Image Name Location Options
‘Queen of Depths’‘Queen of Depths’Riva, Sorrekexitfoodhimagicskillsleep
Abandoned Firun TempleAbandoned Firun Temple
Firun Temple
High above Grimmsvell on a narrow mountain path lies the abandoned Temple of Firun. It is a small, shingle-roofed wooden building adorned with two wooden onion domes.Two orcs are on lookout here. The first one yawns and looks out the window. The second sharpens his arbach enthusiastically.Do you want to talk to the orcs?Rather put them to sleep with Somnigravis spell.Just try to sneak past them.Overpower both of them.The orcs are obviously not pleased to see you.“Smoothskins not work? Want run away? We catch and beat you!”Do you attack them?Or return to the village.The entire floor of the temple is strewn with dry branches that crack under your feet. You are quickly discovered!Do you run?Or attack the orcs anyway?While one of the orcs takes a fighting stance with his arbach, the second one blows the bugle.Do you run?Continue fighting.A hundred orcs run to the call and start chasing you. Some of them are armed with bows and slings. You have no chance to escape. Soon all of you are overtaken by war dogs. You are forced to surrender. The orcs tie your hands and whip you back to the village.OKIn a matter of minutes, the temple is filled with dozens of armed orcs. They tie your hands and whip you back to the village.OKWho will cast Somnigravis?CASTThe spell succeeds! Both orcs fall asleep sitting. Now you can easily sneak past them. OK
Abandoned ShipAbandoned ShipSorrekexittrack
Abandoned Tavern in ThunataAbandoned Tavern in Thunata
You hear about a dozen voices inside. The door is not locked. Will you go inside?
AccommodationAccommodationLowangen, Norburgbathexitfoodskillsleeptalk
Ahren RunolfsonAhren RunolfsonRivaexittalk
Alchemy Laboratory ShopAlchemy Laboratory Shop
Alchemy ShopAlchemy Shop
Alker GulekAlker GulekRivaexittalk
Alvinia’s BedroomAlvinia’s BedroomRorkvellexitlook
Andra SolvasdotterAndra SolvasdotterRivaexittalk
Annual Riva Trade FairAnnual Riva Trade Fair
The fair is being held this month. The number of traders attending is down due to the orc wars, but even so, there’s more available than last month. There are some additional attractions, as well.
Ardo WintercoldArdo WintercoldRivaexittalk
Arele Moonhair the Bow MakerArele Moonhair the Bow MakerLowangenbuyexittalk
“Swords, knives, daggers”, the weapon dealer shouts into the crowd.“Axes, helmets, shields”.Apparently, this man is too busy to talk with you.
ArmorerArmorerLowangen, Tiefhusenbuyexitsellskilltalk
Armorer Burian RodebrechtArmorer Burian RodebrechtRivabuyexitrepairselltalk
Bank of KvillBank of KvillKvillquell, Kvirasim, Kvirasim - Kvillquell, Kvirasim - Riva, Leikinen, Leikinen - Rivaexitfishingtalkwater
Bank of OblamonBank of OblamonAnaavi, Firunshag, Gerasim, Gordask, Gordask - Tavaljuk Crossroads, Kirma, Nija, Oblarasim, Oblotin, Parjuexitfishingtalkwater
Barge “Svall Voyager”Barge “Svall Voyager”Hilvalla, Norhus, Tiefhusen, Tjolmarfishingfoodresttalk
The straw beds are arranged along the walls or in clusters throughout the room, creating a communal sleeping space. Each bed consists of a thick layer of fresh straw spread over a canvas or burlap sack, providing a modest level of comfort. Coarse woolen blankets offer warmth during cold nights, while personal belongings are stored in wooden chests or hung on pegs nearby.
Kela, Lowangenexitmagicrestskilltalk
The woman takes a lantern and leads you somewhere down the stairs. Then she quietly opens the metal latch on the stone-oak door and gestures for you to step inside.“As a precaution, I will lock the door from the outside,” she says and closes the door behind her.This precaution seems absolutely unnecessary, since the basement has no windows at all.
Bath HouseBath HouseLananbathdelouseexitskilltalkwounds
Beggars! Lay-abouts! Leave me alone!Beggars! Lay-abouts! Leave me alone!Rivaexit
Berna LonnertBerna LonnertRivaexittalk
BlacksmithBlacksmithFinsterkoppen, Lowangenexitrepairtalk
BlacksmithBlacksmithFinsterkoppen, Hiltorp, Lowangen, Tiefhusen, Tjolmarexitrepairtalk
BlacksmithBlacksmithFinsterkoppen, Gashok, Lowangen, Tjolmar, Utaexitrepairtalk
Blacksmith Jisila BardenbergBlacksmith Jisila BardenbergRivabuyexitrepairselltalk
Boron’s FieldBoron’s FieldGrimmsvell, Rivaburyexitofferingtalk
Boronian StonemasonBoronian StonemasonRivaexittalk
Bowyer Caya SennscheidBowyer Caya SennscheidRivabuyexittalk
Brand GaraldsonBrand GaraldsonRivaexittalk
Brothel “Rahja’s Glory”Brothel “Rahja’s Glory”Enquibathbrothelexithi
Brothel “Rapture”Brothel “Rapture”Rivabrothelexittalk
Brothel “The Rod and the Mare”Brothel “The Rod and the Mare”Lowangenbathbrothelexitfoodresttalk
Brothel “Thousand Desires”Brothel “Thousand Desires”Lowangenbathbrothelexitfoodresttalk
Brothel “Wonderland”Brothel “Wonderland”Lowangenbrothelexitfoodresttalk
Burnt StockkeeperBurnt Stockkeeper
You camped in a secluded place on the city streets. Occasionally the strangers pass by, so you'd better guard your belongings.
