A song about a beautiful dryad

A song about a beautiful dryad

In the heart of
  enchanted woods so deep,
Where secrets of nature
  their promises keep,
Lived a dryad,
  ethereal and fair,
With flowing locks
  and an enchanting stare.

A creature of beauty,
  a nymph divine,
She bewitched the hearts
  with a mystical sign.
Her voice, like whispers
  of the forest breeze,
Entranced all who heard,
  brought them to their knees.

With a gaze so captivating,
  her eyes of emerald green,
She lured unsuspecting souls
  into a dream.
Her laughter echoed through
  the moonlit glade,
As she led them to a realm
  of eternal shade.

Men would venture into
  the fairy world’s gate,
Mesmerized by her charm,
  they sealed their fate.
They wandered through the realms,
  lost in her grace,
Forever entangled in her
  captivating embrace.

Oh, the dryad’s dance,
  so enchanting and sweet,
It captivated the senses,
  made mortals complete.
But little did they know,
  as they followed her trail,
They would never return,
  forever trapped in her veil.

She wove her spells,
  a tapestry of illusion,
Binding their souls
  to the fairy’s seclusion.
With each passing day,
  their humanity faded,
Lost in a realm
  where time slowly evaded.

She reveled in their longing,
  their desperate pleas,
As they yearned for freedom
  beneath the ancient trees.
For the dryad, a sorceress
  of eternal desire,
Fed on their essence, their souls,
  she would acquire.

Beware, wanderers,
  of the dryad’s spell,
Her beauty, a trap
  where mortals often fell.
Though she may appear
  as a dream to behold,
Her realm is a prison,
  where souls grow old.

So, heed the warning,
  brave souls who dare,
To venture where the dryad’s
  enchantments ensnare.
For her beauty may tempt,
  but her intentions are clear,
To keep men forever
  in her fairy world sphere.