Do you know any more jokes?

Do you know any more jokes?

Ruchus the Humpback goes home from the tavern, and he takes a shortcut across Boron’s Field.

Suddenly a voice calls out from one of the graves: ‘Hey, you! Hey, you! Have you got a hump?’

Ruchus, rooted to the spot with fright, replies: ‘Yes.’

‘Razzamatazz, it’s gone!’

Giddy with joy, Ruchus runs back to the tavern and tells the story to his friend Gebbert the Clubfoot.

Immediately, Gebbert runs to the boneyard as fast as his foot allows.

There, he also hears the voice from beyond: ‘Hey, you! Hey, you! Have you got a hump?’

‘Eh, no!’

‘Now you do. Razzamatazz…’