Carpenter Parinor MeralCarpenter Parinor Meral
A man in dirty clothes opens the door.“Yes?” he asks, while brushing some wood shavings off the cloth.As you don’t have any work for the carpenter, and the man is quite obviously not interested in talking, you should take your leave fairly quickly.
Carriage YardCarriage YardKoskjuk, Tjolmarexitfoodmagicrestroomskillstabletalk
Chandler Isida IngstrokChandler Isida IngstrokRivabuyexitsellskilltalk
Charinje EmsjenCharinje EmsjenRivaexittalk
Cheap BrothelCheap BrothelKeamonmundbrothelexitresttalk
Cheap Brothel MiddenrealmsCheap Brothel Middenrealms
Cheap CourtesanCheap Courtesan
Closed Armor ShopClosed Armor Shop
Closed HealerClosed Healer
Closed Herbalist ShopClosed Herbalist Shop
Closed InnClosed Inn
Closed ShopClosed Shop
Closed SmithyClosed Smithy
Closed TavernClosed Tavern
Closed TempleClosed Temple
This temple is closed. Perhaps it is under reconstruction.
Coal MineCoal MineUlvaexithiloot
Coastal ship “Tree Goes There”Coastal ship “Tree Goes There”Arsingen, Hilvalla, Norhus, Svallmund, Svalltermoor, Svellmia, Tiefhusen, Tjolmarfoodresttalk
Darian ZandorDarian ZandorRivaexitlessontalk
Deserted HouseDeserted HouseRivaexittalk
Deserted HouseDeserted HouseRivaexitsearch
Deserted Tsa’s ShrineDeserted Tsa’s Shrine
.pop .msg {min-width:780px;} You chase the salamander for about an hour. It doesn’t run too fast. When you start to fall behind, it stops and waits for you to keep up. It really seems like the animal is letting you follow it. Finally you reach a flaming brazier on the stone platform. The salamander climbs the brazier enjoying its heat. “Look! It’s a Tsa shrine”, concludes Alrik.
Dilapidated House in ThunataDilapidated House in Thunata
The door is closed but not locked. Do you want to come in?
The door opens with a rattle. There are two apemen inside. One of them is fast asleep. The other one stares at you for a minute and then makes a hand gesture welcoming you inside.
Dimeloe LutesongDimeloe LutesongRivaexittalk
Dining HouseDining HouseKelaexitfoodtalk
Dwarf HouseDwarf HouseAngbarexittalk
Dwelling HousesDwelling HousesGashok, Kvirasimcrossroadsexit
Efferd and Boron ShrinesEfferd and Boron ShrinesParkaukiburyexitofferingtalk
Eleana of ArivorEleana of ArivorRivaexitsewerstalk
Elf Goods BarterElf Goods BarterKvirasimbarterexittalk
Elimar HarderElimar HarderRivaexittalk
Elsurion StarlightElsurion StarlightNorburgexittalk
Fahra ArondFahra ArondRivaexittalk
Ferry StationFerry StationAnsvell, Arsingen, Hilvalla, Norhus, Svallmund, Svalltermoor, Svellmia, Tiefhusen, Tjolmarexitfishingharbor_mastershiptalkwater
Fisherman Town in EnquiFisherman Town in Enqui
Fishing Town Quarter
East of the harbor is the Fisherman’s Town, a labyrinthine chaos of stilt houses, houseboats and wooden shacks connected by footbridges, rafts and rope bridges.
Fishing SpotFishing Spot
This place is excellent for fishing. So you decide to try your luck.
Fiskwall, Keamonmund, Kela, Lanan, Leskari, Narvasholm, Trasik, Ulva, Varmurexitfishingtalkwater
Fishing SpotFishing SpotParkaukiexitfishingshiptalk
Fortress GateFortress GateNorburg, Tiefhusenexithi
Fruit TreeFruit TreeRivaexitloottalk
Search the gazebo
There is a distinguishable path leading to the gazebo as if someone keeps visiting it all the time. There are some handwritten carvings on the wooden walls. You also notice a book lying in the corner, its pages turned over by the wind. You pick the book and get inside the gazebo just in case the weather gets a little wet.
Kvirasim - Rivaexitguardmagicrestskill
Gernot ToberenGernot ToberenRivaexittalk
Giant Bird NestGiant Bird NestSorrek
Go bother someone else, you lay-abouts!Go bother someone else, you lay-abouts!Rivaexit
Grocer Roelfu NeumasundenGrocer Roelfu NeumasundenRivabuyexitsellskilltalk
Guest HutGuest Hut
There are no inns in town. However, thanks to Travia, there is a special longhouse just for the guests passing through.
Haffel GulekHaffel GulekRivaexittalk
Hall of LifeHall of LifeNorburg
Want to check the harbor for a boat leaving sometime?
Fiskwall, Frisov, Ifirnshavn, Keamonmund, Narvasholm, Nordaport, Tavaljuk, Trasik, Varmurexitharbor_mastership
HarborHarborGjalskerfjorden, Gjalskermundbuyexitfishingharbor_mastershipwater
Hauka WölfintochterHauka WölfintochterNorburgexittalk
HealerHealerKvirasim, Lowangendepetrifydiseaseexitpoisontalkwounds
HealerHealerFinsterkoppen, Gashok, Lowangen, Tiefhusendiseaseexitpoisontalkwounds
HealerHealerFrisov, Kvillquell, Lowangendiseaseexitpoisontalkwounds
Healer Fredo BloodleafHealer Fredo BloodleafParkaukidiseaseexittalkwounds
Herb Dealer Joruna WirselinHerb Dealer Joruna WirselinRivabuyexitsellskilltalk
“I have tried for hours to sell something but all people want to do is question me without buying anything!”, grumbles the shopkeeper. Apparently, he’s not keen on talking with you.
