
Object List


Icon Name Weight Price Effect
DrumDrum10 oz50D

JingleJingle10 oz50D

Hurdy-GurdyHurdy-Gurdy10 oz50D

FiddleFiddle10 oz50D

FanfareFanfare10 oz5D

Gjalskian HornGjalskian Horn10 oz1D 5S

FantholiFantholi10 oz1H

KlamfaKlamfa200 oz50D

BukkaluulaBukkaluula200 oz25D

ZurrZurr520 oz45D

BungaBunga5 oz1D

Bone FluteBone Flute10 oz2D

RajdeggaRajdegga5 oz500D

LurLur5 oz2D

Elf HornElf Horn10 oz5D

Levthan FluteLevthan Flute10 oz1H

BellBell1 oz2S

DablaDabla10 oz30D

MauriMauri5 oz1S

MarandolineMarandoline5 oz100D

ZitarZitar5 oz50D

SkalmejenSkalmejen5 oz1D

MarumbaMarumba5 oz15D

ZirbelZirbel5 oz100D

BandurriaBandurria175 oz20D

TamburkaTamburka200 oz17D

RecorderRecorder5 oz1H

LyreLyre5 oz1H

Harp “Vardari”Harp “Vardari”35 oz75D

Lute “Vardari”Lute “Vardari”175 oz112D

Kabas FluteKabas Flute5 oz15D

MaracelloMaracello5 oz15D

VihuelaVihuela5 oz30D

TagelharpaTagelharpa5 oz1H

BagpipeBagpipe10 oz30D

GangasGangas5 oz1S

GongGong100 oz50D

HornHorn10 oz1H

LuteLute200 oz15D

HarpHarp40 oz10D

FluteFlute50 oz2S


Icon Name Weight Price Effect
SledSled240 oz2D 5S

DummyDummy5 oz1H

Moon LanternMoon Lantern20 oz1H

Cross SpannerCross Spanner20 oz1H

PipePipe10 oz5D

Key RingKey Ring30 oz1H

Cart GreaseCart Grease50 oz1H

CrankCrank20 oz1H

ChainChain50 oz1H

Rat-catcher’s ToolRat-catcher’s Tool10 oz1H

Strong RopeStrong Rope100 oz9S

PliersPliers10 oz8S

LanternLantern15 oz1H

Sleeping BagSleeping Bag120 oz6D 5S

Copper CauldronCopper Cauldron200 oz1D 2S

WaterskinWaterskin20 oz1H

WaterskinWaterskin5 oz1H

Mysterious SackMysterious Sack15 oz1H

RopeRope55 oz7S

TorchTorch20 oz5H

BlanketBlanket60 oz2S

ShovelShovel80 oz1D

TinderboxTinderbox25 oz8S

WhetstoneWhetstone25 oz9S

CutleryCutlery10 oz5S

TablewareTableware50 oz6D

MattockMattock200 oz2D

NetNet35 oz1D

Brass MirrorBrass Mirror20 oz1D 2S

LockpicksLockpicks15 oz12D

Writing UtensilsWriting Utensils10 oz1D 5S

Drinking HornDrinking Horn20 oz1S

PitonsPitons5 oz5H

Alchemy SetAlchemy Set100 oz26D

Torch (lit)Torch (lit)10 oz1H

Grappling HookGrappling Hook30 oz1D

LanternLantern15 oz3S

CrowbarCrowbar90 oz1D

HammerHammer20 oz6S

Fishing HookFishing Hook1 oz2H

BookBook30 oz4D

WaterskinWaterskin40 oz2S

Glass FlaskGlass Flask10 oz2H

Rope LadderRope Ladder70 oz1D 2S


Icon Name Weight Price Effect
Doguler PuffDoguler Puff450 oz180D

Elven PuffElven Puff400 oz200D

Elven PuffElven Puff400 oz200D

Elven PuffElven Puff400 oz200D

Frog LegFrog Leg1 oz1D 5S

Y-TwigY-Twig5 oz1H

Spider ThreadSpider Thread5 oz1H

Crab ClawCrab Claw2 oz1D

Plant StalkPlant Stalk5 oz1H

Lump of OreLump of Ore10 oz1H

CharcoalCharcoal10 oz2H

Crystal BallCrystal Ball50 oz20D

LicorishLicorish1 oz3H

OilOil60 oz1D

Bronze FlaskBronze Flask50 oz8S


Icon Name Weight Price Effect
KeyKey10 oz1S

Small KeySmall Key10 oz1S

Dog FigurineDog Figurine10 oz1H

Octagonal Allen KeyOctagonal Allen Key10 oz1H

KeyKey10 oz1S

KeyKey10 oz1S

Flame KeyFlame Key10 oz1S

Black KeyBlack Key10 oz1S

Blue KeyBlue Key10 oz1S

Heart KeyHeart Key10 oz5S

Skull KeySkull Key10 oz5S

Skeleton KeySkeleton Key10 oz5S

Cast Iron KeyCast Iron Key10 oz5S

Dwarf Gold KeyDwarf Gold Key2 oz7D

Copper KeyCopper Key10 oz1S

Lynx KeyLynx Key10 oz1S

Silver Bow KeySilver Bow Key10 oz1S

Pliers KeyPliers Key10 oz1S

Tin KeyTin Key10 oz1S

Small Golden KeySmall Golden Key10 oz1S

Small Silver KeySmall Silver Key10 oz1S

Iron KeyIron Key10 oz1S

Lowangen KeyLowangen Key10 oz1S

Bow KeyBow Key10 oz1D

Spectacled KeySpectacled Key10 oz1S

Crude KeyCrude Key10 oz1S

Bronze KeyBronze Key10 oz1D

Golden KeyGolden Key10 oz5S

Silver KeySilver Key10 oz5S

Double Bearded KeyDouble Bearded Key10 oz5S

Big Copper KeyBig Copper Key10 oz5S

Rich Silver KeyRich Silver Key10 oz5S

Rich Golden KeyRich Golden Key10 oz1D

Arrow KeyArrow Key10 oz5S

Copper DiskCopper Disk5 oz1H


Icon Name Weight Price Effect
BottleBottle5 oz1H

CorpseCorpse50 oz1H

PackagePackage50 oz1H

Mysterious SackMysterious Sack15 oz1H