
Asthenil Knife

Asthenil Knife
  • German: Asthenilmesser
  • Price: 5D
  • Weight: 10 ounces
  • Classes: Warrior, Thorwalian, Rogue, Jester, Hunter, Elf, Witch, Mage, Dwarf
  • Damage: d6 (1-6)
  • Attack: -3
  • Parry: -4
  • UGE: 179
  • HEX: B300
  • This knife is made of Asthenil. Asthenil is a very rare metal with a deep red color that is characterized by extremely low heat conduction. The only source of Asthenil is an Ingerimm sanctum in the abandoned Dwarven Pit beneath Finsterkoppen.