HerbalistHerbalistKvirasim, Lowangen, Tjolmarbuyexitsellskilltalk
HerbalistHerbalistGashok, Lowangen, Tiefhusenbuyexitsellskilltalk
Herbalist Belona HuisdornHerbalist Belona HuisdornRivabuydiseaseexitpoisonselltalkwounds
High Chief HeadquatersHigh Chief HeadquatersRorkvellexittalk
Holberkian GirlHolberkian GirlRivaexittalk
Honey StallHoney StallLananbuyexittalk
HouseHouseGashok, Kvirasim, Lowangenexittalk
HouseHouseGashok, Kvirasim, Lowangenexittalk
HouseHouseGashok, Kvirasim, Lowangenexittalk
HouseHouseGashok, Kvirasim, Lowangenexittalk
HouseHouseLowangen, Norburgdoorexitlock_breaklock_pickmagic
Houseware ShopHouseware ShopLananbuyexitselltalk
HPNC Hunters HeadquatersHPNC Hunters HeadquatersNarvasholmexitfoodmagicrestskilltalk
Hunting StallHunting StallLananbuyexitselltalk
Idra KorminIdra KorminRivaexittalk
Ifirn ChapelIfirn Chapel
From the inside the chapel looks more like a hunt cabin. You see no priests around, but there are several visitors who welcome you inside to sit by the fireplace.
Imion SilverbreathImion SilverbreathRivaexittalk
Inn “All Roads”Inn “All Roads”Gashokexitfoodmagicrestroomskilltalk
Inn “At the Trenchside”Inn “At the Trenchside”Rivaexitfoodmagicrestroomskilltalk
Inn “Bit and Ducat”Inn “Bit and Ducat”Lowangenexitfoodmagicrestroomskilltalk
Inn “Blue Kvill”Inn “Blue Kvill”Rivaexitfoodmagicrestroomskilltalk
Inn “Colorful Flight”Inn “Colorful Flight”Lowangenexitfoodmagicrestroomskilltalk
Inn “Emperor Reno”Inn “Emperor Reno”Parkaukiexitfoodroomtalk
Inn “Eydal House”Inn “Eydal House”Lowangenexitfoodmagicrestroomskilltalk
Inn “Firun’s Hail”Inn “Firun’s Hail”Tiefhusenexitfoodhimagicrestroomskill
Inn “Great Freedom”Inn “Great Freedom”Lowangenexitfoodmagicrestroomskilltalk
Inn “Gryphons Fordian”Inn “Gryphons Fordian”Nordhagexitfoodmagicrestroomskilltalk
Inn “Hubbert’s”Inn “Hubbert’s”Hiltorpexitfoodmagicrestroomskilltalk
Inn “Little Prince”Inn “Little Prince”Lowangenexitfoodmagicrestroomskilltalk
Inn “Lowangen House”Inn “Lowangen House”Arsingenexitfoodmagicrestroomskilltalk
Inn “Mighty Fortress”Inn “Mighty Fortress”Rivaexitfoodmagicrestroomskilltalk
Inn “Northern Lights”Inn “Northern Lights”Tiefhusenexitfoodmagicrestroomskilltalk
Inn “Pride of the Emperor”Inn “Pride of the Emperor”Reichsendexitfoodmagicrestroomskilltalk
Inn “Rest”Inn “Rest”Kvirasimexitfoodmagicrestroomskilltalk
Inn “Rest”Inn “Rest”Norhusexitfoodmagicrestroomskilltalk
Inn “Riva Parlour”Inn “Riva Parlour”Rivaexitfoodmagicrestroomskilltalk
Inn “Road Rest”Inn “Road Rest”
Visit the inn
From the outside it looks homey, intimate and enchanting. Soft-wooden planks and thick hard-wooden logs make up most of the building’s outer structure. As you enter the inn through the huge, hard-wooden door, you’re welcomed by the smile of a landlady and a sense of home. .pop .msg {min-width:570px;}
Inn “Safe Shelter”Inn “Safe Shelter”Gashokexitfoodmagicrestroomskilltalk
Inn “Silent Waters”Inn “Silent Waters”Svellmiaexitfoodmagicrestroomskilltalk
Inn “Sun”Inn “Sun”New Lowangenexitfoodmagicrestroomskilltalk
Inn “Svellt Gate”Inn “Svellt Gate”
You cross the threshold of a not particularly chic, but rather cozy inn. It is definitely the best one in town.
Inn “Svelltje Palace”Inn “Svelltje Palace”Lowangenexitfoodmagicrestroomskilltalk
Inn “Teamster and Rafter”Inn “Teamster and Rafter”Hilvallaexitfoodmagicrestroomskilltalk
Inn “The Cosy”Inn “The Cosy”Tjolmarexitfoodmagicrestroomskilltalk
Inn “The White House”Inn “The White House”Lowangenexitfoodmagicrestroomskilltalk
Inn “Trenchbog”Inn “Trenchbog”Lowangenexitfoodmagicrestroomskilltalk
Inn “Young Svellt”Inn “Young Svellt”Yrramisexitfoodmagicrestroomskilltalk
Instrument Maker “Saladon Starsong”Instrument Maker “Saladon Starsong”
Instrument Maker
Instrument Maker Storanio VardariInstrument Maker Storanio VardariRivabuyexittalk
Ishtan HollerowIshtan HollerowRivaexittalk
Johonkuhun is the almost circular lake with a diameter of about 400 paces. The Nivesians call it the “bear water” lake.
