
Recipe List

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Icon Name Weight Price Effect
Recipe for Elixir of CharismaRecipe for Elixir of Charisma5 oz5S

Recipe for Elixir of Anti-CourageRecipe for Elixir of Anti-Courage5 oz5S

Recipe for Money CrapperRecipe for Money Crapper5 oz5S

Recipe for AntihypnoticumRecipe for Antihypnoticum5 oz5S

Recipe for Miracle CureRecipe for Miracle Cure5 oz5S

Recipe for Sleeping PotionRecipe for Sleeping Potion5 oz5S

Recipe for Strong Magic PotionRecipe for Strong Magic Potion5 oz5S

Recipe for MiasthmaticumRecipe for Miasthmaticum5 oz5S

Recipe for AntidoteRecipe for Antidote5 oz5S

Recipe for Hylailic FireRecipe for Hylailic Fire5 oz5S

Recipe for Elixir of StrengthRecipe for Elixir of Strength5 oz5S

Recipe for Elixir of CourageRecipe for Elixir of Courage5 oz5S

Recipe for Magic PotionRecipe for Magic Potion5 oz5S

Recipe for Strong Healing PotionRecipe for Strong Healing Potion5 oz5S

Recipe for Healing PotionRecipe for Healing Potion5 oz5S

Recipe For ExpurgicumRecipe For Expurgicum5 oz5S

Recipe for VomicumRecipe for Vomicum5 oz5S