
Writ List


Icon Name Weight Price Effect
Swamp Rantzy DocumentSwamp Rantzy Document5 oz1H

Money CrapperMoney Crapper5 oz1H

Druidess’ TranslationDruidess’ Translation5 oz1H

City MapCity Map8 oz20D

ParchmentsParchments5 oz1H

Magistrate’s DocumentMagistrate’s Document5 oz1H

Bone with RuneBone with Rune5 oz1H


Icon Name Weight Price Effect
Recipe for Elixir of CharismaRecipe for Elixir of Charisma5 oz5S

Recipe for Elixir of Anti-CourageRecipe for Elixir of Anti-Courage5 oz5S

Recipe for Money CrapperRecipe for Money Crapper5 oz5S

Recipe for AntihypnoticumRecipe for Antihypnoticum5 oz5S

Recipe for Miracle CureRecipe for Miracle Cure5 oz5S

Recipe for Sleeping PotionRecipe for Sleeping Potion5 oz5S

Recipe for Strong Magic PotionRecipe for Strong Magic Potion5 oz5S

Recipe for MiasthmaticumRecipe for Miasthmaticum5 oz5S

Recipe for Healing PotionRecipe for Healing Potion5 oz5S

Recipe for AntidoteRecipe for Antidote5 oz5S

Recipe for Hylailic FireRecipe for Hylailic Fire5 oz5S

Recipe for Elixir of StrengthRecipe for Elixir of Strength5 oz5S

Recipe for Elixir of CourageRecipe for Elixir of Courage5 oz5S

Recipe for Magic PotionRecipe for Magic Potion5 oz5S

Recipe for Strong Healing PotionRecipe for Strong Healing Potion5 oz5S

Recipe For ExpurgicumRecipe For Expurgicum5 oz5S

Recipe for VomicumRecipe for Vomicum5 oz5S


Icon Name Weight Price Effect
Rastburger Office Debt ListRastburger Office Debt List1 oz2H

Deposit ReceiptDeposit Receipt5 oz1H

Love LettersLove Letters5 oz1H

Noctux DocumentNoctux Document5 oz1H

Pirate DocumentPirate Document5 oz1H

Feylamia DocumentFeylamia Document5 oz1H

Dept BookDept Book5 oz1H


Icon Name Weight Price Effect
VademecumVademecum20 oz15D

Nivesian Kids BookNivesian Kids Book1 oz5H

NotebookNotebook30 oz4D

Trilogy of ControlTrilogy of Control50 oz1H

The ArcanumThe Arcanum50 oz1H

Codex DimensionisCodex Dimensionis50 oz1H

DiaryDiary30 oz1H

Demon BookDemon Book50 oz1H

Zurbaran’s BookZurbaran’s Book50 oz1H

Borbarad’s TestamentBorbarad’s Testament50 oz1H

The DaimoniconThe Daimonicon50 oz1H

Ways Without NameWays Without Name50 oz1H

Recipe BookRecipe Book30 oz4D

Demon BookDemon Book30 oz1H

Recipe BookRecipe Book30 oz4D