Jurge TorfinsonJurge TorfinsonRivaexittalk
Kalman GerrichKalman GerrichRivaexittalk
Kolenbrander OfficeKolenbrander OfficeRivaexittalk
Kysira’s HouseKysira’s House
Knock on the door
You enter a taproom. The establishment is of a simple design: a few stools, benches, and rough tables. To the left, over a fireplace, a kettle hangs with stew simmering inside it.
Lazy good-for-nothing bums! Off with you!Lazy good-for-nothing bums! Off with you!Rivaexit
Leta NotjesLeta NotjesRivaexittalk
Linai KorberLinai KorberRivaexittalk
Log CabinLog Cabinexittalk
Log CabinLog Cabin
As soon as you step inside, you feel a strong smell of tobacco and hear a muffled hiss. A few moments later, several boyish tops appear from behind the hayloft.Apparently the college students are using the cabin to secretly smoke tobacco.
Lowangen MagistracyLowangen Magistracy
You see a board holding announcements of the town administration next to the door.
Map Maker Elya OrdsMap Maker Elya OrdsRivaexittalk
Market and Trade OfficeMarket and Trade OfficeLowangenexithi
MerchantMerchantFrisov, Kela, Lowangenbuyexitsellskilltalk
MerchantMerchantGashok, Lowangen, Tjolmarbuyexitsellskilltalk
MerchantMerchantFinsterkoppen, Gashok, Kvirasim, Lowangen, Tiefhusen, Tjolmarbuyexitsellskilltalk
Movert WelzelinMovert WelzelinRivaexittalk
Nandus VillaNandus VillaRivaexittalk
Nivilaukaju SanctuaryNivilaukaju Sanctuary
In a clearing surrounded by dense fir trees stands the statue of a kneeling woman: her face expresses bewilderment, her eyes are wide with terror and look up in fear, while her arms are raised in defense.
Norbardian Female MerchantNorbardian Female Merchantbuyexithisellskill
Norbardian Male MerchantNorbardian Male Merchantbuyexithisellskill
Norbardian Trade ChariotNorbardian Trade ChariotKoskjukbuyexitsellskilltalk
Norbardic Trading ChariotNorbardic Trading ChariotRivabuyexittalk
Northern BrothelNorthern Brothel
Nurinai GorbasNurinai GorbasRivaexittalk
Ogdan’s BedroomOgdan’s BedroomRorkvellexitlook
Old Gunthar’s FarmOld Gunthar’s FarmRorkvellexitmagicskillsleeptalk
Onelli of Aalto-NiaOnelli of Aalto-NiaRivabuyexittalk
Orc TentOrc TentGrimmsvellexittalk
Ordo GulekOrdo GulekRivaexitfoodresttalk
Parkauki Isolated RaftParkauki Isolated RaftParkaukiskilltalk
Patras UlfaranPatras UlfaranRivaexittalk
Playhouse “Mokolash”Playhouse “Mokolash”Parkaukibuy_aroundexitgamblesit_barsit_tabletalk
Playhouse JossPlayhouse Joss
The playhouse is obviously closed. Do you wish to address the usher?
Praios TemplePraios TempleGreifenberg, Griffinsford
I cannot change the scene to the inside of a cold, drafty prison cell. Seems you just have to wait to the time of release…
PubPubKeamonmund, Norburg, Svallmund, Ulva, Varmurbuy_aroundexitfoodmagicskilltalk
While you help the pub owner carefully place all the bottles in the crates, the pub visitors are eyeing you with suspision.
Public BathhousePublic BathhouseNorburgbathdelouseexitmassagetalkwounds
Public BathsPublic Baths
You pay one silver coin per person. This allows you to spend the entire day in the public baths.
Quiet SpotQuiet SpotFrisov, Lowangenexitmagicrestskill
The captain rests his oar on the bottom of the river while you carefully jump onto the raft.
Enqui, Ifirn’s Ocean, Parkauki, Tjolmarfishingmagicrestskilltalk
Rahjanna’s Temple of PleasureRahjanna’s Temple of Pleasure
“Welcome the best establishment in Svellt Dale. For an appropriate price, we will fulfill your every desire. What will it be?”How about a dance?Mud fight! Mud fight!We’d like to spend time with your girls.Give us a moment to decide. .wrp-btn {display:none;} Three enchanting maidens, clad in vibrant silken gowns, gracefully sway to a seductive melody. Their dance, a bewitching display of fluid movements and ethereal charm, captivates all who lay eyes upon it. Mesmerizing gestures turn you on, and as the trio moves in harmony, a subtle enchantment fills the air, leaving patrons entranced by the allure of their mystical performance.OKFor the next hour you watch a mud wrestling match between two spirited female entertainers. One of them, the tall blonde woman of obvious Thorwalian origin is wearing nothing but a winged helmet. While her cheerful opponent pulls a fool’s hat over her head. You cheer the Thorwalian as she engages in a playful yet fierce struggle, her gleaming wings of steel contrasting with the thick puddle of mud. Her opponent, a nimble and spirited counterpart, matches her move for move in this unanticipated display of strength and grace.OKAs the two combatants grapple in the slippery embrace of the mud, the audience is drawn into the spectacle, caught between cheers and laughter. The Thorwalian’s determination and the entertainer’s spirited resilience create an unforgettable diversion.OK“But, of course. Rahjajida and Rahjadés will take good care of you.”Follow the girls.“Can we pick the girls ourselves?”“Oh, so you are picky, aren’t you?”The madam snaps her fingers and all the girls line up in front of you in seductive poses.“We have a special request.”“As I promised, I can organize everything for an appropriate price. Boys, virgins, goats, what will it be?”“We want a girl with red hair.”“A flower fairy.”“A humped old dwarf with two-pace long beard and one eye.”“Gravak, please escort these jokers to the door.”Suddenly a huge orc paw grabs your shoulder and pushes you aggressively out the front door.OK“Red hair? Do you mean me?”“Eh, we would fancy someone a bit younger.”“Yes, you.”“Well, there is one Nivesian girl. I was saving it for one lover of exotic virgins, but if you pay twice as much — 300 ducats, we will have a deal.”“Deal, let us see the girl.”“No, we cannot afford it.”
