You slowly move through the dimly lit tunnel. It is quite winding, but it has no forks so you just have to move forward all the time. You never knew that such long tunnels could exist! The tunnel seems endless, as you walk for hours and start to get desperate and scared.
Alrik has a panic attack, as Alrik heart races and Alrik bangs Alrik fists against the tunnel walls.“I am dying! Let me out, let me out!” CONVINCE TO CALM DOWN CAST MEEKNESS KNOCK Alrik OUT
Alrik tries to calm Alrik down, but Alrik is in no condition to see any reason in words of comfort. Randomly slapping Alrik with Alrik hands, Alrik finally loses consciousness from fear. You have to carry Alrik now.
Alrik manages to cast the spell. Soon, Alrik’s breathing evens out, and Alrik can continue on Alrik way further down the tunnel.
With a mighty blow Alrik knocks Alrik down unconscious and heaps Alrik body on Alrik back. Now you can continue on your way.
Suddenly, the smooth tunnel starts to go up until it comes to a dead end. Have you traveled this path in vain? You look around. When Alrik knocks on the ceiling, a low metallic ringing is heard. “It’s a hatch door!”
You palp the door, searching for a keyhole, but the door obviously opens from the outside. You crude key is useless here. What are you going to do now? KNOCK AND SHOUT BREAK THE DOOR BACK TO GRIMMSVELL
You pound on the hatch door, trying to push it out. But all your efforts are fruitless. However, after a few minutes, you hear that someone is fiddling with the lock from above. Looks like your noise was heard outside.