The intelligent zilites live mainly in the liming sumps near Selem, H'Rabaal, Höt-Alem and at the river Mysob. Also on Benbukkula and the neighboring islands there are some small settlements of the zilites. These villages consist of caves or small round straw huts, which were mostly built on the banks of a body of water, so that a third on piles extends over the water.Although the zilites would certainly be able to produce more than nets woven from seaweed or fire-hardened wooden skewers, they do not do so and live in harmony with nature and its gods, which resemble those of the achaz.
Zilites feed almost exclusively on seaweed, other aquatic and terrestrial plants, as well as catching fish with nets or hunting with spears and other harpoon-like weapons. Metal objects of any kind cause them discomfort. They are very skilled and nimble, especially in the water. Despite reports to the contrary, they are not necessarily dependent on water, which is why they often live on land.
The language of the zilites is not to be learned by humans - it is produced with the gills - and makes them understandable both on land and under water. In addition to their own language consisting of sibilants and whistles, they can not speak any other languages, they lack the vocal cords. Some of them - maybe shamans and priests - have some amazing skills, which is why many lizardmen worship them as holy men.
Spreading: South Aventuria (swamps), South Sea Islands
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