Can you sing something for us?

Can you sing something for us?

Well, of course. One silver thaler per song. What would you like to hear?

  • A ballad about Gerbald the shepherd
  • A love song about Gundgrima from Finsterkoppen
  • A song about a beautiful dryad
  • A song about Alrik, the witty rogue
  • A song about Brin the Basiliskslayer
  • A song about Buup the goblin
  • A song about Dorota and Alrik
  • A song about Gerbald the shepherd
  • A song about Ifirn
  • A song about Oldrich the drunkard
  • A song about Osagiel and Ubogrom
  • A song about the Death Squirrel
  • A song about the Golden Dragon
  • A song about Torstor Om
  • A song praising Peraine
  • A song praising Praios
  • Albernia
  • An ode to Gwen Petryl
  • An ode to Iwain Basiliskslayer
  • Lullaby
  • The Basilisk King