
Key List

* Click on the column header to sort its contents!
Icon Name Weight Price Effect
KeyKey10 oz1S

Small KeySmall Key10 oz1S

Dog FigurineDog Figurine10 oz1H

Octagonal Allen KeyOctagonal Allen Key10 oz1H

KeyKey10 oz1S

KeyKey10 oz1S

Flame KeyFlame Key10 oz1S

Black KeyBlack Key10 oz1S

Skull KeySkull Key10 oz5S

Skeleton KeySkeleton Key10 oz5S

Cast Iron KeyCast Iron Key10 oz5S

Dwarf Gold KeyDwarf Gold Key2 oz7D

Copper KeyCopper Key10 oz1S

Lynx KeyLynx Key10 oz1S

Silver Bow KeySilver Bow Key10 oz1S

Pliers KeyPliers Key10 oz1S

Tin KeyTin Key10 oz1S

Small Golden KeySmall Golden Key10 oz1S

Small Silver KeySmall Silver Key10 oz1S

Iron KeyIron Key10 oz1S

Lowangen KeyLowangen Key10 oz1S

Blue KeyBlue Key10 oz1S

Heart KeyHeart Key10 oz5S

Crude KeyCrude Key10 oz1S

Bronze KeyBronze Key10 oz1D

Golden KeyGolden Key10 oz5S

Silver KeySilver Key10 oz5S

Double Bearded KeyDouble Bearded Key10 oz5S

Big Copper KeyBig Copper Key10 oz5S

Rich Silver KeyRich Silver Key10 oz5S

Rich Golden KeyRich Golden Key10 oz1D

Arrow KeyArrow Key10 oz5S

Bow KeyBow Key10 oz1D

Spectacled KeySpectacled Key10 oz1S

Copper DiskCopper Disk5 oz1H