
Potion List

* Click on the column header to sort its contents!
Icon Name Weight Price Effect
Black InscenseBlack Inscense10 oz1S 5H

Whirlweed TeaWhirlweed Tea40 oz10D

Satuaria’s TeaSatuaria’s Tea40 oz1H

Arrow Bud TeaArrow Bud Tea40 oz40D

9-15 LE

LumpLump10 oz1H

Super Magic PotionSuper Magic Potion10 oz1H

Vomit PotionVomit Potion10 oz5D

VialVial10 oz1H

AntihypnoticumAntihypnoticum1 oz1H

Super Healing PotionSuper Healing Potion60 oz50D

Gulmond TeaGulmond Tea40 oz6D

Elixir of WDElixir of WD10 oz1H

WD -7

Elixir of CHElixir of CH10 oz1H

CH -7

Elixir of DXElixir of DX10 oz1H

DX -7

Elixir of AGElixir of AG10 oz1H

AG -7

Elixir of INElixir of IN10 oz1H

IN -7

Elixir of STElixir of ST10 oz1H

ST -7

Miracle CureMiracle Cure10 oz1H

Sleeping PotionSleeping Potion10 oz1H

Anti-disease ElixirAnti-disease Elixir10 oz1H

Elixir of CRElixir of CR10 oz1H

CR -7

Healing PotionHealing Potion10 oz10D

Strong Healing PotionStrong Healing Potion60 oz24D

Elixir of CRElixir of CR10 oz40D

Elixir of WDElixir of WD10 oz40D

Elixir of CHElixir of CH10 oz40D

Elixir of DXElixir of DX10 oz40D

Elixir of AGElixir of AG10 oz40D

Elixir of INElixir of IN10 oz40D

Elixir of STElixir of ST10 oz40D

Magic PotionMagic Potion10 oz10D

Strong Magic PotionStrong Magic Potion10 oz40D

AntidoteAntidote10 oz1H