Do you know any fishermen tales?

Do you know any fishermen tales?

Many years ago ol’ Ugo and me grabbed two bottles of Premian Fire and went fishing. In the evening we set a small campfire. While fishing Ugo got his feet wet and hung up his boots above the fire to dry. Then we drank a certain amount of Premian Fire and fell asleep.When we woke up, we found out that his boots were burned to ashes! We didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t walk home barefoot! So together we made him bast shoes from birch bark.Barely dragging his feet, he finally got to his house, opened the door and saw his wife, who was standing with her back to him washing the floor.She said: “Ugo, take off your boots on the porch, I’ve just washed the floor!”And he replied: “I already did eight miles away”.Ha-ha-hah!