Rank TermoilRank TermoilRivaexittalk
Rastburger OfficeRastburger OfficeRivaexittalk
Rat-Catcher Tolsa FernelRat-Catcher Tolsa FernelRivaexittalk
Riva CastleRiva Castle
“There are maneuvers at the second evening hour today!” the guard tells you. Do you want to take part?
Riva City HallRiva City Hall
The doorman points down a wide hallway on the right, when he notices your uncertain looks. “Information desk, third door on the left,” he says in a friendly voice. You stop in front of the door he mentioned and knock. “Enter!” a female voice calls from inside.
Riva HarborRiva HarborRivaexitharbor_mastership
Riva Town and County CourthouseRiva Town and County CourthouseRivaexittalk
Robbed StockkeeperRobbed Stockkeeper
Rondra StatueRondra StatueNorburg
Ropemaker Jette HafgebelRopemaker Jette HafgebelRivabuyexittalk
Rupert Knorre FountainRupert Knorre Fountain
Rupert Knorre was a Riva brewer providing beer for the council meetings. But his porter was flat and thin, and for this affront the mayor ordered Knorre to finance a public fountain, being, as he was, such an expert on serving water. The fountain can be found at the river bank just across from city hall. It’s shaped like a beer barrel.
Salix MuskerSalix MuskerRivaexittalk
Seeress Quenya StardustSeeress Quenya StardustRivabuydepetrifydiseaseexitpoisonpredictiontalktranslatewounds
Slave TentSlave TentGrimmsvellexitfoodhimagicrestskill
Small BoatSmall BoatAnsvell, Arsingen, Svallmund, Svalltermoor, Svellmiaexittalk
Small SailboatSmall SailboatGjalskerfjorden, Gjalskermund, Ifirn’s Oceanexittalk
Stoerrebrandt CollegeStoerrebrandt CollegeRivaanalyzeexitgamblegardenhioffering
Stoerrebrandt OfficeStoerrebrandt OfficeBeilunk, Festum, Gareth, Gordask, Punin, Ragathanalyzebuyexitsellskilltalk
Sudran AlatzerSudran AlatzerFestumexittalk
Surjelloff OfficeSurjelloff OfficeNorburgexittalk
Susa FredorSusa FredorRivaexittalk
Tailor Yeto OrbegastTailor Yeto OrbegastRivabuyexitmeasureskilltalk
Tairach ShrineTairach Shrine
Boron Field
Tanit KeresTanit KeresRivaexittalk
TavernTavernFrisov, Gordask, Norburgbuy_aroundexitfoodsit_barsit_tableskilltalk
TavernTavernGreifenberg, Griffinsford
Tavern “Alebeard”Tavern “Alebeard”Tjolmarbuy_aroundexitfoodsit_barsit_tableskilltalk
Tavern “At Graptaar’s Hammer”Tavern “At Graptaar’s Hammer”
Tavern “At Graptaar’s Hammer” CaveTavern “At Graptaar’s Hammer” CaveRorkvell
Tavern “At the Canal”Tavern “At the Canal”Lowangenbuy_aroundexitfoodsit_barsit_tableskilltalk
Tavern “At the Duck’s Beak”Tavern “At the Duck’s Beak”Tiefhusenbuy_aroundexitfoodsit_barsit_tableskilltalk
Tavern “Blackbeard’s”Tavern “Blackbeard’s”Finsterkoppenbuy_aroundexitfoodsit_barsit_tableskilltalk
Tavern “Bridge Guard”Tavern “Bridge Guard”Tjolmarbuy_aroundexitfoodsit_barsit_tableskilltalk
Tavern “Dark Eye”Tavern “Dark Eye”Lowangenbuy_aroundexitfoodsit_barsit_tableskilltalk
Tavern “Filled Waterskin”Tavern “Filled Waterskin”
Visit the tavern
The tavern is filled with a pleasant smell of hops and homemade food. The innkeeper, obviously of Thorwalian origin, smiles at you affably. The rest of the visitors look at you with good-natured curiosity.
