Would you happen to know something about Star Trail?
Star Trail? I knew something about that once. Lessee… Yes, well, Star Trail…
That thing had a lot to do with ole Phex, pardon the word. At least, that’s the word going around these parts. You know, you’re not the only ones who’ve gone searching for it…
I’d really like to know why they all turn up here. I mean, I’ve never clapped eyes on that little beauty. Of course, those Phexians don’t exactly parade their loot around the streets; not that I blame them.
I mean, I MEAN, it’s not all the result of honest to goodness commercial transactions, is it? Now me, I knew this fellow once. He had a gold candleholder at home, a really big piece with the long arms and lots of flowers all over it and stuff. He was really attached to it, too, ‘cause it was an inheritance from his mother. I mean, that thing could have won a prize for its hideousness, honestly, but there’s no accounting for taste, is there? Now, this candleholder…
What about Star Trail then?
Ah yes, Star Trail.
Anyway, even though nobody here in Tiefhusen has got so much as a glimpse of the thing yet, every so often people turn up looking for it. I’m just wondering why here of all places? I mean, this is a nice place, but you don’t go looking for any treasure is a sleepy little town such as this.
Of course, you hear the most amazing tales sometimes. Now there was this peasant somewhere up in Bornland, for instance, who dreamed there was a treasure in the market square of Festum one day. And… yep, he came from this small village, now what was its name again…
I’m sure that’s a very exciting story, but you were telling us about Star Trail?
Yes, all right, I hear you. The Gods, all this talking really dries out your throat…
Now, anyway, there’s no treasures here in Tiefhusen, but then, we’re right at the edge of the Orcish Lands here, or no… I guess I’d have to say inside the Orcish Lands now. Bleedin’ Orcs, shtinking blackpelts, fershlugginer…
Well, I mean, that axe is supposed to have come from the Orcish Lands. Tha’sa really good story I heard about, too, you know; they talk of who’ cities full of shome Elvish Orcs or something there and then right in the middle of it is this jumpin’ Oak tree, an’…”
Yes, we know the story. But where is it now, old man?
But thash’s why they always come here, the people I mean. But it ishn’t here, the axe. I could only shurmise that the folk at the temple know some more about it. The Phexemp.. oops… Phex temple, I mean. But yer won’t be able to just walk upo those folk, now. You’ll have to ask the ole Hensger firsht in how to do that. That’s down by the river there, a dirty old fellow wi’ red hair. But I wouldn’t go there myself. He’s a really mean cushtomer. A number of folks have turned up fashe down in the river after seeing him, not that you heard that from me. I’ve been talking too much already anyways…