remove_meta_boxes | | | | EDIT |
roa_remove_version | | | | EDIT |
roa_scripts | | | | EDIT |
roa_scripts_admin | | | | EDIT |
roa_set_defaults | | | | EDIT |
roa_set_ttl | | | | EDIT |
roa_shuffle_obj | | | | EDIT |
roa_sitemap | | | | EDIT |
roa_sort_by_login | | | | EDIT |
roa_symbols | | | | EDIT |
roa_theme_setup | | | | EDIT |
roa_unlimit_posts | | | | EDIT |
roa_update_guid | | | | EDIT |
roa_upload_size_limit | | | | EDIT |
roa_widget_html | | | | EDIT |
run_snippet | | | | EDIT |
save_inventory | | | | EDIT |
sell | | | | EDIT |
set_classes | | | | EDIT |
set_location | | Sets location cookie and updates current city and encounter fields. | | basic |
set_state | | | | EDIT |
set_value | | | | EDIT |
settings_fields | | | | EDIT |
short_button | | | | EDIT |
short_casters_list | | | | EDIT |
short_check_if | | | | EDIT |
short_heroes_count | | | | EDIT |
short_heroes_list | | | | EDIT |
short_hint | | | | EDIT |
short_items_list | | | | EDIT |
short_name | | | | EDIT |
short_random | | | | EDIT |
short_rumors | | | | EDIT |
short_submit | | | | EDIT |
short_today_is | | | | EDIT |
show_abbr | string | Return the full version of the given abbreviature. | string | basic |
show_class | class_id | Return hero class name by class ID. | string | basic |
show_content | | | | EDIT |
show_deity | god_id | Show god's name by his numeric ID. | string | basic |
show_excerpt | | | | EDIT |
show_gender | hero_id, male_str, female_str | Detects creatures gender and returns the corresponding string. | string | basic |
show_school | school_id | Returns magic school name by school ID. | string | basic |
show_week_day | weekday_id | Returns Aventurian weekday name according to its number. | string | calendar |
simulate_combat | combat_id, rounds, enemies_ids | Simulates and autocombat between heroes and enemies. | integer | combat |
sort_by_gender | | | | EDIT |
start_combat | combat_id, hero_ids | Sets the combat field, creates combat log and returns an object with all positions and start values. | object | combat |
storage_put | | | | EDIT |
storage_take | | | | EDIT |
str2arr | string | Convert string to array using = delimiter. | array | common |
str2num | | | | EDIT |
swap_item | | | | EDIT |
swap_items | | | | EDIT |
target_hero | | | | EDIT |
today | key, value | Sets an event that is relevant for today. | bool | basic |
tomorrow | key, value | Sets upcoming events for the next day. | bool | basic |
translate_from | | | | EDIT |
translate_to | | | | EDIT |
uninstall_plugin | | | | EDIT |
update_asp | | | | EDIT |
update_hero | hero_stats_object | Receives object with updated hero values and saves them to corresponding fields. | string | basic |
update_money | | | | EDIT |
update_reputation | god_id, modifier, ducats | Update reputation with specific god by given modifier or via money donation. | bool | basic |
update_state | state, value, hero_id | Assigns a new value to existing state. | bool | basic |
update_value | | | | EDIT |
url_is_image | | | | EDIT |
use_item | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_acrobatics | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_alchemy | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_ancient_tongues | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_animal_lore | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_arcane_lore | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_bind | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_carouse | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_cheat | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_climb | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_convert | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_dance | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_danger_sense | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_drive | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_evaluate | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_geography | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_haggle | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_herb_lore | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_hide | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_history | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_human_nature | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_instrument | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_lie | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_locks | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_orientation | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_perception | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_physical_control | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_pickpocket | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_read | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_ride | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_ritual | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_seduce | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_self_control | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_stealth | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_streetwise | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_survival | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_swim | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_tactics | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_tongues | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_track | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_train_animals | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_treat_disease | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_treat_poison | | | | EDIT |
use_skill_treat_wounds | | | | EDIT |
user_can_access_admin_page | | | | EDIT |
validate_active_plugins | | | | EDIT |
validate_plugin | | | | EDIT |
validate_plugin_requirements | | | | EDIT |
wand_ritual | | | | EDIT |
wp_add_privacy_policy_content | | | | EDIT |
wp_clean_plugins_cache | | | | EDIT |
wp_get_plugin_error | | | | EDIT |