Tavern “Fox Fur”Tavern “Fox Fur”Rivaexitfoodsit_barsit_tableskilltalk
Tavern “Hammer and Anvil”Tavern “Hammer and Anvil”Finsterkoppenbuy_aroundexitfoodsit_barsit_tableskilltalk
Tavern “Hammer and Anvil”Tavern “Hammer and Anvil”Lowangenbuy_aroundexitfoodsit_barsit_tableskilltalk
Tavern “Hammer and Anvil”Tavern “Hammer and Anvil”Lowangenbuy_aroundexitfoodsit_barsit_tableskilltalk
Tavern “Harbour Maid”Tavern “Harbour Maid”Rivabuy_aroundexitfoodsit_barsit_tableskilltalk
Tavern “Klonballa’s”Tavern “Klonballa’s”Lowangenbuy_aroundexitfoodsit_barsit_tableskilltalk
Tavern “Last Hour”Tavern “Last Hour”Lowangenbuy_aroundexitfoodsit_barsit_tableskilltalk
Tavern “Little Fox Den”Tavern “Little Fox Den”Lowangenbuy_aroundexitfoodsit_barsit_tableskilltalk
Tavern “Lovely Meadow”Tavern “Lovely Meadow”Kvirasimbuy_aroundexitsit_barsit_tableskilltalk
Tavern “Night and Day”Tavern “Night and Day”Gashokbuy_aroundexitfoodsit_barsit_tableskilltalk
Tavern “Orc Death”Tavern “Orc Death”Lowangenbuy_aroundexitfoodsit_barsit_tableskilltalk
Tavern “Peraine’s Table”Tavern “Peraine’s Table”Kvirasimbuy_aroundexitfoodsit_barsit_tableskilltalk
Tavern “Pile o’Gold”Tavern “Pile o’Gold”Tiefhusenbuy_aroundexitfoodsit_barsit_tableskilltalk
Tavern “Red Earth”Tavern “Red Earth”Finsterkoppenbuy_aroundexitfoodsit_barsit_tableskilltalk
Tavern “Red Lotus”Tavern “Red Lotus”Lowangenbuy_aroundexitfoodsit_barsit_tableskilltalk
Tavern “Rescue Anchor”Tavern “Rescue Anchor”Enquibuy_aroundexithi
Tavern “Salamander Stone”Tavern “Salamander Stone”Lowangenbuy_aroundexitfoodsit_barsit_tableskilltalk
Tavern “Second Home”Tavern “Second Home”Gashokbuy_aroundexitfoodsit_barsit_tableskilltalk
Tavern “Sharktooth”Tavern “Sharktooth”Enquiexitfoodskilltalk
Tavern “Shot of Premian”Tavern “Shot of Premian”Enquibuy_aroundexitgambleskilltalk
Tavern “Snekkar”Tavern “Snekkar”Parkaukibuy_aroundexitsit_tabletalk
Tavern “The Dagger and the Sword”Tavern “The Dagger and the Sword”Tiefhusenbuy_aroundexitfoodsit_barsit_tableskilltalk
Tavern “The Laughing Prickear”Tavern “The Laughing Prickear”Rivabuy_aroundexitsit_barsit_tableskilltalk
Tavern “The Svelltdalian”Tavern “The Svelltdalian”Gashokbuy_aroundexitfoodsit_barsit_tableskilltalk
Tavern “Tight Mesh”Tavern “Tight Mesh”
The tavern is located on the northernmost punt. The view of the endless ocean opens from the window. And although the tavern is slightly swaying on the waves, it is stuffed with visitors.
Tavern “Water and Wine”Tavern “Water and Wine”Lowangenbuy_aroundexitfoodsit_barsit_tableskilltalk
Tavern “Wide World”Tavern “Wide World”Tiefhusenbuy_aroundexitfoodsit_barsit_tableskilltalk
Tavern AtticTavern Attic
Judging by the thick layer of dust, the attic had clearly been abandoned for many years. The few pieces of wooden furniture are small in size, indicating that they were owned by a dwarf. It is also clear that the former owner was very interested in alchemy. The amount of alchemical equipment in this attic would make a guild laboratory envious.
Temple of BoronTemple of BoronLowangen, Tiefhusencreateexitjoinleaveofferingpartyprayremovetalk
Temple of BoronTemple of BoronGashok, Lowangen, Nijacreateexitjoinleaveofferingpartyprayremovetalk
Temple of EfferdTemple of EfferdEnqui, Frisov, Lowangencreateexitjoinleaveofferingpartyprayremovetalk
Temple of EfferdTemple of EfferdLowangencreateexitjoinleaveofferingpartyprayremovetalk
Temple of Efferd in RivaTemple of Efferd in RivaRivacreateexitjoinleaveofferingpartyprayremovetalk
Temple of FirunTemple of FirunEnqui, Lowangen, Tjolmarcreateexitjoinleaveofferingpartyprayremovetalk
Temple of FirunTemple of FirunLowangen, Oblarasim, Tiefhusencreateexitjoinleaveofferingpartyprayremovetalk
Temple of Firun in RivaTemple of Firun in Riva
Visit Firun Temple
Temple of HesindeTemple of HesindeLowangen, Tiefhusencreateexitjoinleaveofferingpartyprayremovetalk
Temple of HesindeTemple of HesindeLowangen, Norburgcreateexitjoinleaveofferingpartyprayremovetalk
Temple of IfirnTemple of Ifirn
Temple of Ifirn
Temple of IfirnTemple of IfirnIfirnshavn, Lowangencreateexitjoinleaveofferingpartyprayremovetalk
Temple of IfirnTemple of IfirnLowangen, Norburg, Tjolmarcreateexitjoinleaveofferingpartyprayremovetalk
Temple of IngerimmTemple of IngerimmFinsterkoppen, Lowangen, Rorkvell, Tjolmarcreateexitjoinleaveofferingpartyprayremovetalk
Temple of IngerimmTemple of IngerimmHiltorp, Lowangencreateexitjoinleaveofferingpartyprayremovetalk
Temple of KorTemple of KorYrramiscreateexitjoinleaveofferingpartyremovetalk
Temple of PeraineTemple of PeraineLowangen, Norburgcreateexitjoinleaveofferingpartyprayremovetalk
Temple of PeraineTemple of PeraineEnqui, Kvirasim, Lowangencreateexitjoinleaveofferingpartyprayremovetalk
Temple of PhexTemple of PhexLowangen, Tiefhusencreateexitjoinleaveofferingpartyprayremovetalk
Temple of PhexTemple of PhexGashok, Lowangencreateexitjoinleaveofferingpartyprayremovetalk
Temple of Phex in RivaTemple of Phex in RivaRivacreateexitjoinleaveofferingpartyprayremovetalk
Temple of PraiosTemple of PraiosGashok, Lowangen, Reichsendcreateexitjoinleaveofferingpartyprayremovetalk
Temple of PraiosTemple of PraiosNew Lowangen, Norburgcreateexitjoinleaveofferingpartyprayremovetalk
Temple of RahjaTemple of RahjaLowangen, Tiefhusencreateexitjoinleaveofferingpartyprayremovetalk
Temple of RahjaTemple of RahjaLowangen, Tjolmarcreateexitjoinleaveofferingpartyprayremovetalk
Temple of Rahja in RivaTemple of Rahja in RivaRivacreateexitjoinleaveofferingpartyprayremovetalk
Temple of RondraTemple of RondraNorburg, Tiefhusencreateexitjoinleaveofferingpartyprayremovetalk
Temple of RondraTemple of RondraLowangencreateexitjoinleaveofferingpartyprayremovetalk
Temple of SwafnirTemple of SwafnirFestum, Lowangen, Port Stoerrebrandt, Vinaycreateexitjoinleaveofferingpartyprayremovetalk
Temple of SwafnirTemple of SwafnirIfirnshavn, Leskari, Llanka, Lowangencreateexitjoinleaveofferingpartyprayremovetalk
Temple of the Divine WhaleTemple of the Divine Whale
Temple of Swafnir
You see a beautiful, but somewhat corrupted building of Thorwalian architecture. Apparently, there was a fire here recently, the air smells of smoke, and some objects of the exterior look charred. A young Thorwalian woman pulls out burnt things from inside and puts them in a pile on the porch.
