

KrakonierKrakoniers are extremely strong and stocky. They have scaly skin and a big head reminiscent of a toad. The squat, fat body ends in stocky short legs, the feet have flippers. Once a day, a Krakonier must be in the moist element for at least one hour, otherwise his skin dries out. In addition, the Krakoniers have a fist-sized nerve node between the heart and shoulder, which ensures on land for the switch from gill to lung respiration. If this nerve center fails, the Krakonier must miserably maim ashore. Krakoniers speak a language related to the evil Rssahh. Sea serpent and octopus newt are sacred to them, the main goddess of Krakonier is Charyb'Yzz, the all-devouring.

They rarely leave their submarine dwellings, either to follow a quest or to offer their services as mercenaries. They know neither family nor clan, only their spawning brothers, and they speak in this respect of a pond full of (a brood) warrior. Usually such a breed then pulls together against the "dry-skins", as they call contemptible people. As a matter of course, it has happened that Krakoniers have raided and boarded ships out of the water to carry off the crew.

Spreading: Selemgrund (underwater)Height: 160-180Weight: up to 85Special Properties: land fear > 10
KrakinierAttributesCR d3+10WD d3+6CH d3+5DX d3+8AG d3+8IN d3+7ST d3+10Combat:AT 9PA 9LP: d6+20AR 3MR 2d6+5MP 16ED=LP+STDamage:sabre d6+3
Krakonier ExperiencedAttributesCR d3+12WD d3+7CH d3+5DX d3+8AG d3+9IN d3+8ST d3+11Combat:AT 12PA 11LP: d6+40AR 4MR 2d6+7MP 16ED=LP+STDamage:sabre d6+3
Krakonier VeteranAttributesCR d3+15WD d3+9CH d3+6DX d3+9AG d3+11IN d3+10ST d3+15Combat:AT 14PA 13LP: d6+80AR 5MR 2d6+12MP 16ED=LP+STDamage:sabre d6+3