

The approximately 15,000 ferkinas, who are related to the tulamides, live in tribes and clans in more or less remote valleys of the Raschtul's Wall and the adjacent Khoram Mountains. Their villages are made up of simple earthenware and caves carved in sandstone, and sometimes natural cave complexes are included in the village structure.

The half-wild ancestors of the tulamides have developed their own culture. Their language is based on the ancient Tulamidya, but is so different from tulamidian that only a rudimentary understanding is possible with the help of this language.

The way of life of the ferkinas is strongly influenced by their conception of the afterlife: they believe their life in the hereafter will be the easier, the harder and harder the life before death will be. Therefore, they also prefer a painful death to a peaceful one. In battle, the ferkinas use mostly stone-spiked clubs and simple stone axes, but also rude swords, which, however - like all metal objects - are very precious.

Ferkinas are a serious threat for caravans passing through the the desert areas of Khom. Frequently hordes of ferkinas from the surrounding mountains fall upon the travelers and massacre everything that gets in their way. One can be lucky if he survives such a robbery. On another occasion, an encounter with the ferkinas may be peaceful by virtue of a cautious approach. It is always necessary to be careful, because the proud ferkinas are easily enraged and their anger is not easy to cool.

The rituals of the half-savages include a primitive form of satisfaction: the unarmed struggle, the fight is fierce, and an angry ferkina proves on such occasions that he has strong hands and sharp teeth.


The Trollzacker were developed from the ferkina folk, due to the spatial separation. They call the trolls their brothers and believe they descend from the giants, which seems plausible given their size (2 paces, sometimes even 2 spans above, weighting about 100 stones).

There is a dozen tribes in the Trollzacker mountains, a total of about 3000 souls. Most clans are enemies of each other and suffer long blood feuds. The gods of the trollzacker reflect their primitive world of thought and way of life: they recognize the god Rashtulla, which stands for violence, death and fight. His wife is Rasha, the goddess of wild lust and rage.

Spreading: Rschtul's Wall, Khoram Mountains, Trollzacker MountainsHeight: 180-220Weight: 85+Attributes:CR d3+11WD d3+7CH d3+9DX d3+8AG d3+8IN d3+9ST d3+10VT>5Combat:LP 25-35AT 11PA 7AR 0MR 2d6-9MP 8ED=LP+STDamage:· cudgel d6+3· stone axe d6+4· rude sword d6+3