Temple of the Twelve GodsTemple of the Twelve GodsLowangencreateexitjoinleaveofferingpartyprayremovetalk
Temple of the Twelve GodsTemple of the Twelve GodsKelacreateexitjoinleaveofferingpartyprayremovetalk
Temple of TraviaTemple of Travia
Visit Travia temple
Although the interior of the temple looks modest, there is no doubt that it was decorated with accuracy and love.
Temple of TraviaTemple of TraviaLowangen, Utacreateexitjoinleaveofferingpartyprayremovetalk
Temple of TraviaTemple of TraviaLowangen, Oblarasim, Tiefhusencreateexitjoinleaveofferingpartyprayremovetalk
Temple of Travia in RivaTemple of Travia in RivaRivacreateexitjoinleaveofferingpartyprayremovetalk
Temple of TsaTemple of TsaLowangencreateexitjoinleaveofferingpartyprayremovetalk
Temple of TsaTemple of TsaLowangen, Sibra, Yrramiscreateexitjoinleaveofferingpartyprayremovetalk
Temple of Tsa in RivaTemple of Tsa in RivaRivacreateexitjoinleaveofferingpartyprayremovetalk
Investigate the strange stone structures
You enter a labyrinth of rock spires that reach several hundred paces from the plain. You wonder what could possibly build these formations.“This place is creepy,” Alrik whispers.“I’m not setting a foot further unless I really have to.”“This place seems corrupted. Since we have no business here, let’s go back to the source,” Alrik agrees.
Leikinen - Lanan - Kysira Crossroadsexitpointer
The carrack “Bosparania”The carrack “Bosparania”Ifirn’s Oceanfoodgamblemagicrestskilltalk
The carrack “Enslaver”The carrack “Enslaver”Ifirn’s Oceanfoodgamblemagicrestskilltalk
The carrack “Pride of Havena”The carrack “Pride of Havena”Havena, Ifirn’s Oceanfoodgamblemagicrestskilltalk
The carrack “Seventh Wind”The carrack “Seventh Wind”Ifirn’s Oceanfoodgamblemagicrestskilltalk
The carrack “Soul of Paavi”The carrack “Soul of Paavi”Ifirn’s Oceanfoodgamblemagicrestskilltalk
The carrack “Star of Festum”The carrack “Star of Festum”Ifirn’s Oceanfoodgamblemagicrestskilltalk
The clipper “Albatross”The clipper “Albatross”Ifirn’s Oceanfoodgamblemagicrestskilltalk
The clipper “Boron’s Wing”The clipper “Boron’s Wing”Ifirn’s Oceanfoodgamblemagicrestskilltalk
The clipper “Cyclonia”The clipper “Cyclonia”Ifirn’s Oceanfoodgamblemagicrestskilltalk
The clipper “Morning Star”The clipper “Morning Star”Enqui, Fiskwall, Gjalskermund, Ifirn’s Ocean, Ifirnshavn, Keamonmund, Leskari, Narvasholm, Nordaport, Riva, Trasikfoodgamblemagicrestskilltalk
The clipper “Skalda”The clipper “Skalda”Ifirn’s Oceanfoodgamblemagicrestskilltalk
The clipper “Treasurer”The clipper “Treasurer”Ifirn’s Oceanfoodgamblemagicrestskilltalk
The coastal ship “Efferdano”The coastal ship “Efferdano”Ifirn’s Oceanfoodgamblemagicrestskilltalk
The coastal ship “Eye of Arÿios”The coastal ship “Eye of Arÿios”Ifirn’s Oceanfoodgamblemagicrestskilltalk
The coastal ship “Monsoon”The coastal ship “Monsoon”Ifirn’s Oceanfoodgamblemagicrestskilltalk
The coastal ship “Serpent of Riva”The coastal ship “Serpent of Riva”Enqui, Ifirn’s Ocean, Leskari, Rivafoodgamblemagicrestskilltalk
The coastal ship “Siren”The coastal ship “Siren”Ifirn’s Oceanfoodgamblemagicrestskilltalk
The coastal ship “Sting of Mengbilla”The coastal ship “Sting of Mengbilla”Ifirn’s Ocean, Mengbilla, Neethafoodgamblemagicrestskilltalk
The cutter “Basiliska”The cutter “Basiliska”Ifirn’s Oceanfoodgamblemagicrestskilltalk
The cutter “Hydra”The cutter “Hydra”Enqui, Fiskwall, Ifirn’s Ocean, Keamonmund, Leskari, Riva, Tavaljuk, Trasik, Ulva, Varmurfoodgamblemagicrestskilltalk
The cutter “Phexstar”The cutter “Phexstar”Ifirn’s Oceanfoodgamblemagicrestskilltalk
The cutter “Storm Bringer”The cutter “Storm Bringer”Ifirn’s Oceanfoodgamblemagicrestskilltalk
The fishing boat “Harbor Beauty”The fishing boat “Harbor Beauty”Enqui, Ifirn’s Ocean, Riva, Tavaljuk, Ulva, Varmurexitfishingtalk
The Guild HeadquartersThe Guild HeadquartersRivaexithimagicrestskillstorage
