

AchazThe achaz are an ancient people. The word “achaz” translates as “eternal people” and is based on the belief in their rebirth. Long before the time of mankind, there was a great kingdom of lizard beings in the south of Aventuria, but little has remained of its former glory. Since its collapse about 3,100 years ago the achaz live in clans and tribes in many parts of Aventuria, for example in the Orcland, Mysob, Loch Harodrol, Rain Mountains, Maraskan and the Forest Islands. In the cities of Brabak, Hot’Alem, Selem and H’Rabaal achaz and humans live more or less peacefully side by side. Only in the swamp marshes between mouth of Kanne and Selem can the Achaz still refer to themselves as a people, because only in this difficult to access area they were safe in the course of history from the persecutions by the tulamides.Small tribal communities of the achaz are led by an elder, but in important decisions usually all tribal members are heard. Larger communities are led by a king or chief counseled by more experienced hunters and warriors. All lizardfolk have one common language — Rssahh, which is hard to reproduce for humans, dwarfs, and elves. Language, religion and magic are closely linked. Often the achaz worshop the idol H’Ranga. Only recent findings have other names: Zsahh, H’Szinth, the airborne Chr’Ssir’Ssr, the sea serpent Charyb’Yzz and the snake Kr’Thon’Chh are the best known of them.Lizard settlements usually consist of stilt houses, but there are also villages that more resemble beaver castles. An achaz tribe feeds on what the tribal area yields; Hunting and fishing are the main sources of food here, and fruit is rarely collected — agriculture is known to a few small clans in the more civilized areas of Aventuria. As a weapon the lizardmen use simple slingshots, spears, throwing nets or daggers. In the swamp marshes, there are a few achaz warriors who understand how to handle a mighty double axe; among the tribes in the Rain Mountains, the blowpipe is also used. Achaz like to use the morfu poison to stun prey or opponents, other weapons poisons are hardly known to them. The warriors or hunters wear shields made of hardened leather or use a turtle shell, other armor parts are unusual.About a fifth of the achaz are magically gifted, and their wizards often have amazing abilities. The magic tradition of the achaz has ancient roots. Long before the tulamides, witty magicians got used to serving the goblins and other elemental figures. In addition, one of the most important magicians of Aventuria rumors of terrible rituals of unspeakable, serpent Ssrkhrsechim, unexplored gemstone magic, but also lizard “witch cults” in Sclem.The nocturnal coldness is often a great hindrance and danger to the achaz, because like the lesser lizards they fall into a cold stiffness. The consequences of large temperature fluctuations are the nocturnal slowing down of bodily functions to absolute immobility. The only exception is the tribe of the Orcland lizarfolk, who instead maintains a kind of hibernation.Achaz belong to an ancient culture, but only a few of the lizardmen are aware of their heritage. In any case, the mindset and emotional world of Achaz are completely foreign to a human person.
Spreading: Lizard Swamps, Forest Islands, Bodir DaleHeight: up to 180 (240 for Forest Islands)Weight: up to 60 (90 for Forest Islands)
AchazAttributes:CR d3+6WD d3+8CH d3+8DX d3+9AG d3+9IN d3+10ST d3+6NE<3SN>7Combat:AT 8PA 6LP 2d6+15AR 2MR 2d6MP 8ED=LP+STDamage:spear D6+3
Achaz ExperiencedAttributes:CR d3+8WD d3+8CH d3+8DX d3+10AG d3+10IN d3+11ST d3+7NE<3SN>7Combat:AT 11PA 8LP 2d6+30AR 2MR 2d6+2MP 8ED=LP+STDamage:spear d6+3
Achaz VeteranAttributes:CR d3+12WD d3+9CH d3+9DX d3+12AG d3+12IN d3+13ST d3+7NE<3SN>7Combat:AT 13PA 10LP 2d6+60AR 2MR 2d6+6MP 8ED=LP+STDamage:spear d6+3