The InnThe InnLowangen, Norburgexitfoodmagicrestroomskilltalk
The InnThe InnThorwalexitfoodmagicrestroomskilltalk
The long ship ‘Whale Fury’The long ship ‘Whale Fury’Ifirn’s Oceanfoodgamblemagicrestskilltalk
The long ship “Efferd’s Rage”The long ship “Efferd’s Rage”Enqui, Fiskwall, Gjalskerfjorden, Gjalskermund, Ifirn’s Ocean, Ifirnshavn, Narvasholm, Nordaportfoodgamblemagicrestskilltalk
The long ship “Icebreaker”The long ship “Icebreaker”Frisov, Ifirn’s Ocean, Ifirnsort, Paavi, Steinhavfoodgamblemagicrestskilltalk
The long ship “Swafnir’s Mercy”The long ship “Swafnir’s Mercy”Ifirn’s Oceanfoodgamblemagicrestskilltalk
The Year’s Biggest AttractionThe Year’s Biggest Attraction
You see a place that looks much like a wrestling arena. Towering wooden poles adorned with colorful banners encircle the sandy battleground, where the bravest souls from far and wide come to test their strength and skill. Spectators clamor for a glimpse of the action, their voices mingling with the lively melodies of minstrels and the enticing aromas of roasting meats and sweet treats wafting through the air. Amidst the excitement, fierce competitors grapple and tussle, their muscles glistening with sweat as they vie for victory under the watchful gaze of the cheering crowd.
Thorgrim the StrongThorgrim the StrongRivaexittalk
Thorn from BrabakThorn from BrabakIfirn’s Oceanfoodgamblemagicrestskilltalk
Thorwal HerbalistThorwal HerbalistLowangenbuyexitsell
Thorwalian Caravel “Ifirn’s Blaze”Thorwalian Caravel “Ifirn’s Blaze”Leskarifoodgamblemagicrestskilltalk
Tilsa GulekTilsa GulekRivaexittalk
Tobias Draht / Grimor AradosTobias Draht / Grimor AradosRivaexittalk
Town WellTown WellGrimmsvell, Riva, Rorkvell, Yrramisexittalkwater
Town WellTown WellRiva, Utaexittalkwater
Trade DepotTrade DepotHavena
Trap MakerTrap Maker
Tree HouseTree Houseexittalk
Tree HouseTree Houseexittalk
Tulamidian TraderTulamidian TraderRivabuyexittalk
Underwater CaveUnderwater CaveSorrek
Unsinkable IIUnsinkable IIIfirn’s Oceanfoodgamblemagicrestskilltalk
Vagrants! Git, git, I said!Vagrants! Git, git, I said!Rivaexit
Vanjescha StoerrebrandtVanjescha StoerrebrandtRivaexittalk
Vegetable GardenVegetable Garden
Stroll through the vegetable garden
A beautiful view of variegated flowers and the quiet rustling of the foliage of fruit trees evokes an atmosphere of calm and tranquility.
Vorlop FernelVorlop FernelRivaexittalk
WarehouseWarehouseLowangen, Tiefhusen, Tjolmarexititems_collectitems_depositstabletalk
Weapons Dealer Wolfson IngosdottinWeapons Dealer Wolfson IngosdottinRivabuyexitsellskilltalk
WellWellLowangen, Rivaexittalkwater
WellWellNew Lowangenexitwater
What do you want? Get lost!What do you want? Get lost!Rivaexit
What? Haven’t I got enough problems?What? Haven’t I got enough problems?Rivaexit
Whistler’s StallWhistler’s StallParkaukibuyexitselltalk
Wind FistWind FistIfirn’s Oceanfoodgamblemagicrestskilltalk
Wise WomanWise WomanRorkvellanalyzebuydiseaseexitlessonpoisontalktranslatewounds
Xeledon ShrineXeledon Shrine
A large mirror hovers above the raft, framed in a gold edging depicting a strange bird with an evil mocking stare. Disobeying all laws of gravity, bizarre shaped objects twirl around it slowly. Even the fire in the braziers is of a strange greenish color.Would you look into the mirror?Better not.Your reflection in the mirror looks rather comical. All your appearance imperfections look greatly exaggerated and distorted. style + .p-top.clr {display:none;}
A stunningly beautiful red-haired woman opens the shutter of the door.
You must have the wrong house?!You must have the wrong house?!Rivaexit
Talk to the child
A Norbardian girl, about nine years old, is fishing on waterfall bank. She follows you with her gaze as you approach.
Leikinen - Lanan - Kysira Crossroadsbuyexittalk
Zosgar DolbrechtZosgar DolbrechtRivaexittalk
Zyla HorgerZyla HorgerRivaanalyzeexittalk